class Migrations::NormalizeCommunesJob < ApplicationJob def perform(ids) Champs::CommuneChamp.where(id: ids).find_each do |champ| next if champ.external_id.blank? value_json = champ.value_json || {} if !champ.departement? || champ.code_departement == 'undefined' || champ.code_departement == '99' metro_code = champ.external_id[0..1] drom_com_code = champ.external_id[0..2] if metro_code == '97' || metro_code == '98' value_json[:code_departement] = drom_com_code else value_json[:code_departement] = metro_code end end if !champ.code_postal? && code_postal_with_fallback(champ).present? value_json[:code_postal] = code_postal_with_fallback(champ) end if value_json.present? champ.update_column(:value_json, value_json) end end end private # We try to extract the postal code from the value, which is the name of the commune and the # postal code in brackets. def code_postal_with_fallback(champ) if champ.value.present? match = champ.value.match(/[^(]\(([^\)]*)\)$/) match[1] if match.present? else nil end end end