namespace :blobs do desc <<~EOD given a file blob_ids.json with contains { blob_ids: [...] }, download and reattached champ piece_justificative_file to create new blob and delete the old one, and thus, invalides old signed_ids. bin/rails 'blobs:renew_signed_ids[blob_ids.json]' EOD task :renew_signed_ids, [:file_path] => :environment do |_t, args| blob_ids = JSON.parse([:file_path]))['blob_ids'] blobs = ActiveStorage::Blob.find(blob_ids) blobs.each do |blob| do |file| blob.attachments.each do |attachment| if [attachment.record_type,] != ['Champ', 'piece_justificative_file'] raise "not a piece justificative #{}" end champ = attachment.record champ_updated_at = champ.updated_at dossier = champ.dossier dossier_updated_at = dossier.updated_at file.rewind # badly, it updates champ and dossier updated_at attributes champ.piece_justificative_file.attach(io: file, filename: blob.filename, content_type: blob.content_type) # it destroys the blob as well attachment.destroy champ.update_column(:updated_at, champ_updated_at) dossier.update_column(:updated_at, dossier_updated_at) end end end end end