require 'spec_helper' describe Backoffice::DossiersController, type: :controller do before do @request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = TPS::Application::URL end let(:procedure) { create :procedure, :published } let(:procedure2) { create :procedure, :published } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :with_entreprise, procedure: procedure, state: :en_construction) } let(:dossier2) { create(:dossier, :with_entreprise, procedure: procedure2, state: :en_construction) } let(:dossier_archived) { create(:dossier, :with_entreprise, archived: true) } let(:dossier_id) { } let(:dossier2_id) { } let(:bad_dossier_id) { Dossier.count + 10 } let(:gestionnaire) { create(:gestionnaire, administrateurs: [create(:administrateur)]) } let!(:gestionnaire2) { create(:gestionnaire, administrateurs: [create(:administrateur)]) } before do create :assign_to, procedure: procedure, gestionnaire: gestionnaire create :assign_to, procedure: procedure2, gestionnaire: gestionnaire2 procedure.dossiers << dossier procedure2.dossiers << dossier2 end describe 'GET #index' do subject { get :index } before do sign_in gestionnaire end context 'when gestionnaire is assign to a procedure' do it { redirect_to backoffice_dossiers_procedure_path(id: } context 'when gestionnaire is assign to many proceudure' do before do create :assign_to, procedure: create(:procedure, :published), gestionnaire: gestionnaire create :assign_to, procedure: create(:procedure, :published), gestionnaire: gestionnaire end it { expect(gestionnaire.procedures.count).to eq 3 } context 'when gestionnaire procedure_filter is nil' do it { expect(gestionnaire.procedure_filter).to be_nil } it { redirect_to backoffice_dossiers_procedure_path(id: gestionnaire.procedures.order('libelle ASC') } end context 'when gestionnaire procedure_filter is not nil' do let(:procedure_filter_id) { gestionnaire.procedures.order('libelle ASC') } before do gestionnaire.update_column :procedure_filter, procedure_filter_id end context 'when gestionnaire is assign_to the procedure filter id' do it { redirect_to backoffice_dossiers_procedure_path(id: procedure_filter_id) } end context 'when gestionnaire not any more assign_to the procedure filter id' do before do AssignTo.where(procedure: procedure_filter_id, gestionnaire: gestionnaire).delete_all end it { expect(gestionnaire.procedure_filter).to be_nil } it { expect(AssignTo.where(procedure: procedure_filter_id, gestionnaire: gestionnaire).count).to eq 0 } it { redirect_to backoffice_dossiers_procedure_path(id: gestionnaire.procedures.order('libelle ASC') } end end end end context 'when gestionnaire is not assign to a procedure' do before do AssignTo.where(procedure: procedure, gestionnaire: gestionnaire).delete_all end it { redirect_to root_path } end end describe 'GET #show' do subject { get :show, params: {id: dossier_id} } context 'gestionnaire is connected' do before do sign_in gestionnaire end it 'returns http success' do expect(subject).to have_http_status(200) end describe 'all notifications unread are changed' do it do expect(Notification).to receive(:where).with(dossier_id: dossier_id.to_s).and_return(Notification::ActiveRecord_Relation) expect(Notification::ActiveRecord_Relation).to receive(:update_all).with(already_read: true).and_return(true) subject end end context 'when dossier id does not exist' do let(:dossier_id) { bad_dossier_id } it { expect(subject).to redirect_to('/backoffice') } end describe 'he can invite somebody for avis' do render_views it { expect(subject.body).to include("Invitez une personne externe à consulter le dossier et à vous donner un avis sur celui ci.") } end context 'and is invited on a dossier' do let(:dossier_invited){ create(:dossier, procedure: create(:procedure)) } let!(:avis){ create(:avis, dossier: dossier_invited, gestionnaire: gestionnaire) } subject { get :show, params: { id: } } render_views it { expect(subject.status).to eq(200) } it { expect(subject.body).to include("Votre avis est sollicité sur le dossier") } it { expect(subject.body).to_not include("Invitez une personne externe à consulter le dossier et à vous donner un avis sur celui ci.") } describe 'the notifications are not marked as read' do it do expect(Notification).not_to receive(:where) subject end end end end context 'gestionnaire does not connected but dossier id is correct' do it { redirect_to('/users/sign_in') } end end describe 'GET #a_traiter' do context 'when gestionnaire is connected' do before do sign_in gestionnaire end it 'returns http success' do get :index, params: {liste: :a_traiter} expect(response).to have_http_status(302) end end end describe 'GET #termine' do context 'when gestionnaire is connected' do before do sign_in gestionnaire end it 'returns http success' do get :index, params: {liste: :termine} expect(response).to have_http_status(302) end end end describe 'GET #list_fake' do context 'when gestionnaire is connected' do before do sign_in gestionnaire end it 'returns http success' do get :index, params: {liste: :list_fake} expect(response).to redirect_to(backoffice_dossiers_procedure_path(id: end end end describe 'POST #search' do describe 'by id' do context 'when I am logged as a gestionnaire' do before do sign_in gestionnaire end context 'when I own the dossier' do before :each do post :search, params: { q: dossier_id } end it 'returns http success' do expect(response).to have_http_status(200) end it 'returns the expected dossier' do expect(assigns(:dossiers).count).to eq(1) expect(assigns(:dossiers) eq(dossier_id) end end context 'when I do not own the dossier' do before :each do post :search, params: { q: dossier2_id } end it 'returns http success' do expect(response).to have_http_status(200) end it 'does not return the dossier' do expect(assigns(:dossiers).pluck(:id)).not_to include(dossier2_id) end end end end end describe 'POST #receive' do before do dossier.en_construction! sign_in gestionnaire post :receive, params: { dossier_id: dossier_id } dossier.reload end it { expect(dossier.state).to eq('en_instruction') } it { redirect_to backoffice_dossier_path(dossier) } it { expect(gestionnaire.follow?(dossier)).to be true } end describe 'POST #process_dossier' do context "with refuse" do before do dossier.en_instruction! sign_in gestionnaire end subject { post :process_dossier, params: { process_action: "refuse", dossier_id: dossier_id} } it 'change state to refuse' do subject dossier.reload expect(dossier.state).to eq('refuse') end it 'Notification email is sent' do expect(NotificationMailer).to receive(:send_notification) .with(dossier, kind_of(Mails::RefusedMail), nil).and_return(NotificationMailer) expect(NotificationMailer).to receive(:deliver_now!) subject end it { redirect_to backoffice_dossier_path(id: } end context "with sans_suite" do before do dossier.en_instruction! sign_in gestionnaire end subject { post :process_dossier, params: { process_action: "without_continuation", dossier_id: dossier_id} } it 'change state to sans_suite' do subject dossier.reload expect(dossier.state).to eq('sans_suite') end it 'Notification email is sent' do expect(NotificationMailer).to receive(:send_notification) .with(dossier, kind_of(Mails::WithoutContinuationMail), nil).and_return(NotificationMailer) expect(NotificationMailer).to receive(:deliver_now!) subject end it { redirect_to backoffice_dossier_path(id: } end context "with close" do let(:expected_attestation) { nil } before do dossier.en_instruction! sign_in gestionnaire expect(NotificationMailer).to receive(:send_notification) .with(dossier, kind_of(Mails::ClosedMail), expected_attestation) .and_return(NotificationMailer) expect(NotificationMailer).to receive(:deliver_now!) end subject { post :process_dossier, params: { process_action: "close", dossier_id: dossier_id} } it 'change state to accepte' do subject dossier.reload expect(dossier.state).to eq('accepte') end context 'when the dossier does not have any attestation' do it 'Notification email is sent' do subject end end context 'when the dossier has an attestation' do before do attestation = allow(attestation).to receive(:pdf).and_return(double(read: 'pdf', size: 2.megabytes)) allow(attestation).to receive(:emailable?).and_return(emailable) expect_any_instance_of(Dossier).to receive(:reload) allow_any_instance_of(Dossier).to receive(:build_attestation).and_return(attestation) end context 'emailable' do let(:emailable) { true } let(:expected_attestation) { 'pdf' } it 'Notification email is sent with the attestation' do subject redirect_to backoffice_dossier_path(id: end end context 'when the dossier has an attestation not emailable' do let(:emailable) { false } let(:expected_attestation) { nil } it 'Notification email is sent without the attestation' do expect(controller).to receive(:capture_message) subject redirect_to backoffice_dossier_path(id: end end end context 'when the attestation template uses the motivation field' do let(:emailable) { false } let(:template) { create(:attestation_template) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, attestation_template: template, gestionnaires: [gestionnaire]) } subject { post :process_dossier, params: { process_action: "close", dossier_id: dossier_id, dossier: { motivation: "Yallah" }}} before do expect_any_instance_of(AttestationTemplate) .to receive(:attestation_for) .with(have_attributes(motivation: "Yallah")) end it { subject } end end end describe 'POST #reopen' do before do dossier.en_instruction! sign_in gestionnaire end subject { post :reopen, params: {dossier_id: dossier_id} } it 'change state to en_construction' do subject dossier.reload expect(dossier.state).to eq('en_construction') end it { redirect_to backoffice_dossier_path(id: dossier_id) } end describe 'POST #archive' do before do dossier.update(archived: false) sign_in gestionnaire end subject { post :archive, params: {id: dossier_id} } it 'change state to archived' do subject dossier.reload expect(dossier.archived).to eq(true) end it { redirect_to backoffice_dossiers_path } end end