if (typeof L != 'undefined') { (function () { API_URL = '//api-adresse.data.gouv.fr'; var showSearchPoints = function (geojson) { console.log(geojson); }; var SHORT_CITY_NAMES = ['y', 'ay', 'bu', 'by', 'eu', 'fa', 'gy', 'oo', 'oz', 'py', 'ri', 'ry', 'sy', 'ur', 'us', 'uz']; var photonControlOptions = { resultsHandler: showSearchPoints, position: 'topleft', url: API_URL + '/search/?', placeholder: 'Entrer une adresse', minChar: function (val) { return SHORT_CITY_NAMES.indexOf(val) !== -1 || val.length >= 3; }, submitDelay: 200 }; var LeafIcon, OSM, baseMap, cad, cadWmtsUrl, drawControl, drawnItems, greenIcon, ignApiKey, layers, map, mapId, onEachFeature, onMapClick, onZoom, ortho, overlayMaps, scan25, scan25url, scanWmtsUrl; L.drawLocal.draw.toolbar.buttons.polygon = 'Dessiner un polygone'; L.drawLocal.draw.toolbar.actions.title = "Annule le dessin en cours"; L.drawLocal.draw.toolbar.actions.text = "Annuler"; L.drawLocal.draw.toolbar.undo.text = "Supprimer le dernier point"; L.drawLocal.draw.toolbar.undo.title = "Supprime le dernier point dessiné"; L.drawLocal.draw.handlers.polygon.tooltip.start = "Cliquer pour commencer le dessin"; L.drawLocal.draw.handlers.polygon.tooltip.cont = "Cliquer pour continuer le dessin"; L.drawLocal.draw.handlers.polygon.tooltip.end = "Cliquer sur le premier point pour finaliser votre dessin"; L.drawLocal.edit.toolbar.actions.save.title = "Valide les modifications"; L.drawLocal.edit.toolbar.actions.save.text = "Valider les modifications"; L.drawLocal.edit.toolbar.actions.cancel.title = "Annule les modifications"; L.drawLocal.edit.toolbar.actions.cancel.text = "Annuler les modifications"; L.drawLocal.edit.handlers.edit.tooltip.text = "Déplacer les points pour éditer le dessin"; L.drawLocal.edit.handlers.edit.tooltip.subtext = "Cliquer sur 'annuler' pour annuler les changements"; L.drawLocal.edit.toolbar.buttons.edit = "Édition du dessin"; L.drawLocal.edit.toolbar.buttons.editDisabled = "Aucun dessin à éditer"; L.drawLocal.edit.toolbar.buttons.removeDisabled = "Aucun dessin à supprimer"; L.drawLocal.edit.toolbar.buttons.remove = "Supprimer le dessin"; L.drawLocal.edit.handlers.remove.tooltip.text = "Cliquer sur le dessin pour le supprimer"; L.drawLocal.edit.handlers.remove.tooltip.subtext = "Cliquer sur 'annuler' pour annuler la suppression"; mapId = "map_qp"; layers = new Array; window.featureCollection = new Object() window.featureCollection.type = 'FeatureCollection'; window.featureCollection.features = new Array(); OSM = L.tileLayer("http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.fr/osmfr/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", { attribution: '© Openstreetmap France | © OpenStreetMap' }); position = get_position(); position_zoom = 13; if (position.lat == '0' && position.lon == '0'){ position.lon = '2.428462'; position.lat = '46.538192'; position_zoom = 6; } map = L.map(mapId, { center: new L.LatLng(position.lat, position.lon), zoom: position_zoom, layers: [OSM], photonControl: true, photonControlOptions: photonControlOptions, photonReverseControl: true }); var info = L.control(); // method that we will use to update the control based on feature properties passed info.update = function (props) { this._div.innerHTML = '

Quartier prioritaire

' + (props ? '' + props.nom_qp + '
' + props.commune_qp : 'survolez un quartier prioritaire'); }; info.onAdd = function (map) { this._div = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'info'); // create a div with a class "info" this.update(); return this._div; }; info.addTo(map); window.map = map; baseMap = { "OpenStreetMap": OSM }; //L.control.layers(baseMap).addTo(map); LeafIcon = L.Icon.extend({ options: { shadowUrl: "http://leafletjs.com/docs/images/leaf-shadow.png", iconSize: [38, 95], shadowSize: [50, 64], iconAnchor: [22, 94], shadowAnchor: [4, 62], popupAnchor: [-3, -76] } }); greenIcon = new LeafIcon({ iconUrl: "http://leafletjs.com/docs/images/leaf-green.png" }); drawnItems = new L.FeatureGroup(); map.addLayer(drawnItems); drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({ position: "topright", draw: { polygon: { shapeOptions: { color: "purple" }, allowIntersection: false, drawError: { color: "orange", timeout: 1000 }, showArea: false, metric: true, repeatMode: false }, marker: false, polyline: false, rectangle: false, circle: false }, edit: { featureGroup: drawnItems } }); map.addControl(drawControl); L.control.scale({ imperial: false }).addTo(map); map.on("draw:created", function (e) { var layer; layer = e.layer; drawnItems.addLayer(layer); console.log(layer); window.featureCollection.features.push(layer.toGeoJSON()); get_ref_dossier (); /** $.ajax({ url: 'http://apicarto.coremaps.com//zoneville/api/v1/qp', datatype: 'json', method: 'POST', data: {geom:layer.toGeoJSON()}, jsonCallback: 'getJson', success: function (data){ var qp_supp = ""; feature = layer.toGeoJSON() feature.properties = data; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++){ qp_supp += "
Quartier(s) prioritaire(s) : " + data[i].code_qp+ " - " +data[i].nom_qp; } $("#selection_qp").append("Dessin personnalisé
"+qp_supp +'
'); } });**/ }); map.spin(true); $.ajax({ url: 'http://apicarto.coremaps.com/zoneville/api/beta/qp/mapservice', datatype: 'json', jsonCallback: 'getJson', success: loadGeoJson }); window.geom_inter = {index: []}; function style(feature) { return { fillColor: '#FC4E2A', weight: 1, opacity: 1, color: 'white', dashArray: '0', fillOpacity: 0.6 }; } function select_style(feature) { return { fillColor: '#1E4E2E', weight: 1, opacity: 1, color: 'white', dashArray: '0', fillOpacity: 0.6 }; } function onEachFeature(feature, layer) { var anchor = $(location).attr('hash').substring(1); if (anchor != "") { var qp_select = JSON.parse(anchor); if (qp_select.qp.indexOf(feature.properties.code_qp) > -1) { window.geom_inter.index.push(feature.properties.code_qp); window.featureCollection.features.push(feature); layer.setStyle(select_style()); map.fitBounds(layer.getBounds()); } } layer.on("mouseover", function (e) { info.update({nom_qp: feature.properties.nom_qp, commune_qp: feature.properties.commune_qp}) }); layer.on("mouseout", function (e) { info.update() }); //layer.on("click", function (e) { // var feature = e.target.feature; // console.log(select_style()); // if (window.geom_inter.index.indexOf(feature.properties.code_qp) == -1) { // window.geom_inter.index.push(feature.properties.code_qp); // window.featureCollection.features.push(feature); // layer.setStyle(select_style()); // $("#selection_qp").append("Quartier sélectionné : " + feature.properties.code_qp + "
"); // } //}); }; function loadGeoJson(data) { map.spin(false); // var store = new Terraformer.GeoStore({ // store: new Terraformer.GeoStore.Memory(), // index: new Terraformer.RTree() // }); // store.add(data); // window.store = store; // var anchor = $(location).attr('hash').substring(1); // var qp_select = JSON.parse(anchor); // for (i = 0; i < qp_select.qp.length; i++){ // store.get(id, function (err, res) { // if (typeof res == != 'undefined'){ // window.geom_inter.index.push(res.properties.code_qp); // window.featureCollection.features.push(res); // } // }); //} var qpLayer = L.geoJson(data, {onEachFeature: onEachFeature, style: style()}).addTo(map); }; function store() { return $.ajax("http://apicarto.coremaps.com/store/api/v2/datastore/draw", { method: 'POST', crossDomain: true, contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', headers: {'AUTHORIZATION': ''}, data: {geojson: JSON.stringify(window.featureCollection)} }).done(function (data) { $('#info').append('Références pour récupérer le fichier : ' + data.reference + ''); }); }; L.easyButton('fa-floppy-o', store, 'Enregistrer votre sélection').addTo(map); function listener(event) { console.log(event); console.log("received: " + event.data); } if (window.addEventListener) { addEventListener("message", listener, false) } else { attachEvent("onmessage", listener) } }).call(this); }