class GroupeInstructeur < ApplicationRecord include Logic DEFAUT_LABEL = 'défaut' belongs_to :procedure, -> { with_discarded }, inverse_of: :groupe_instructeurs, optional: false has_many :assign_tos, dependent: :destroy has_many :instructeurs, through: :assign_tos has_many :dossiers has_many :deleted_dossiers has_many :batch_operations, through: :dossiers, source: :batch_operations has_many :assignments, class_name: 'DossierAssignment', dependent: :nullify, inverse_of: :groupe_instructeur has_many :previous_assignments, class_name: 'DossierAssignment', dependent: :nullify, inverse_of: :previous_groupe_instructeur has_and_belongs_to_many :exports, dependent: :destroy has_and_belongs_to_many :bulk_messages, dependent: :destroy has_one :defaut_procedure, -> { with_discarded }, class_name: 'Procedure', foreign_key: :defaut_groupe_instructeur_id, dependent: :nullify, inverse_of: :defaut_groupe_instructeur has_one :contact_information has_one_attached :signature SIGNATURE_MAX_SIZE = 1.megabytes validates :signature, content_type: ['image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg'], size: { less_than: SIGNATURE_MAX_SIZE } validates :label, presence: true, allow_nil: false validates :label, uniqueness: { scope: :procedure } validates :closed, acceptance: { accept: [false] }, if: -> { (self == procedure.defaut_groupe_instructeur) } before_validation -> { label&.strip! } scope :without_group, -> (group) { where.not(id: group) } scope :for_api_v2, -> { includes(procedure: [:administrateurs]) } scope :active, -> { where(closed: false) } scope :closed, -> { where(closed: true) } scope :for_dossiers, -> (dossiers) { joins(:dossiers).where(dossiers: dossiers).distinct(:id) } def add(instructeur) return if instructeur.nil? return if in?(instructeur.groupe_instructeurs) default_notification_settings = instructeur.notification_settings(procedure_id) instructeur.assign_to.create(groupe_instructeur: self, **default_notification_settings) end def remove(instructeur) return if instructeur.nil? return if !in?(instructeur.groupe_instructeurs) instructeur.groupe_instructeurs.destroy(self) instructeur.follows .joins(:dossier) .where(dossiers: { groupe_instructeur: self }) .update_all(unfollowed_at: end def add_instructeurs(ids: [], emails: []) instructeurs_to_add, valid_emails, invalid_emails = Instructeur.find_all_by_identifier_with_emails(ids:, emails:) not_found_emails = valid_emails - # Send invitations to users without account if not_found_emails.present? instructeurs_to_add += do |email| user = User.create_or_promote_to_instructeur(email, SecureRandom.hex, administrateurs: procedure.administrateurs) user.invite! user.instructeur end end # We dont't want to assign a user to a groupe_instructeur if they are already assigned to it instructeurs_to_add -= instructeurs instructeurs_to_add.each { add(_1) } [instructeurs_to_add, invalid_emails] end def can_delete? dossiers.empty? && ( || ( && closed)) end def routing_to_configure? invalid_rule? || non_unique_rule? end def invalid_rule? !valid_rule? end def valid_rule? return false if routing_rule.nil? if [And, Or].include?(routing_rule.class) routing_rule.operands.all? { |rule_line| valid_rule_line?(rule_line) } else valid_rule_line?(routing_rule) end end def valid_rule_line?(rule) ([rule.left, rule, rule.right] in [ChampValue, (LessThan | LessThanEq | Eq | NotEq | GreaterThanEq | GreaterThan | IncludeOperator), Constant]) && routing_rule_matches_tdc?(rule) end def non_unique_rule? return false if invalid_rule? end def groups_with_same_rule return if routing_rule.nil? other_groupe_instructeurs .filter { _1.routing_rule.present? } .filter { _1.routing_rule == routing_rule } .map(&:label) .join(', ') end def other_groupe_instructeurs procedure.groupe_instructeurs - [self] end def humanized_routing_rule routing_rule&.to_s(procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ) end private def routing_rule_matches_tdc?(rule) tdcs = procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ_public rule.errors(tdcs).blank? end serialize :routing_rule, LogicSerializer end