describe 'user access to the list of their dossiers' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let!(:dossier_brouillon) { create(:dossier, user: user) } let!(:dossier_en_construction) { create(:dossier, :with_populated_champs, :en_construction, user: user) } let!(:dossier_en_instruction) { create(:dossier, :en_instruction, user: user) } let!(:dossier_archived) { create(:dossier, :en_instruction, :archived, user: user) } let(:dossiers_per_page) { 25 } let(:last_updated_dossier) { dossier_en_construction } before do @default_per_page = Dossier.default_per_page Dossier.paginates_per dossiers_per_page last_updated_dossier.update_column(:updated_at, "19/07/2052 15:35".to_time) login_as user, scope: :user visit dossiers_path end after do Dossier.paginates_per @default_per_page end it 'the list of dossier is displayed' do expect(page).to have_content(dossier_brouillon.procedure.libelle) expect(page).to have_content(dossier_en_construction.procedure.libelle) expect(page).to have_content(dossier_en_instruction.procedure.libelle) expect(page).to have_content(dossier_archived.procedure.libelle) end it 'the list must be ordered by last updated' do expect(page.body).to match(/#{last_updated_dossier.procedure.libelle}.*#{dossier_en_instruction.procedure.libelle}/m) end context 'when there are dossiers from other users' do let!(:dossier_other_user) { create(:dossier) } it 'doesn’t display dossiers belonging to other users' do expect(page).not_to have_content(dossier_other_user.procedure.libelle) end end context 'when there is more than one page' do let(:dossiers_per_page) { 2 } scenario 'the user can navigate through the other pages' do expect(page).not_to have_content(dossier_en_instruction.procedure.libelle) page.click_link("Suivant") expect(page).to have_content(dossier_en_instruction.procedure.libelle) end end context 'when user clicks on a projet in list' do before do page.click_on(dossier_en_construction.procedure.libelle) end scenario 'user is redirected to dossier page' do expect(page).to have_current_path(dossier_path(dossier_en_construction)) end end describe 'deletion' do it 'should have links to delete dossiers' do expect(page).to have_link(nil, href: ask_deletion_dossier_path(dossier_brouillon)) expect(page).to have_link(nil, href: ask_deletion_dossier_path(dossier_en_construction)) expect(page).not_to have_link(nil, href: ask_deletion_dossier_path(dossier_en_instruction)) end context 'when user clicks on delete button', js: true do scenario 'the dossier is deleted' do within(:css, "tr[data-dossier-id=\"#{}\"]") do click_on 'Actions' page.accept_alert('Confirmer la suppression ?') do click_on 'Supprimer le dossier' end end expect(page).to have_content('Votre dossier a bien été supprimé.') expect(page).not_to have_content(dossier_brouillon.procedure.libelle) end end end describe "recherche" do context "when the dossier does not exist" do before do page.find_by_id('q').set(10000000) click_button("Rechercher") end it "shows an error message on the dossiers page" do expect(current_path).to eq(dossiers_path) expect(page).to have_content("Vous n’avez pas de dossiers contenant « 10000000 ».") end end context "when the dossier does not belong to the user" do let!(:dossier_other_user) { create(:dossier) } before do page.find_by_id('q').set( click_button("Rechercher") end it "shows an error message on the dossiers page" do expect(current_path).to eq(dossiers_path) expect(page).to have_content("Vous n’avez pas de dossiers contenant « #{} ».") end end context "when the dossier belongs to the user" do before do page.find_by_id('q').set( click_button("Rechercher") end it "redirects to the dossier page" do expect(current_path).to eq(dossier_path(dossier_en_construction)) end end context "when user search for something inside the dossier" do let(:dossier_en_construction2) { create(:dossier, :with_populated_champs, :en_construction, user: user) } before do page.find_by_id('q').set(dossier_en_construction.champs.first.value) end context 'when it only matches one dossier' do before do click_button("Rechercher") end it "redirects to the dossier page" do expect(current_path).to eq(dossier_path(dossier_en_construction)) end end context 'when it matches multiple dossier' do before do dossier_en_construction2.champs.first.update(value: dossier_en_construction.champs.first.value) click_button("Rechercher") end it "redirects to the search results" do expect(current_path).to eq(recherche_dossiers_path) expect(page).to have_content( expect(page).to have_content( end end end end end