# frozen_string_literal: true describe Instructeurs::CommentairesController, type: :controller do let(:expert) { create(:expert) } let(:instructeur) { create(:instructeur) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, :for_individual, instructeurs: [instructeur]) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, :with_individual, procedure: procedure) } render_views context 'as instructeur' do before { sign_in(instructeur.user) } describe 'destroy' do context 'when it works' do let(:commentaire) { create(:commentaire, instructeur: instructeur, dossier: dossier) } subject { delete :destroy, params: { dossier_id: dossier.id, procedure_id: procedure.id, id: commentaire.id }, format: :turbo_stream } it 'respond with OK and flash' do expect(subject).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(subject.body).to include('Message supprimé') expect(subject.body).to include('alert-success') expect(subject.body).to include('Votre message a été supprimé') expect(commentaire.reload).to be_discarded expect(commentaire.body).to be_empty end context 'when instructeur is not owner' do let(:commentaire) { create(:commentaire, dossier: dossier) } it 'does not delete the message' do expect(subject.body).to include('alert-danger') expect(commentaire.reload).not_to be_discarded expect(commentaire.body).not_to be_empty end end context 'when a correction is attached' do let!(:correction) { create(:dossier_correction, commentaire:, dossier:) } it 'removes the correction' do expect(subject).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(subject.body).to include('en construction') # update the header expect(subject.body).not_to include('en attente') expect(correction.reload).to be_resolved end end end context 'when dossier had been discarded' do let(:commentaire) { create(:commentaire, instructeur: instructeur, dossier: dossier, discarded_at: 2.hours.ago) } subject { delete :destroy, params: { dossier_id: dossier.id, procedure_id: procedure.id, id: commentaire.id }, format: :turbo_stream } it 'respond with OK and flash' do expect(subject).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(subject.body).to include('alert-danger') expect(subject.body).to include('Ce message a déjà été supprimé') end end end end context 'as expert' do before { sign_in(expert.user) } describe 'destroy' do context 'when it works' do let(:commentaire) { create(:commentaire, expert: expert, dossier: dossier) } subject { delete :destroy, params: { dossier_id: dossier.id, procedure_id: procedure.id, id: commentaire.id }, format: :turbo_stream } it 'respond with OK and flash' do expect(subject).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(subject.body).to include('Message supprimé') expect(subject.body).to include('alert-success') expect(subject.body).to include('Votre message a été supprimé') end end end end end