require 'prawn/measurement_extensions' # Render text in a box that expands vertically, then move the cursor down to the end of the rendered text def render_expanding_text_box(pdf, text, options) box =, options.merge(document: pdf, overflow: :expand)) box.render(dry_run: true) vertical_space_used = box.height box.render pdf.move_down(vertical_space_used) end def render_in_2_columns(pdf, label, text) pdf.text_box label, width: 200, height: 100, overflow: :expand, at: [0, pdf.cursor] pdf.text_box ":", width: 10, height: 100, overflow: :expand, at: [100, pdf.cursor] render_expanding_text_box(pdf, text, width: 420, height: 100, at: [110, pdf.cursor]) pdf.text "\n" end def format_in_2_lines(pdf, champ, nb_lines = 1) add_single_line(pdf, champ.libelle, 9, :bold) add_optionnal_description(pdf, champ) height = 10 * (nb_lines + 1) pdf.bounding_box([0, pdf.cursor], :width => 460, :height => height) do pdf.stroke_bounds end pdf.text "\n" end def format_in_2_columns(pdf, label) pdf.text_box label, width: 200, height: 100, overflow: :expand, at: [0, pdf.cursor] pdf.bounding_box([110, pdf.cursor + 5], :width => 350, :height => 20) do pdf.stroke_bounds end pdf.text "\n" end def format_with_checkbox(pdf, option, offset = 0) # Option is a [text, value] pair, or a string used for both. label = option.is_a?(String) ? option : option.first value = option.is_a?(String) ? option : option.last if value == Champs::DropDownListChamp::OTHER label += " : " end pdf.font 'marianne', size: 9 do pdf.stroke_rectangle [0 + offset, pdf.cursor], 10, 10 render_expanding_text_box(pdf, label, at: [15, pdf.cursor]) if value == Champs::DropDownListChamp::OTHER pdf.bounding_box([110, pdf.cursor + 3], :width => 350, :height => 20) do pdf.stroke_bounds end end end pdf.text "\n" end def add_page_numbering(pdf) # This method should be called at the end of the drawing since pages drawn after # do not have page numbering string = ' / ' options = { at: [0, -15], align: :right } pdf.number_pages string, options end def add_procedure(pdf, dossier) pdf.repeat(lambda { |page| page > 1 }) do pdf.draw_text dossier.procedure.libelle, :at => pdf.bounds.top_left end end def format_date(date) I18n.l(date, format: :message_date_with_year) end def add_identite_individual(pdf, dossier) format_in_2_columns(pdf, "Civilité") format_in_2_columns(pdf, "Nom") format_in_2_columns(pdf, "Prénom") format_in_2_columns(pdf, "Date de naissance") end def add_identite_etablissement(pdf, libelle) add_single_line(pdf, libelle, 9, :bold) format_in_2_columns(pdf, "SIRET") format_in_2_columns(pdf, "Dénomination") format_in_2_columns(pdf, "Forme juridique") end def add_single_line(pdf, libelle, size, style) pdf.font 'marianne', style: style, size: size do pdf.text libelle end end def add_title(pdf, title) add_single_line(pdf, title, 20, :bold) pdf.text "\n" end def add_libelle(pdf, champ) add_single_line(pdf, champ.libelle, 9, :bold) end def add_explanation(pdf, explanation) add_single_line(pdf, explanation, 9, :italic) end def add_optionnal_description(pdf, champ) add_explanation(pdf, champ.description.strip + "\n\n") if champ.description.present? end def render_single_champ(pdf, champ) case champ.type when 'Champs::RepetitionChamp' raise 'There should not be a RepetitionChamp here !' when 'Champs::PieceJustificativeChamp' add_single_line(pdf, 'Pièce justificative à joindre en complément du dossier', 9, :bold) format_with_checkbox(pdf, champ.libelle) add_optionnal_description(pdf, champ) pdf.text "\n" when 'Champs::YesNoChamp', 'Champs::CheckboxChamp' add_libelle(pdf, champ) add_optionnal_description(pdf, champ) add_explanation(pdf, 'Cochez la mention applicable') format_with_checkbox(pdf, 'Oui') format_with_checkbox(pdf, 'Non') pdf.text "\n" when 'Champs::CiviliteChamp' add_libelle(pdf, champ) add_optionnal_description(pdf, champ) format_with_checkbox(pdf, Individual::GENDER_FEMALE) format_with_checkbox(pdf, Individual::GENDER_MALE) pdf.text "\n" when 'Champs::HeaderSectionChamp' add_single_line(pdf, champ.libelle, 14, :bold) add_optionnal_description(pdf, champ) pdf.text "\n" when 'Champs::ExplicationChamp' add_libelle(pdf, champ) pdf.text champ.description pdf.text "\n" when 'Champs::AddressChamp', 'Champs::CarteChamp', 'Champs::TextareaChamp' format_in_2_lines(pdf, champ, 5) when 'Champs::DropDownListChamp' add_libelle(pdf, champ) add_optionnal_description(pdf, champ) add_explanation(pdf, 'Cochez la mention applicable, une seule valeur possible') champ.options.reject(&:blank?).each do |option| format_with_checkbox(pdf, option) end pdf.text "\n" when 'Champs::MultipleDropDownListChamp' add_libelle(pdf, champ) add_optionnal_description(pdf, champ) add_explanation(pdf, 'Cochez la mention applicable, plusieurs valeurs possibles') champ.options.reject(&:blank?).each do |option| format_with_checkbox(pdf, option) end pdf.text "\n" when 'Champs::LinkedDropDownListChamp' add_libelle(pdf, champ) champ.primary_options.reject(&:blank?).each do |o| format_with_checkbox(pdf, o) champ.secondary_options[o].reject(&:blank?).each do |secondary_option| format_with_checkbox(pdf, secondary_option, 15) end end pdf.text "\n" when 'Champs::SiretChamp' add_identite_etablissement(pdf, champ.libelle) else format_in_2_lines(pdf, champ) end end def add_champs(pdf, champs) champs.each do |champ| if champ.type == 'Champs::RepetitionChamp' add_libelle(pdf, champ) 3.times do champ.rows.each do |row| row.each do |inner_champ| render_single_champ(pdf, inner_champ) end end end else render_single_champ(pdf, champ) end end end prawn_document(page_size: "A4") do |pdf| pdf.font_families.update('marianne' => { normal: Rails.root.join('lib/prawn/fonts/marianne/marianne-regular.ttf'), bold: Rails.root.join('lib/prawn/fonts/marianne/marianne-bold.ttf'), italic: Rails.root.join('lib/prawn/fonts/marianne/marianne-thin.ttf') }) pdf.font 'marianne' pdf.image DOSSIER_PDF_EXPORT_LOGO_SRC, width: 300, position: :center pdf.move_down(40) render_in_2_columns(pdf, 'Démarche', @dossier.procedure.libelle) render_in_2_columns(pdf, 'Organisme', @dossier.procedure.organisation_name || "En attente de saisi") pdf.text "\n" add_title(pdf, "Identité du demandeur") format_in_2_columns(pdf, "Email") if @dossier.procedure.for_individual? add_identite_individual(pdf, @dossier) else render_identite_etablissement(pdf, @dossier.etablissement) if @dossier.etablissement.present? end pdf.text "\n" add_title(pdf, 'Formulaire') add_single_line(pdf, @dossier.procedure.description + "\n", 9, :italic) if @dossier.procedure.description.present? add_champs(pdf, @dossier.champs) add_page_numbering(pdf) add_procedure(pdf, @dossier) end