@import "colors"; // Hacky override default text underline of DSFR because we don't want to underline links in our legacy UI. // We don't match links having a dsfr class (prefixed by fr-). // However DSFR components may contain links without fr- class on them, // so these links can be artificially matched by adding any fr-class on them, (like fr-underlined) body [href]:not([class^="fr-"]) { background-image: none; } // override default transparent background on inputs input, textarea, select { background: $white; } #footer a { color: #333333; } // with Marianne font, weight of font is less bolder, so bold it up .button.primary { font-weight: bold; } // fix firefox < 80 not supporting "appearance: auto" on inputs // scss-lint:disable DuplicateProperty input[type="checkbox"] { -moz-appearance: checkbox; -moz-appearance: auto; } input[type="radio"] { -moz-appearance: radio; -moz-appearance: auto; } // scss-lint:enable DuplicateProperty // remove pointer cursor on textarea textarea { cursor: auto; }