# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe API::Public::V1::DossiersController, type: :controller do include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers describe '#create' do # Request prototype: # curl --request POST 'http://localhost:3000/api/public/v1/demarches/2/dossiers' \ # --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ # --data '{"champ_Q2hhbXAtMjI=": "personne@fournisseur.fr"}' context 'when the request content type is json' do let(:params) { { id: procedure.id } } subject(:create_request) do request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" post :create, params: params end shared_examples 'the procedure is found' do context 'when the dossier can be saved' do it { expect(create_request).to have_http_status(:created) } it { expect { create_request }.to change { Dossier.count }.by(1) } it "marks the created dossier as prefilled" do create_request expect(Dossier.last.prefilled).to eq(true) end it "creates the dossier without a user" do create_request expect(Dossier.last.user).to eq(nil) end it "responds with the brouillon dossier url and id" do create_request dossier = Dossier.last dossier_url = "http://test.host#{commencer_path(procedure.path, prefill_token: dossier.prefill_token)}" expect(response.parsed_body["dossier_url"]).to eq(dossier_url) expect(response.parsed_body["dossier_id"]).to eq(dossier.to_typed_id) expect(response.parsed_body["dossier_number"]).to eq(dossier.id) end context 'when prefill values are given' do let!(:type_de_champ_1) { create(:type_de_champ_text, procedure: procedure) } let(:value_1) { "any value" } let!(:type_de_champ_2) { create(:type_de_champ_textarea, procedure: procedure) } let(:value_2) { "another value" } let(:prenom_value) { "John" } let(:genre_value) { "M." } let(:params) { { id: procedure.id, "champ_#{type_de_champ_1.to_typed_id_for_query}" => value_1, "champ_#{type_de_champ_2.to_typed_id_for_query}" => value_2, "identite_prenom" => prenom_value, "identite_genre" => genre_value } } it "prefills the dossier's champs with the given values" do create_request dossier = Dossier.last expect(find_champ_by_stable_id(dossier, type_de_champ_1.stable_id).value).to eq(value_1) expect(find_champ_by_stable_id(dossier, type_de_champ_2.stable_id).value).to eq(value_2) expect(dossier.individual.prenom).to eq(prenom_value) expect(dossier.individual.gender).to eq(genre_value) end end context 'when prefill given values contains more than one rows for repetitions' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, types_de_champ_public:) } let(:types_de_champ_public) do [ type: :repetition, children: [ { type: :text, libelle: 'child of repet text' } ] ] end let(:prefilled_champs) { TypesDeChamp::PrefillTypeDeChamp.wrap(procedure.published_revision.types_de_champ, procedure.active_revision) } let(:prefilled_champs_as_params) { prefilled_champs.map { |type_de_champ| ["champ_#{type_de_champ.to_typed_id_for_query}", type_de_champ.example_value] }.to_h } let(:params) { prefilled_champs_as_params.merge(id: procedure.id) } it "updates the champs with the new values and mark them as prefilled" do expect { create_request }.not_to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) dossier = Dossier.last first_row = dossier.project_champs_public.first.rows.first second_row = dossier.project_champs_public.first.rows.last expect(dossier.project_champs_public.first.rows.flatten.map(&:value)).to match_array(['Texte court', 'Texte court']) end end end context 'when the dossier can not be saved' do before do allow_any_instance_of(Dossier).to receive(:save).and_return(false) allow_any_instance_of(Dossier).to receive(:errors).and_return( ActiveModel::Errors.new(Dossier.new).tap { |e| e.add(:base, "something went wrong") } ) create_request end it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:bad_request) } it { expect(response).to have_failed_with("something went wrong") } end end shared_examples 'the procedure is not found' do before { create_request } it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found) } it { expect(response).to have_failed_with("procedure #{procedure.id} is not found") } end context 'when the procedure is found' do context 'when the procedure is publiee' do it_behaves_like 'the procedure is found' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :for_individual, :published) } end end context 'when the procedure is brouillon' do it_behaves_like 'the procedure is found' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :for_individual, :draft) } end end context 'when the procedure is not publiee and not brouillon' do it_behaves_like 'the procedure is not found' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :for_individual, :closed) } end end end context 'when the procedure is not found' do it_behaves_like 'the procedure is not found' do let(:procedure) { double(Procedure, id: -1) } end end end context 'when the request content type is not json' do subject(:create_request) do request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xhtml+xml" post :create, params: { id: 0 } end before { create_request } it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:bad_request) } it { expect(response).to have_failed_with("Content-Type should be json") } end end describe '#index' do let(:procedure) { dossier.procedure } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, prefilled: true, user: nil) } let(:prefill_token) { dossier.prefill_token } let(:params) { { id: procedure.id, prefill_token: } } subject(:create_request) do request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" get :index, params: end let(:body) { response.parsed_body.map(&:deep_symbolize_keys) } before { create_request } context 'not found' do let(:prefill_token) { 'invalid_token' } it 'should respond with and empty array' do expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(body).to eq([]) end end context 'when dossier prefilled' do it 'should respond with dossier state' do expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(body.first[:state]).to eq('prefilled') end end context 'when dossier brouillon' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, prefilled: true) } it 'should respond with dossier state' do expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(body.first[:state]).to eq('brouillon') end end context 'when dossier en_construction' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, prefilled: true) } it 'should respond with dossier state' do expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(body.first[:state]).to eq('en_construction') expect(body.first[:submitted_at]).to eq(dossier.depose_at.iso8601) end end context 'with multiple tokens' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, prefilled: true, user: nil) } let(:other_dossier) { create(:dossier, prefilled: true, user: nil, procedure:) } let(:prefill_token) { [dossier.prefill_token, other_dossier.prefill_token] } it 'should respond with dossiers state' do expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(body.map { _1[:dossier_number] }).to match_array([dossier.id, other_dossier.id]) end context 'comma separated tokens' do let(:prefill_token) { [dossier.prefill_token, other_dossier.prefill_token].join(',') } it 'should respond with dossiers state' do expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(body.map { _1[:dossier_number] }).to match_array([dossier.id, other_dossier.id]) end end end end private def find_champ_by_stable_id(dossier, stable_id) dossier.champs.find_by(stable_id:) end end