describe ApiEntreprise::API do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure) } let(:procedure_id) { } let(:token) { Rails.application.secrets.api_entreprise[:key] } describe '.entreprise' do subject { described_class.entreprise(siren, procedure_id) } before do stub_request(:get, /https:\/\/\/v2\/entreprises\/#{siren}/) .to_return(status: status, body: body) allow_any_instance_of(ApiEntrepriseToken).to receive(:expired?).and_return(false) end context 'when the service throws a bad gateaway exception' do let(:siren) { '111111111' } let(:status) { 502 } let(:body) {'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/entreprises_unavailable.json') } it 'raises ApiEntreprise::API::Error::RequestFailed' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ApiEntreprise::API::Error::BadGateway) end end context 'when siren does not exist' do let(:siren) { '111111111' } let(:status) { 404 } let(:body) {'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/entreprises_not_found.json') } it 'raises ApiEntreprise::API::Error::ResourceNotFound' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ApiEntreprise::API::Error::ResourceNotFound) end end context 'when request has bad format' do let(:siren) { '111111111' } let(:status) { 400 } let(:body) {'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/entreprises_not_found.json') } it 'raises ApiEntreprise::API::Error::BadFormatRequest' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ApiEntreprise::API::Error::BadFormatRequest) end end context 'when siren infos are private' do let(:siren) { '111111111' } let(:status) { 403 } let(:body) {'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/entreprises_private.json') } it 'raises ApiEntreprise::API::Error::ResourceNotFound' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ApiEntreprise::API::Error::ResourceNotFound) end end context 'when siren exist' do let(:siren) { '418166096' } let(:status) { 200 } let(:body) {'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/entreprises.json') } it 'returns response body' do expect(subject).to eq(JSON.parse(body, symbolize_names: true)) end context 'with specific token for procedure' do let(:token) { "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c" } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, api_entreprise_token: token) } let(:procedure_id) { } it 'call api-entreprise with specfic token' do subject expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:get, /https:\/\/\/v2\/entreprises\/#{siren}/) end end context 'without specific token for procedure' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, api_entreprise_token: nil) } let(:procedure_id) { } it 'call api-entreprise with specfic token' do subject expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:get, /https:\/\/\/v2\/entreprises\/#{siren}/) end end end end describe '.etablissement' do subject { described_class.etablissement(siret, procedure_id) } before do stub_request(:get, /https:\/\/\/v2\/etablissements\/#{siret}?.*non_diffusables=true/) .to_return(status: status, body: body) allow_any_instance_of(ApiEntrepriseToken).to receive(:expired?).and_return(false) end context 'when siret does not exist' do let(:siret) { '11111111111111' } let(:status) { 404 } let(:body) { '' } it 'raises ApiEntreprise::API::Error::ResourceNotFound' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ApiEntreprise::API::Error::ResourceNotFound) end end context 'when siret exists' do let(:siret) { '41816609600051' } let(:status) { 200 } let(:body) {'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/etablissements.json') } it 'returns body' do expect(subject).to eq(JSON.parse(body, symbolize_names: true)) end end end describe '.exercices' do before do stub_request(:get, /https:\/\/\/v2\/exercices\//) .to_return(status: status, body: body) allow_any_instance_of(ApiEntrepriseToken).to receive(:expired?).and_return(false) end context 'when siret does not exist' do subject { described_class.exercices(siret, procedure_id) } let(:siret) { '11111111111111' } let(:status) { 404 } let(:body) { '' } it 'raises ApiEntreprise::API::Error::ResourceNotFound' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ApiEntreprise::API::Error::ResourceNotFound) end end context 'when siret exists' do subject { described_class.exercices(siret, procedure_id) } let(:siret) { '41816609600051' } let(:status) { 200 } let(:body) {'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/exercices.json') } it 'success' do expect(subject).to eq(JSON.parse(body, symbolize_names: true)) end end end describe '.rna' do before do stub_request(:get, /https:\/\/\/v2\/associations\//) .to_return(status: status, body: body) allow_any_instance_of(ApiEntrepriseToken).to receive(:expired?).and_return(false) end subject { described_class.rna(siren, procedure_id) } context 'when siren does not exist' do let(:siren) { '111111111' } let(:status) { 404 } let(:body) { '' } it 'raises ApiEntreprise::API::Error::ResourceNotFound' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ApiEntreprise::API::Error::ResourceNotFound) end end context 'when siren exists' do let(:siren) { '418166096' } let(:status) { 200 } let(:body) {'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/associations.json') } it { expect(subject).to eq(JSON.parse(body, symbolize_names: true)) } end end describe '.attestation_sociale' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, api_entreprise_token: token) } let(:siren) { '418166096' } let(:status) { 200 } let(:body) {'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/attestation_sociale.json') } before do allow_any_instance_of(ApiEntrepriseToken).to receive(:roles).and_return(roles) allow_any_instance_of(ApiEntrepriseToken).to receive(:expired?).and_return(false) stub_request(:get, /https:\/\/\/v2\/attestations_sociales_acoss\/#{siren}/) .to_return(body: body, status: status) end subject { described_class.attestation_sociale(siren, } context 'when token not authorized' do let(:roles) { ["entreprises"] } it { expect(subject).to eq(nil) } end context 'when token is authorized' do let(:roles) { ["attestations_sociales"] } it { expect(subject).to eq(JSON.parse(body, symbolize_names: true)) } end end describe '.attestation_fiscale' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, api_entreprise_token: token) } let(:siren) { '418166096' } let(:user_id) { 1 } let(:status) { 200 } let(:body) {'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/attestation_fiscale.json') } before do allow_any_instance_of(ApiEntrepriseToken).to receive(:roles).and_return(roles) allow_any_instance_of(ApiEntrepriseToken).to receive(:expired?).and_return(false) stub_request(:get, /https:\/\/\/v2\/attestations_fiscales_dgfip\/#{siren}/) .to_return(body: body, status: status) end subject { described_class.attestation_fiscale(siren,, user_id) } context 'when token not authorized' do let(:roles) { ["entreprises"] } it { expect(subject).to eq(nil) } end context 'when token is authorized' do let(:roles) { ["attestations_fiscales"] } it { expect(subject).to eq(JSON.parse(body, symbolize_names: true)) } end end describe '.bilans_bdf' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, api_entreprise_token: token) } let(:siren) { '418166096' } let(:status) { 200 } let(:body) {'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/bilans_entreprise_bdf.json') } before do allow_any_instance_of(ApiEntrepriseToken).to receive(:roles).and_return(roles) allow_any_instance_of(ApiEntrepriseToken).to receive(:expired?).and_return(false) stub_request(:get, /https:\/\/\/v2\/bilans_entreprises_bdf\/#{siren}/) .to_return(body: body, status: status) end subject { described_class.bilans_bdf(siren, } context 'when token not authorized' do let(:roles) { ["entreprises"] } it { expect(subject).to eq(nil) } end context 'when token is authorized' do let(:roles) { ["bilans_entreprise_bdf"] } it { expect(subject).to eq(JSON.parse(body, symbolize_names: true)) } end end describe 'with expired token' do let(:siren) { '111111111' } subject { described_class.entreprise(siren, procedure_id) } before do allow_any_instance_of(ApiEntrepriseToken).to receive(:expired?).and_return(true) end it 'makes no call to api-entreprise' do subject expect(WebMock).not_to have_requested(:get, /https:\/\/\/v2\/entreprises\/#{siren}/) end end end