class Commentaire < ApplicationRecord include Discard::Model belongs_to :dossier, inverse_of: :commentaires, touch: true, optional: false belongs_to :instructeur, inverse_of: :commentaires, optional: true belongs_to :expert, inverse_of: :commentaires, optional: true has_one :dossier_correction, inverse_of: :commentaire, dependent: :nullify validate :messagerie_available?, on: :create, unless: -> { dossier.brouillon? } has_one_attached :piece_jointe validates :body, presence: { message: "ne peut être vide" }, unless: :discarded? FILE_MAX_SIZE = 20.megabytes validates :piece_jointe, content_type: AUTHORIZED_CONTENT_TYPES, size: { less_than: FILE_MAX_SIZE } default_scope { order(created_at: :asc) } scope :updated_since?, -> (date) { where('commentaires.updated_at > ?', date) } after_create :notify def email if sent_by_instructeur? elsif sent_by_expert? else read_attribute(:email) end end def header "#{redacted_email}, #{I18n.l(created_at, format: '%d %b %Y %H:%M')}" end def redacted_email if sent_by_instructeur? if dossier.procedure.feature_enabled?(:hide_instructeur_email) "Instructeur n° #{}" else'@').first end else email end end def sent_by_system? [CONTACT_EMAIL, OLD_CONTACT_EMAIL].include?(email) end def sent_by_instructeur? instructeur_id.present? end def sent_by_expert? expert_id.present? end def sent_by?(someone) someone.present? && email == someone&.email end def soft_deletable?(connected_user) sent_by?(connected_user) && (sent_by_instructeur? || sent_by_expert?) && !discarded? end def file_url if piece_jointe.attached? && Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.url_for(piece_jointe) end end def soft_delete! piece_jointe.purge_later if piece_jointe.attached? discard! update! body: '' end def flagged_pending_correction? DossierCorrection.exists?(commentaire: self) end private def notify # - If the email is the contact email, the commentaire is a copy # of an automated notification email we sent to a user, so do nothing. # - If a user or an invited user posted a commentaire, do nothing, # the notification system will properly # - Otherwise, a instructeur posted a commentaire, we need to notify the user if sent_by_instructeur? || sent_by_expert? notify_user(wait: 5.minutes) end end def notify_user(job_options = {}) if flagged_pending_correction? DossierMailer.with(commentaire: self).notify_pending_correction.deliver_later(job_options) else DossierMailer.with(commentaire: self).notify_new_answer.deliver_later(job_options) end end def messagerie_available? return if sent_by_system? if dossier.present? && !dossier.messagerie_available? errors.add(:dossier, "Il n’est pas possible d’envoyer un message sur un dossier supprimé, archivé ou en brouillon") end end end