# frozen_string_literal: true describe Users::DossiersController, type: :controller do include ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers let(:user) { create(:user) } describe 'before_actions' do it 'are present' do before_actions = Users::DossiersController ._process_action_callbacks .filter { |process_action_callbacks| process_action_callbacks.kind == :before } .map(&:filter) expect(before_actions).to include(:ensure_ownership!, :ensure_ownership_or_invitation!, :forbid_invite_submission!) end end shared_examples_for 'does not redirect nor flash' do before { @controller.send(ensure_authorized) } it { expect(@controller).not_to have_received(:redirect_to) } it { expect(flash.alert).to eq(nil) } end shared_examples_for 'redirects and flashes' do before { @controller.send(ensure_authorized) } it { expect(@controller).to have_received(:redirect_to).with(root_path) } it { expect(flash.alert).to include("Vous n’avez pas accès à ce dossier") } end describe '#ensure_ownership!' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:asked_dossier) { create(:dossier) } let(:ensure_authorized) { :ensure_ownership! } before do @controller.params = @controller.params.merge(dossier_id: asked_dossier.id) allow(@controller).to receive(:redirect_to) end context 'when a user asks for their own dossier' do before do expect(@controller).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) end let(:asked_dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user) } it_behaves_like 'does not redirect nor flash' end context 'when a user asks for another dossier' do before do expect(@controller).to receive(:current_user).twice.and_return(user) end it_behaves_like 'redirects and flashes' end context 'when an invite asks for a dossier where they were invited' do before do expect(@controller).to receive(:current_user).twice.and_return(user) create(:invite, dossier: asked_dossier, user: user) end it_behaves_like 'redirects and flashes' end context 'when an invite asks for another dossier' do before do expect(@controller).to receive(:current_user).twice.and_return(user) create(:invite, dossier: create(:dossier), user: user) end it_behaves_like 'redirects and flashes' end end describe '#ensure_ownership_or_invitation!' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:asked_dossier) { create(:dossier) } let(:ensure_authorized) { :ensure_ownership_or_invitation! } before do @controller.params = @controller.params.merge(dossier_id: asked_dossier.id) allow(@controller).to receive(:redirect_to) end context 'when a user asks for their own dossier' do before do expect(@controller).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) end let(:asked_dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user) } it_behaves_like 'does not redirect nor flash' end context 'when a user asks for another dossier' do before do expect(@controller).to receive(:current_user).twice.and_return(user) end it_behaves_like 'redirects and flashes' end context 'when an invite asks for a dossier where they were invited' do before do expect(@controller).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) create(:invite, dossier: asked_dossier, user: user) end it_behaves_like 'does not redirect nor flash' end context 'when an invite asks for another dossier' do before do expect(@controller).to receive(:current_user).twice.and_return(user) create(:invite, dossier: create(:dossier), user: user) end it_behaves_like 'redirects and flashes' end end describe "#forbid_invite_submission!" do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:asked_dossier) { create(:dossier) } let(:ensure_authorized) { :forbid_invite_submission! } before do @controller.params = @controller.params.merge(dossier_id: asked_dossier.id) allow(@controller).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) allow(@controller).to receive(:redirect_to) end context 'when a user submit their own dossier' do let(:asked_dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user) } it_behaves_like 'does not redirect nor flash' end context 'when an invite submit a dossier where they where invited' do before { create(:invite, dossier: asked_dossier, user: user) } it_behaves_like 'redirects and flashes' end end describe 'attestation' do before { sign_in(user) } context 'when a dossier has an attestation' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :accepte, attestation: create(:attestation, :with_pdf), user: user) } it 'redirects to attestation pdf' do get :attestation, params: { id: dossier.id } expect(response.location).to match '/rails/active_storage/disk/' end end end describe 'update_identite' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :for_individual) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user, procedure: procedure) } subject { post :update_identite, params: { id: dossier.id, dossier: dossier_params } } before do sign_in(user) end context 'with correct individual and dossier params' do let(:dossier_params) { { individual_attributes: { gender: 'M', nom: 'Mouse', prenom: 'Mickey' } } } let(:now) { Time.zone.parse('01/01/2100') } before do Timecop.freeze(now) do subject end end it do expect(response).to redirect_to(brouillon_dossier_path(dossier)) expect(dossier.reload.identity_updated_at).to eq(now) end end context 'when the identite cannot be updated by the user' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :with_individual, :en_instruction, user: user, procedure: procedure) } let(:dossier_params) { { individual_attributes: { gender: 'M', nom: 'Mouse', prenom: 'Mickey' } } } before { subject } it 'redirects to the dossiers list' do expect(response).to redirect_to(dossier_path(dossier)) expect(flash.alert).to eq('Votre dossier ne peut plus être modifié') end end context 'with incorrect individual and dossier params' do let(:dossier_params) { { individual_attributes: { gender: '', nom: '', prenom: '' } } } before { subject } it do expect(response).not_to have_http_status(:redirect) expect(flash[:alert]).to include("Le champ « Civilité » doit être rempli", "Le champ « Nom » doit être rempli", "Le champ « Prénom » doit être rempli") end end context 'when a dossier is in brouillon, for_tiers and we want to update the individual' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :for_tiers_without_notification, state: "brouillon", user: user, procedure: procedure) } let(:dossier_params) { { individual_attributes: { gender: 'M', nom: 'Mouse', prenom: 'Mickey', email: 'mickey@gmail.com', notification_method: 'email' } } } it 'updates the individual with valid notification_method' do expect { subject }.to have_enqueued_mail(UserMailer, :invite_tiers) .and change(User, :count).by(1) dossier.reload individual = dossier.individual.reload expect(individual.errors.full_messages).to be_empty expect(individual.notification_method).to eq('email') expect(individual.email).to eq('mickey@gmail.com') expect(individual.email_verified_at).to eq nil expect(response).to redirect_to(brouillon_dossier_path(dossier)) end context 'when we want to change the mandataire' do let(:dossier_params) { { mandataire_first_name: "Jean", mandataire_last_name: "Dupont" } } it 'updates the dossier mandataire first and last name' do expect { subject }.not_to have_enqueued_mail(UserMailer, :invite_tiers) dossier.reload individual = dossier.individual.reload expect(dossier.errors.full_messages).to be_empty expect(dossier.mandataire_first_name).to eq('Jean') expect(dossier.mandataire_last_name).to eq('Dupont') expect(dossier.mandataire_full_name).to eq('Jean Dupont') end end end end describe '#siret' do before { sign_in(user) } let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user) } subject { get :siret, params: { id: dossier.id } } it { is_expected.to render_template(:siret) } end describe '#update_siret' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user) } let(:siret) { params_siret.delete(' ') } let(:siren) { siret[0..8] } let(:api_etablissement_status) { 200 } let(:api_etablissement_body) { Rails.root.join('spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/etablissements.json').read } let(:token_expired) { false } let(:api_insee_status_response) { nil } before do sign_in(user) stub_request(:get, /https:\/\/entreprise.api.gouv.fr\/v3\/insee\/sirene\/etablissements\/#{siret}/) .to_return(status: api_etablissement_status, body: api_etablissement_body) stub_request(:get, /https:\/\/entreprise.api.gouv.fr\/v3\/insee\/sirene\/unites_legales\/#{siren}/) .to_return(body: Rails.root.join('spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/ping.json').read, status: 200) allow_any_instance_of(APIEntrepriseToken).to receive(:roles) .and_return(["attestations_fiscales", "attestations_sociales", "bilans_entreprise_bdf"]) allow_any_instance_of(APIEntrepriseToken).to receive(:expired?).and_return(token_expired) if api_insee_status_response stub_request(:get, "https://entreprise.api.gouv.fr/ping/insee/sirene") .to_return(body: api_insee_status_response) end end subject! { post :update_siret, params: { id: dossier.id, user: { siret: params_siret } } } shared_examples 'SIRET informations are successfully saved' do it do dossier.reload user.reload expect(dossier.etablissement).to be_present expect(dossier.autorisation_donnees).to be(true) expect(user.siret).to eq(siret) expect(response).to redirect_to(etablissement_dossier_path) end end shared_examples 'the request fails with an error' do |error| it 'doesn’t save an etablissement' do expect(dossier.reload.etablissement).to be_nil end it 'displays the SIRET that was sent by the user in the form' do expect(controller.current_user.siret).to eq(siret) end it 'renders an error' do expect(flash.alert).to eq(error) expect(response).to render_template(:siret) end end context 'with an invalid SIRET' do let(:params_siret) { '000 000' } it_behaves_like 'the request fails with an error', ['Le champ « Siret » est invalide. Saisir un numéro SIRET avec 14 chiffres'] end context 'with a valid SIRET' do let(:params_siret) { '418 166 096 00051' } context 'When API-Entreprise is ponctually down' do let(:api_etablissement_status) { 502 } let(:api_insee_status_response) { Rails.root.join('spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/ping.json').read } it_behaves_like 'the request fails with an error', I18n.t('errors.messages.siret_network_error') end context 'When API-Entreprise is globally down' do let(:api_etablissement_status) { 502 } let(:api_insee_status_response) { Rails.root.join('spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/ping.json').read.gsub('ok', 'HASISSUES') } it "create an etablissement only with SIRET as degraded mode" do dossier.reload expect(dossier.etablissement.siret).to eq(siret) expect(dossier.etablissement).to be_as_degraded_mode end end context 'when API-Entreprise doesn’t know this SIRET' do let(:api_etablissement_status) { 404 } it_behaves_like 'the request fails with an error', I18n.t('errors.messages.siret_unknown') end context 'when default token has expired' do let(:api_etablissement_status) { 200 } let(:api_insee_status_response) { Rails.root.join('spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/ping.json').read } let(:token_expired) { true } it_behaves_like 'the request fails with an error', I18n.t('errors.messages.siret_network_error') end context 'when all API informations available' do it_behaves_like 'SIRET informations are successfully saved' it 'saves the associated informations on the etablissement' do dossier.reload expect(dossier.etablissement.entreprise).to be_present end end end end describe '#etablissement' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :with_entreprise, user: user) } before { sign_in(user) } subject { get :etablissement, params: { id: dossier.id } } it { is_expected.to render_template(:etablissement) } context 'when the dossier has no etablissement yet' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user) } it { is_expected.to redirect_to siret_dossier_path(dossier) } end end describe '#brouillon' do before { sign_in(user) } let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user, autorisation_donnees: true) } subject { get :brouillon, params: { id: dossier.id } } context 'when autorisation_donnees is checked' do it { is_expected.to render_template(:brouillon) } end context 'when autorisation_donnees is not checked' do before { dossier.update_columns(autorisation_donnees: false) } context 'when the dossier is for personne morale' do it { is_expected.to redirect_to(siret_dossier_path(dossier)) } end context 'when the dossier is for an personne physique' do before { dossier.procedure.update(for_individual: true) } it { is_expected.to redirect_to(identite_dossier_path(dossier)) } end end end describe '#edit' do before { sign_in(user) } let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user) } it 'returns the edit page' do get :brouillon, params: { id: dossier.id } expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) end end describe '#submit_brouillon' do before { sign_in(user) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, types_de_champ_public:) } let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :text, mandatory: false }] } let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, user:, procedure:) } let(:first_champ) { dossier.project_champs_public.first } let(:anchor_to_first_champ) { controller.helpers.link_to first_champ.libelle, brouillon_dossier_path(anchor: first_champ.labelledby_id), class: 'error-anchor' } let(:value) { 'beautiful value' } let(:now) { Time.zone.parse('01/01/2100') } let(:payload) { { id: dossier.id } } subject do travel_to now post :submit_brouillon, params: payload end context 'when the dossier cannot be updated by the user' do let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_instruction, user: user) } it 'redirects to the dossiers list' do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(dossier_path(dossier)) expect(flash.alert).to eq('Votre dossier ne peut plus être modifié') end end it 'sends an email only on the first #update_brouillon' do delivery = double expect(delivery).to receive(:deliver_later).with(no_args) expect(NotificationMailer).to receive(:send_en_construction_notification) .and_return(delivery) subject expect(NotificationMailer).not_to receive(:send_en_construction_notification) subject end context 'when the update fails' do render_views let(:error_message) { 'nop' } before do allow_any_instance_of(Dossier).to receive(:validate).and_return(false) allow_any_instance_of(Dossier).to receive(:errors).and_return( [instance_double(ActiveModel::NestedError, inner_error: double(base: first_champ), message: 'nop')] ) subject end it { expect(response).to render_template(:brouillon) } it { expect(response.body).to have_link(first_champ.libelle, href: "##{first_champ.labelledby_id}") } it { expect(response.body).to have_content(error_message) } it 'does not send an email' do expect(NotificationMailer).not_to receive(:send_en_construction_notification) subject end end context 'when a mandatory champ is missing' do render_views let(:value) { nil } let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :text, mandatory: true, libelle: 'l' }] } before { subject } it { expect(response).to render_template(:brouillon) } it { expect(response.body).to have_link(first_champ.libelle, href: "##{first_champ.labelledby_id}") } it { expect(response.body).to have_content("doit être rempli") } end context 'when dossier has no champ' do let(:submit_payload) { { id: dossier.id } } it 'does not raise any errors' do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(merci_dossier_path(dossier)) end end context 'when the user has an invitation but is not the owner' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) } let!(:invite) { create(:invite, dossier: dossier, user: user) } context 'and the invite tries to submit the dossier' do before { subject } it { expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) } it { expect(flash.alert).to include("Vous n’avez pas accès à ce dossier") } end end context 'when procedure has sva enabled' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :sva) } let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :brouillon, procedure:, user:) } it 'passe automatiquement en instruction' do delivery = double.tap { expect(_1).to receive(:deliver_later).with(no_args).twice } expect(NotificationMailer).to receive(:send_en_construction_notification).and_return(delivery) expect(NotificationMailer).to receive(:send_en_instruction_notification).and_return(delivery) subject dossier.reload expect(dossier).to be_en_instruction expect(dossier.pending_correction?).to be_falsey expect(dossier.en_instruction_at).to within(5.seconds).of(Time.current) expect(dossier.traitements.last.browser_name).to eq('Unknown Browser') end end end describe '#submit_en_construction' do before { sign_in(user) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, types_de_champ_public:) } let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :text, mandatory: false }] } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, procedure:, user:) } let(:first_champ) { dossier.owner_editing_fork.project_champs_public.first } let(:anchor_to_first_champ) { controller.helpers.link_to I18n.t('views.users.dossiers.fix_champ'), modifier_dossier_path(anchor: first_champ.labelledby_id), class: 'error-anchor' } let(:value) { 'beautiful value' } let(:now) { Time.zone.parse('01/01/2100') } let(:payload) { { id: dossier.id } } before { dossier.owner_editing_fork } subject do Timecop.freeze(now) do post :submit_en_construction, params: payload end end context 'when the dossier cannot be updated by the user' do let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_instruction, user: user) } it 'redirects to the dossiers list' do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(dossier_path(dossier)) expect(flash.alert).to eq('Votre dossier ne peut plus être modifié') end end context 'when the update fails' do render_views before do allow_any_instance_of(Dossier).to receive(:validate).and_return(false) allow_any_instance_of(Dossier).to receive(:errors).and_return( [double(inner_error: double(base: first_champ), message: 'nop')] ) subject end it { expect(response).to render_template(:modifier) } end context 'when a mandatory champ is missing' do let(:value) { nil } render_views let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :text, mandatory: true, libelle: 'l' }] } before { subject } it { expect(response).to render_template(:modifier) } it { expect(response.body).to have_content("doit être rempli") } it { expect(response.body).to have_link(first_champ.libelle, href: "##{first_champ.labelledby_id}") } end context 'when dossier has no champ' do let(:submit_payload) { { id: dossier.id } } it 'does not raise any errors' do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(dossier_path(dossier)) end end context 'when dossier repetition had been removed in newer version' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, :with_populated_champs, procedure:, user:) } let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :repetition, libelle: 'repetition', children: [{ type: :text, libelle: 'child' }] }] } let(:editing_fork) { dossier.owner_editing_fork } let(:champ_repetition) { editing_fork.project_champs_public.find(&:repetition?) } before do editing_fork procedure.draft_revision.remove_type_de_champ(champ_repetition.stable_id) procedure.publish_revision! editing_fork.reload editing_fork.rebase! end let(:submit_payload) { { id: dossier.id } } it { expect { subject }.not_to raise_error } end context 'when dossier was already submitted' do before do expect_any_instance_of(Dossier).to receive(:remove_not_visible_or_empty_champs!) post :submit_en_construction, params: payload end it 'redirects to the dossier' do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(dossier_path(dossier)) expect(flash.alert).to eq("Les modifications ont déjà été déposées") end end context "when there are pending correction" do let!(:correction) { create(:dossier_correction, dossier: dossier) } subject { post :submit_en_construction, params: { id: dossier.id } } it "resolves correction automatically" do expect { subject }.to change { correction.reload.resolved_at }.to be_truthy end context 'when procedure has sva enabled' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :sva) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, procedure:, user:) } let!(:correction) { create(:dossier_correction, dossier: dossier) } subject { post :submit_en_construction, params: { id: dossier.id, dossier: { pending_correction: pending_correction_value } } } context 'when resolving correction' do let(:pending_correction_value) { "1" } it 'passe automatiquement en instruction' do expect(dossier.pending_correction?).to be_truthy subject dossier.reload expect(dossier).to be_en_instruction expect(dossier.pending_correction?).to be_falsey expect(dossier.en_instruction_at).to within(5.seconds).of(Time.current) end end context 'when not resolving correction' do render_views let(:pending_correction_value) { "" } it 'does not passe automatiquement en instruction' do subject dossier.reload expect(dossier).to be_en_construction expect(dossier.pending_correction?).to be_truthy expect(response.body).to include("Cochez la case") end end end end end describe '#update brouillon' do before { sign_in(user) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, types_de_champ_public:) } let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{}, { type: :piece_justificative, mandatory: false }] } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, user:, procedure:) } let(:first_champ) { dossier.project_champs_public.first } let(:piece_justificative_champ) { dossier.project_champs_public.last } let(:value) { 'beautiful value' } let(:file) { fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/files/piece_justificative_0.pdf', 'application/pdf') } let(:now) { Time.zone.parse('01/01/2100') } let(:submit_payload) do { id: dossier.id, dossier: { groupe_instructeur_id: dossier.groupe_instructeur_id, champs_public_attributes: { first_champ.public_id => { value: value }, piece_justificative_champ.public_id => { piece_justificative_file: file } } } } end let(:payload) { submit_payload } subject do Timecop.freeze(now) do patch :update, params: payload, format: :turbo_stream end end context 'when the dossier cannot be updated by the user' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_instruction, user:, procedure:) } it 'redirects to the dossiers list' do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(dossier_path(dossier)) expect(flash.alert).to eq('Votre dossier ne peut plus être modifié') end end context 'when dossier can be updated by the owner' do it 'updates the champs' do subject expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(dossier.reload.updated_at.year).to eq(2100) expect(dossier.reload.state).to eq(Dossier.states.fetch(:brouillon)) end end context 'when the user has an invitation but is not the owner' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure) } let!(:invite) { create(:invite, dossier: dossier, user: user) } before { subject } it { expect(first_champ.reload.value).to eq('beautiful value') } it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) } end context 'decimal number champ separator' do let (:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, types_de_champ_public: [{ type: :decimal_number }]) } let (:submit_payload) do { id: dossier.id, dossier: { champs_public_attributes: { first_champ.public_id => { value: value } } } } end context 'when spearator is dot' do let(:value) { '3.14' } it "saves the value" do subject expect(first_champ.reload.value).to eq('3.14') end end context 'when spearator is comma' do let(:value) { '3,14' } it "saves the value" do subject expect(first_champ.reload.value).to eq('3.14') end end end context 'having ineligibilite_rules setup' do include Logic render_views let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :text }, { type: :integer_number }] } let(:text_champ) { dossier.project_champs_public.first } let(:number_champ) { dossier.project_champs_public.last } let(:submit_payload) do { id: dossier.id, dossier: { groupe_instructeur_id: dossier.groupe_instructeur_id, champs_public_attributes: { text_champ.public_id => { with_public_id: true, value: "hello world" }, number_champ.public_id => { with_public_id: true, value: } } } } end let(:must_be_greater_than) { 10 } before do procedure.published_revision.update( ineligibilite_enabled: true, ineligibilite_message: 'lol', ineligibilite_rules: greater_than(champ_value(number_champ.stable_id), constant(must_be_greater_than)) ) procedure.published_revision.save! end render_views context 'when it switches from true to false' do let(:value) { must_be_greater_than + 1 } it 'raises popup' do subject dossier.reload expect(dossier.can_passer_en_construction?).to be_falsey expect(assigns(:can_passer_en_construction_was)).to eq(true) expect(assigns(:can_passer_en_construction_is)).to eq(false) expect(response.body).to match(ActionView::RecordIdentifier.dom_id(dossier, :ineligibilite_rules_broken)) end end context 'when it stays true' do let(:value) { must_be_greater_than - 1 } it 'does nothing' do subject dossier.reload expect(dossier.can_passer_en_construction?).to be_truthy expect(assigns(:can_passer_en_construction_was)).to eq(true) expect(assigns(:can_passer_en_construction_is)).to eq(true) expect(response.body).not_to have_selector("##{ActionView::RecordIdentifier.dom_id(dossier, :ineligibilite_rules_broken)}") end end end end describe '#update en_construction' do before { sign_in(user) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, types_de_champ_public: [{}, { type: :piece_justificative }]) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, user:, procedure:) } let!(:editing_fork) { dossier.owner_editing_fork } let(:first_champ) { editing_fork.project_champs_public.first } let(:piece_justificative_champ) { editing_fork.project_champs_public.last } let(:anchor_to_first_champ) { controller.helpers.link_to I18n.t('views.users.dossiers.fix_champ'), brouillon_dossier_path(anchor: first_champ.labelledby_id), class: 'error-anchor' } let(:value) { 'beautiful value' } let(:file) { fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/files/piece_justificative_0.pdf', 'application/pdf') } let(:now) { Time.zone.parse('01/01/2100') } let(:submit_payload) do { id: dossier.id, dossier: { groupe_instructeur_id: dossier.groupe_instructeur_id, champs_public_attributes: { first_champ.public_id => { value: value }, piece_justificative_champ.public_id => { piece_justificative_file: file } } } } end let(:payload) { submit_payload } subject do Timecop.freeze(now) do patch :update, params: payload, format: :turbo_stream end end context 'when the dossier cannot be updated by the user' do let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_instruction, user:, procedure:) } it 'redirects to the dossiers list' do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(dossier_path(dossier)) expect(flash.alert).to eq('Votre dossier ne peut plus être modifié') end end context 'when dossier can be updated by the owner' do it 'updates the champs' do subject expect(first_champ.reload.value).to eq('beautiful value') expect(piece_justificative_champ.reload.piece_justificative_file).to be_attached end it 'updates the dossier timestamps' do subject editing_fork.reload expect(editing_fork.updated_at).to eq(now) expect(editing_fork.last_champ_updated_at).to eq(now) end it { is_expected.to have_http_status(:ok) } context 'when only a single file champ are modified' do # A bug in ActiveRecord causes records changed through grand-parent <-> parent <-> child # relationships do not touch the grand-parent record on change. # This situation is hit when updating just the attachment of a champ (and not the # champ itself). # # This test ensures that, whatever workaround we wrote for this, it still works properly. # # See https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/26726 let(:submit_payload) do { id: dossier.id, dossier: { champs_public_attributes: { piece_justificative_champ.public_id => { piece_justificative_file: file } } } } end it 'updates the dossier timestamps' do subject editing_fork.reload expect(editing_fork.updated_at).to eq(now) expect(editing_fork.last_champ_updated_at).to eq(now) end end end context 'when the update fails' do render_views context 'classic error' do before do allow_any_instance_of(Dossier).to receive(:save).and_return(false) allow_any_instance_of(Dossier).to receive(:errors).and_return( [message: 'nop', inner_error: double(base: first_champ)] ) subject end it { expect(response).to render_template(:update) } it 'does not update the dossier timestamps' do dossier.reload expect(dossier.updated_at).not_to eq(now) expect(dossier.last_champ_updated_at).not_to eq(now) end it 'does not send an email' do expect(NotificationMailer).not_to receive(:send_en_construction_notification) subject end end context 'iban error' do let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :iban }] } let(:value) { 'abc' } before { subject } it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) } end end context 'when the user has an invitation but is not the owner' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, procedure:) } let!(:invite) { create(:invite, dossier:, user:) } before { subject } it { expect(first_champ.reload.value).to eq('beautiful value') } it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) } end context 'when the dossier is followed by an instructeur' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure:) } let(:instructeur) { create(:instructeur) } let!(:invite) { create(:invite, dossier:, user:) } before do instructeur.follow(dossier) end it 'the follower has a notification' do expect(instructeur.reload.followed_dossiers.with_notifications).to eq([]) subject expect(instructeur.reload.followed_dossiers.with_notifications).to eq([dossier.reload]) end end context 'when the champ is a phone number' do let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :phone }] } let(:now) { Time.zone.parse('01/01/2100') } let(:submit_payload) do { id: dossier.id, dossier: { champs_public_attributes: { first_champ.public_id => { value: value } } } } end context 'with a valid value sent as string' do let(:value) { '0612345678' } it 'updates the value' do subject expect(first_champ.reload.value).to eq('0612345678') end end context 'with a valid value sent as number' do let(:value) { '45187272'.to_i } it 'updates the value' do subject expect(first_champ.reload.value).to eq('45187272') end end end end describe '#index' do before { sign_in(user) } context 'when the user does not have any dossiers' do before { get(:index) } it { expect(assigns(:statut)).to eq('en-cours') } end context 'when the user only have its own dossiers' do let!(:own_dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user) } before { get(:index) } it { expect(assigns(:statut)).to eq('en-cours') } it { expect(assigns(:user_dossiers)).to match([own_dossier]) } end context 'when the user only have some dossiers invites' do let!(:invite) { create(:invite, dossier: create(:dossier), user: user) } before { get(:index) } it { expect(assigns(:statut)).to eq('dossiers-invites') } it { expect(assigns(:dossiers_invites)).to match([invite.dossier]) } end context 'when the user has dossiers invites, own and traites' do let!(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published) } let!(:own_dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user) } let!(:own_dossier2) { create(:dossier, user: user, state: "accepte", procedure: procedure) } let!(:invite) { create(:invite, dossier: create(:dossier), user: user) } context 'and there is no statut param' do before { get(:index) } it { expect(assigns(:statut)).to eq('en-cours') } end context 'and there is "dossiers-invites" param' do before { get(:index, params: { statut: 'dossiers-invites' }) } it { expect(assigns(:statut)).to eq('dossiers-invites') } end context 'and there is "en-cours" param' do before { get(:index, params: { statut: 'en-cours' }) } it { expect(assigns(:statut)).to eq('en-cours') } end context 'and there is "traites" param' do before { get(:index, params: { statut: 'traites' }) } it { expect(assigns(:statut)).to eq('traites') } end context 'and the traité dossier has been hidden by user' do before do own_dossier2.update!(hidden_by_user_at: Time.zone.now) get(:index, params: { statut: 'traites' }) end it { expect(assigns(:statut)).to eq('en-cours') } end context 'when the instructeur archive the dossier' do before do own_dossier2.update!(archived: true) get(:index, params: { statut: 'en-cours' }) end it { expect(assigns(:statut)).to eq('en-cours') } it { expect(assigns(:dossiers_traites).map(&:id)).to eq([own_dossier2.id]) } it { expect(own_dossier2.archived).to be_truthy } end end context 'when the user has dossier in brouillon recently updated' do let!(:own_dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user) } let!(:own_dossier_2) { create(:dossier, user: user) } before { get(:index) } it { expect(assigns(:first_brouillon_recently_updated)).to match(own_dossier_2) } end describe 'sort order' do before do Timecop.freeze(4.days.ago) { create(:dossier, user: user) } Timecop.freeze(2.days.ago) { create(:dossier, user: user) } Timecop.freeze(4.days.ago) { create(:invite, dossier: create(:dossier), user: user) } Timecop.freeze(2.days.ago) { create(:invite, dossier: create(:dossier), user: user) } get(:index) end it 'displays the most recently updated dossiers first' do expect(assigns(:user_dossiers).first.updated_at.to_date).to eq(2.days.ago.to_date) expect(assigns(:user_dossiers).second.updated_at.to_date).to eq(4.days.ago.to_date) expect(assigns(:dossiers_invites).first.updated_at.to_date).to eq(2.days.ago.to_date) expect(assigns(:dossiers_invites).second.updated_at.to_date).to eq(4.days.ago.to_date) end end context 'when the user has a deleted dossier on a discarded procedure' do render_views let!(:deleted_dossier) { create(:deleted_dossier, user_id: user.id) } before { deleted_dossier.procedure.discard! } subject { get(:index, params: { statut: 'dossiers-supprimes-definitivement' }) } it { is_expected.to have_http_status(200) } end end describe '#show' do before do sign_in(user) end context 'with default output' do subject! { get(:show, params: { id: dossier.id }) } context 'when the dossier is a brouillon' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user) } it { is_expected.to redirect_to(brouillon_dossier_path(dossier)) } end context 'when the dossier has been submitted' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, user: user) } it { expect(assigns(:dossier)).to eq(dossier) } it { is_expected.to render_template(:show) } end end context "with PDF output" do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure) } let(:dossier) do create(:dossier, :accepte, :with_populated_champs, :with_motivation, :with_commentaires, procedure: procedure, user: user) end subject! { get(:show, params: { id: dossier.id, format: :pdf }) } context 'when the dossier is a brouillon' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user) } it { is_expected.to redirect_to(brouillon_dossier_path(dossier)) } end context 'when the dossier has been submitted' do it { expect(assigns(:acls)).to eq(PiecesJustificativesService.new(user_profile: user, export_template: nil).acl_for_dossier_export(dossier.procedure)) } it { expect(response).to render_template('dossiers/show') } end end end describe '#formulaire' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, user: user) } before do sign_in(user) end subject! { get(:demande, params: { id: dossier.id }) } it { expect(assigns(:dossier)).to eq(dossier) } it { is_expected.to render_template(:demande) } end describe "#create_commentaire" do let(:instructeur_with_instant_message) { create(:instructeur) } let(:instructeur_without_instant_message) { create(:instructeur) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, procedure: procedure, user: user) } let(:saved_commentaire) { dossier.commentaires.first } let(:body) { "avant\napres" } let(:file) { fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/files/piece_justificative_0.pdf', 'application/pdf') } let(:scan_result) { true } let(:now) { Time.zone.parse("18/09/1981") } subject { post :create_commentaire, params: { id: dossier.id, commentaire: { body: body, piece_jointe: file } } } before do Timecop.freeze(now) sign_in(user) allow(ClamavService).to receive(:safe_file?).and_return(scan_result) allow(DossierMailer).to receive(:notify_new_commentaire_to_instructeur).and_return(double(deliver_later: nil)) instructeur_with_instant_message.follow(dossier) instructeur_without_instant_message.follow(dossier) create(:assign_to, instructeur: instructeur_with_instant_message, procedure: procedure, instant_email_message_notifications_enabled: true) create(:assign_to, instructeur: instructeur_without_instant_message, procedure: procedure, instant_email_message_notifications_enabled: false) end after { Timecop.return } context 'commentaire creation' do it "creates a commentaire" do expect { subject }.to change(Commentaire, :count).by(1) expect(response).to redirect_to(messagerie_dossier_path(dossier)) expect(DossierMailer).to have_received(:notify_new_commentaire_to_instructeur).with(dossier, instructeur_with_instant_message.email) expect(DossierMailer).not_to have_received(:notify_new_commentaire_to_instructeur).with(dossier, instructeur_without_instant_message.email) expect(flash.notice).to be_present expect(dossier.reload.last_commentaire_updated_at).to eq(now) end end context 'notify on new message to experts' do let(:expert) { create(:expert) } let(:experts_procedure) { create(:experts_procedure, expert: expert, procedure: procedure, notify_on_new_message: true) } let(:avis) { create(:avis, dossier: dossier, claimant: instructeur_with_instant_message, experts_procedure: experts_procedure) } let(:avis2) { create(:avis, dossier: dossier, claimant: instructeur_with_instant_message, experts_procedure: experts_procedure) } context 'when notify_on_new_message is true' do before do allow(AvisMailer).to receive(:notify_new_commentaire_to_expert).and_return(double(deliver_later: nil)) avis avis2 subject end it 'sends just one email to the expert linked to several avis on the same dossier' do expect(AvisMailer).to have_received(:notify_new_commentaire_to_expert).with(dossier, avis, expert).once end end context 'when notify_on_new_message is false' do let(:experts_procedure) { create(:experts_procedure, expert: expert, procedure: procedure, notify_on_new_message: false) } before do allow(AvisMailer).to receive(:notify_new_commentaire_to_expert).and_return(double(deliver_later: nil)) avis avis2 subject end it 'does not send any email to the expert' do expect(AvisMailer).not_to have_received(:notify_new_commentaire_to_expert) end end end context 'notification' do before 'instructeurs have no notification before the message' do expect(instructeur_with_instant_message.followed_dossiers.with_notifications).to eq([]) expect(instructeur_without_instant_message.followed_dossiers.with_notifications).to eq([]) Timecop.travel(now + 1.day) subject end it 'adds them a notification' do expect(instructeur_with_instant_message.reload.followed_dossiers.with_notifications).to eq([dossier.reload]) expect(instructeur_without_instant_message.reload.followed_dossiers.with_notifications).to eq([dossier.reload]) end end end describe "#papertrail" do before { sign_in(user) } subject do get :papertrail, format: :pdf, params: { id: dossier.id } end context 'when the dossier has been submitted' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, user: user) } it 'renders a PDF document' do subject expect(response).to render_template(:papertrail) end end context 'when the dossier is still a draft' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :brouillon, user: user) } it 'raises an error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ActionController::BadRequest) end end end describe '#destroy' do before { sign_in(user) } subject { delete :destroy, params: { id: dossier.id } } shared_examples_for "the dossier can not be deleted" do it "doesn’t notify the deletion" do expect(DossierMailer).not_to receive(:notify_en_construction_deletion_to_administration) subject end it "doesn’t delete the dossier" do subject expect(Dossier.find_by(id: dossier.id)).not_to eq(nil) expect(dossier.procedure.deleted_dossiers.count).to eq(0) end end context 'when dossier is owned by signed in user' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, user: user, autorisation_donnees: true) } it "notifies the user and the admin of the deletion" do expect(DossierMailer).to receive(:notify_en_construction_deletion_to_administration).with(kind_of(Dossier), dossier.procedure.administrateurs.first.email).and_return(double(deliver_later: nil)) subject end it "hide the dossier and does not create a deleted dossier" do procedure = dossier.procedure dossier_id = dossier.id subject expect(Dossier.find_by(id: dossier_id)).to be_present expect(Dossier.find_by(id: dossier_id).hidden_by_user_at).to be_present expect(procedure.deleted_dossiers.count).to eq(0) end it "fill hidden by reason" do subject expect(dossier.reload.hidden_by_reason).not_to eq(nil) expect(dossier.reload.hidden_by_reason).to eq("user_request") end it { is_expected.to redirect_to(dossiers_path) } context "and the instruction has started" do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_instruction, user: user, autorisation_donnees: true) } it_behaves_like "the dossier can not be deleted" it { is_expected.to redirect_to(dossiers_path) } end end context 'when dossier is not owned by signed in user' do let(:user2) { create(:user) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user2, autorisation_donnees: true) } it_behaves_like "the dossier can not be deleted" it { is_expected.to redirect_to(root_path) } context 'but user is invited' do before { dossier.invites.create(user:, email: user.email, message: 'Salut', email_sender: user2.email) } it do procedure = dossier.procedure dossier_id = dossier.id expect(user.invite?(dossier)).to be_truthy is_expected.to redirect_to(dossiers_path) expect(Dossier.find_by(id: dossier_id)).to be_present expect(Dossier.find_by(id: dossier_id).hidden_by_user_at).to be_nil expect(procedure.deleted_dossiers.count).to eq(0) expect(user.invite?(dossier)).to be_falsy end end end end describe '#restore' do before { sign_in(user) } subject { patch :restore, params: { id: dossier.id } } context 'when the user want to restore his dossier' do let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :accepte, :with_individual, en_construction_at: Time.zone.yesterday.beginning_of_day.utc, hidden_by_user_at: Time.zone.yesterday.beginning_of_day.utc, user: user, autorisation_donnees: true) } before { subject } it 'must have hidden_by_user_at nil' do expect(dossier.reload.hidden_by_user_at).to be_nil end end context 'when brouillon has been automatically expired' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :brouillon, user:) } before { dossier.hide_and_keep_track!(:automatic, :not_modified_for_a_long_time) } it 'must restore hidden attributes' do expect { subject }.to change { dossier.reload.hidden_by_expired_at }.from(anything).to(nil) expect(dossier.hidden_by_reason).to eq("not_modified_for_a_long_time") end end end describe '#new' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published) } let(:procedure_id) { procedure.id } let(:params) { { procedure_id: procedure_id } } subject { get :new, params: params } it 'clears the stored procedure context' do subject expect(controller.stored_location_for(:user)).to be nil end context 'when params procedure_id is present' do context 'when procedure_id is valid' do context 'when user is logged in' do before do sign_in user end it { is_expected.to have_http_status(302) } it { expect { subject }.to change(Dossier, :count).by 1 } context 'when procedure is for entreprise' do it { is_expected.to redirect_to siret_dossier_path(id: Dossier.last) } end context 'when procedure is for particulier' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, :for_individual) } it { is_expected.to redirect_to identite_dossier_path(id: Dossier.last) } end context 'when procedure is closed' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :closed) } it { is_expected.to redirect_to dossiers_path } end end context 'when user is not logged' do it { is_expected.to have_http_status(302) } it { is_expected.to redirect_to new_user_session_path } end end context 'when procedure_id is not valid' do let(:procedure_id) { 0 } before do sign_in user end it { is_expected.to redirect_to dossiers_path } end context 'when procedure is not published' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure) } before do sign_in user end it { is_expected.to redirect_to dossiers_path } context 'and brouillon param is passed' do subject { get :new, params: { procedure_id: procedure_id, brouillon: true } } it { is_expected.to have_http_status(302) } it { is_expected.to redirect_to siret_dossier_path(id: Dossier.last) } end end end end describe "#dossier_for_help" do before do sign_in(user) controller.params[:dossier_id] = dossier_id.to_s end subject { controller.dossier_for_help } context 'when the id matches an existing dossier' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) } let(:dossier_id) { dossier.id } it { is_expected.to eq dossier } end context 'when the id doesn’t match an existing dossier' do let(:dossier_id) { 9999999 } it { is_expected.to be nil } end context 'when the id is empty' do let(:dossier_id) { nil } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end end describe '#index' do before do sign_in(user) end it 'works' do get :index expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) end end describe '#extend_conservation' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, duree_conservation_dossiers_dans_ds: 3) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure, user: user) } subject { post :extend_conservation, params: { dossier_id: dossier.id } } context 'when user logged in' do before { sign_in(user) } it 'works' do expect(subject).to redirect_to(dossier_path(dossier)) end it 'extends conservation_extension by duree_conservation_dossiers_dans_ds' do subject expect(dossier.reload.conservation_extension).to eq(procedure.duree_conservation_dossiers_dans_ds.months) end it 'flashed notice success' do subject expect(flash[:notice]).to eq(I18n.t('views.users.dossiers.archived_dossier', duree_conservation_dossiers_dans_ds: procedure.duree_conservation_dossiers_dans_ds)) end end context 'when not logged in' do it 'fails' do subject expect { expect(response).to redirect_to(new_user_session_path) } end end end describe '#clone' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure) } subject { post :clone, params: { id: dossier.id } } context 'not signed in' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure) } it { expect(subject).to redirect_to(new_user_session_path) } end context 'signed with user dossier' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :with_all_champs) } before { sign_in dossier.user } it { expect(subject).to redirect_to(brouillon_dossier_path(Dossier.last)) } it { expect { subject }.to change { dossier.user.dossiers.count }.by(1) } end end private def find_champ_by_stable_id(dossier, stable_id) dossier.champs.joins(:type_de_champ).find_by(types_de_champ: { stable_id: stable_id }) end end