RSpec.describe NotificationMailer, type: :mailer do let(:administrateur) { create(:administrateur) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:procedure) { create(:simple_procedure, :with_service) } describe 'send_en_construction_notification' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, :with_individual, user: user, procedure: procedure) } subject(:mail) { described_class.send_en_construction_notification(dossier) } let(:body) { (mail.html_part || mail).body } context "without custom template" do it 'renders default template' do expect(mail.subject).to eq("Votre dossier nº #{} a bien été déposé (#{procedure.libelle})") expect(body).to include("Votre dossier nº #{}") expect(body).to include(procedure.service.nom) expect(mail.attachments.first.filename).to eq("attestation-de-depot.pdf") end end context "with a custom template" do let(:email_template) { create(:initiated_mail, subject: 'Email subject', body: 'Your dossier was received. Thanks.') } before do dossier.procedure.initiated_mail = email_template end it 'renders the template' do expect(mail.subject).to eq('Email subject') expect(body).to include('Your dossier was received') expect(mail.attachments.first.filename).to eq("attestation-de-depot.pdf") end end end describe 'send_en_instruction_notification' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, :with_individual, :with_service, user: user, procedure: procedure) } let(:email_template) { create(:received_mail, subject: 'Email subject', body: 'Your dossier was processed. Thanks.') } before do dossier.procedure.received_mail = email_template end subject(:mail) { described_class.send_en_instruction_notification(dossier) } it 'creates a commentaire in the messagerie' do expect { subject.deliver_now }.to change { Commentaire.count }.by(1) expect(subject.perform_deliveries).to be_truthy commentaire = Commentaire.last expect(commentaire.body).to include(email_template.subject_for_dossier(dossier), email_template.body_for_dossier(dossier)) expect(commentaire.dossier).to eq(dossier) end it 'renders the template' do expect(mail.subject).to eq('Email subject') expect(mail.body).to include('Your dossier was processed') expect(mail.body).to have_link('messagerie') end it 'renders the actions' do expect(mail.body).to have_link('Consulter mon dossier', href: dossier_url(dossier)) expect(mail.body).to have_link('J’ai une question', href: messagerie_dossier_url(dossier)) end context 'when the template body contains tags' do let(:email_template) { create(:received_mail, subject: 'Email subject', body: 'Hello --nom--, your dossier --lien dossier-- was processed.') } it 'replaces value tags with the proper value' do expect(mail.body).to have_content(dossier.individual.nom) end it 'replaces link tags with a clickable link' do expect(mail.body).to have_link(dossier_url(dossier)) end end context 'when the template body contains HTML' do let(:email_template) { create(:received_mail, body: 'Your dossier was processed. ') } it 'allows basic formatting tags' do expect(mail.body).to include('dossier') end it 'sanitizes sensitive content' do expect(mail.body).not_to include('iframe') end end it 'sends the mail from a no-reply address' do expect(subject.from.first).to eq( end end describe 'send_accepte_notification' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_instruction, :with_individual, :with_service, user: user, procedure: procedure) } let(:email_template) { create(:closed_mail, subject: 'Email subject', body: 'Your dossier was accepted. Thanks.') } before do dossier.procedure.closed_mail = email_template end subject(:mail) { described_class.send_accepte_notification(dossier) } context 'when dossier user is deleted' do before do dossier.user.delete_and_keep_track_dossiers_also_delete_user(administrateur) dossier.reload end it 'should not send notification' do expect { subject.deliver_now }.not_to change { Commentaire.count } expect(subject.perform_deliveries).to be_falsey end end end describe 'subject length' do let(:procedure) { create(:simple_procedure, libelle: "My super long title " + ("xo " * 100)) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_instruction, :with_individual, :with_service, user: user, procedure: procedure) } let(:email_template) { create(:closed_mail, subject:, body: 'Your dossier was accepted. Thanks.') } before do dossier.procedure.closed_mail = email_template end subject(:mail) { described_class.send_accepte_notification(dossier) } context "subject is too long" do let(:subject) { 'Un long libellé --libellé démarche--' } it { expect(mail.subject.length).to be <= 100 } end context "subject should fallback to default" do let(:subject) { "" } it { expect(mail.subject).to match(/^Votre dossier .+ a été accepté \(My super long title/) } it { expect(mail.subject.length).to be <= 100 } end end describe 'subject with apostrophe' do let(:procedure) { create(:simple_procedure, libelle: "Mon titre avec l'apostrophe") } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_instruction, :with_individual, :with_service, user: user, procedure: procedure) } let(:email_template) { create(:closed_mail, subject:, body: 'Your dossier was accepted. Thanks.') } before do dossier.procedure.closed_mail = email_template end subject(:mail) { described_class.send_accepte_notification(dossier) } context "subject has a special character" do let(:subject) { '--libellé démarche--' } it { expect(mail.subject).to eq("Mon titre avec l'apostrophe") } end end end