describe 'wcag rules for usager', js: true do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, :with_all_champs, :with_service, :for_individual) } let(:password) { 'a very complicated password' } let(:litteraire_user) { create(:user, password: password) } before do procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ_public.find { |tdc| tdc.type_champ == TypeDeChamp.type_champs.fetch(:carte) }.destroy end shared_examples "external links have title says it opens in a new tab" do it do links = page.all("a[target=_blank]") expect(links.count).to be_positive links.each do |link| expect(link[:title]).to include("Nouvel onglet"), "link #{link[:href]} does not have title mentioning it opens in a new tab" end end end shared_examples "aria-label do not mix with title attribute" do it do elements = page.all("[aria-label][title]") elements.each do |element| expect(element[:title]).to be_blank, "path=#{path}, element title=\"#{element[:title]}\" mixes aria-label and title attributes" end end end context 'pages without the need to be logged in' do before do visit path end context 'homepage' do let(:path) { root_path } it { expect(page).to be_axe_clean } it_behaves_like "external links have title says it opens in a new tab" it_behaves_like "aria-label do not mix with title attribute" end context 'sign_up page' do let(:path) { new_user_registration_path } it { expect(page).to be_axe_clean } it_behaves_like "external links have title says it opens in a new tab" it_behaves_like "aria-label do not mix with title attribute" end scenario 'account confirmation page' do visit new_user_registration_path fill_in :user_email, with: "" fill_in :user_password, with: "epeciusetuir" perform_enqueued_jobs do click_button 'Créer un compte' expect(page).to be_axe_clean end end context 'sign_upc confirmation' do let(:path) { user_confirmation_path("user[email]" => "") } it_behaves_like "external links have title says it opens in a new tab" it_behaves_like "aria-label do not mix with title attribute" end context 'sign_in page' do let(:path) { new_user_session_path } it { expect(page).to be_axe_clean.excluding '#user_email' } it_behaves_like "external links have title says it opens in a new tab" it_behaves_like "aria-label do not mix with title attribute" end context 'contact page' do let(:path) { contact_path } it { expect(page).to be_axe_clean } it_behaves_like "external links have title says it opens in a new tab" it_behaves_like "aria-label do not mix with title attribute" end context 'commencer page' do let(:path) { commencer_path(path: procedure.path) } it { expect(page).to be_axe_clean } it_behaves_like "external links have title says it opens in a new tab" it_behaves_like "aria-label do not mix with title attribute" end scenario 'commencer page, help dropdown' do visit commencer_path(path: procedure.reload.path) page.find("#help-menu_button").click expect(page).to be_axe_clean end end context "logged in, depot d'un dossier as individual" do before do login_as litteraire_user, scope: :user visit commencer_path(path: procedure.reload.path) end scenario 'écran identité usager' do click_on 'Commencer la démarche' expect(page).to be_axe_clean end # with no surprise, there's a lot of work on this one scenario "dépot d'un dossier" do click_on 'Commencer la démarche' choose 'Monsieur' fill_in('individual_prenom', with: 'prenom') fill_in('individual_nom', with: 'nom') click_on 'Continuer' expect(page).to be_axe_clean end end context "logged in, depot d'un dossier entreprise" do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :with_type_de_champ, :with_all_champs, :with_service, :published) } before do login_as litteraire_user, scope: :user visit commencer_path(path: procedure.reload.path) end scenario "écran identification de l'entreprise" do click_on 'Commencer la démarche' expect(page).to be_axe_clean end end context "logged in, avec des dossiers déposés" do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure, user: litteraire_user) } before do login_as litteraire_user, scope: :user end scenario 'liste des dossiers sans dossiers' do visit dossiers_path expect(page).to be_axe_clean end scenario 'liste des dossiers avec des dossiers' do dossier visit dossiers_path expect(page).to be_axe_clean end scenario 'liste des dossiers et actions sur le dossier' do dossier visit dossiers_path page.find("#actions_menu_dossier_#{}_button").click expect(page).to be_axe_clean end scenario 'dossier' do visit dossier_path(dossier) expect(page).to be_axe_clean end scenario 'merci' do visit merci_dossier_path(dossier) expect(page).to be_axe_clean end scenario 'demande' do visit demande_dossier_path(dossier) expect(page).to be_axe_clean end scenario 'messagerie avec des messages' do create(:commentaire, dossier: dossier, instructeur: procedure.instructeurs.first, body: 'hello') create(:commentaire, dossier: dossier, email:, body: 'hello') visit messagerie_dossier_path(dossier) expect(page).to be_axe_clean end scenario 'modifier' do visit modifier_dossier_path(dossier) expect(page).to be_axe_clean end scenario 'brouillon' do visit brouillon_dossier_path(dossier) expect(page).to be_axe_clean end end end