class ConditionForm include ActiveModel::Model include Logic attr_accessor :top_operator_name, :rows, :source_tdcs def to_condition case sub_conditions.count when 0 nil when 1 sub_conditions.first else end end def delete_row(i) rows.slice!(i) self end def change_champ(i) sub_conditions[i] = Logic.ensure_compatibility_from_left(sub_conditions[i], source_tdcs) self end private def top_operator_class Logic.class_from_name(top_operator_name) end def sub_conditions @sub_conditions ||= { |row| row_to_condition(row) } end def row_to_condition(row) left = Logic.from_json(row[:targeted_champ]) right = parse_value(left.type(source_tdcs), row[:value]) Logic.class_from_name(row[:operator_name]).new(left, right) end def parse_value(left_type, value) return empty if value.blank? if left_type == :number # in this special case, we try to cast as Float, then Integer # but it can still be a previous string value or a mistap number = parse_to_number(value) return constant(number) if number end # otherwise it can be a serialized Constant(true | false) term # or a serialized Empty term term = Logic.from_json(value) rescue nil return term if term.present? # if anything else, save it as a constant of string constant(value) end def parse_to_number(str) float = Float(str) float % 1 == 0 ? float.to_i : float rescue ArgumentError nil end end