module Manager class ExportsController < Manager::ApplicationController # Overwrite any of the RESTful controller actions to implement custom behavior # For example, you may want to send an email after a foo is updated. # # def update # super # send_foo_updated_email(requested_resource) # end # Override this method to specify custom lookup behavior. # This will be used to set the resource for the `show`, `edit`, and `update` # actions. # # def find_resource(param) # Foo.find_by!(slug: param) # end # def scoped_resource super.includes(groupe_instructeurs: :procedure) end def filter_resources(resources, search_term:) return super if search_term.blank? ids = Export.joins(:groupe_instructeurs).where(groupe_instructeurs: { procedure_id: search_term }).pluck(:id) super.or(Export.where(id: ids)) end # Override `resource_params` if you want to transform the submitted # data before it's persisted. For example, the following would turn all # empty values into nil values. It uses other APIs such as `resource_class` # and `dashboard`: # # def resource_params # params.require(resource_class.model_name.param_key). # permit(dashboard.permitted_attributes). # transform_values { |value| value == "" ? nil : value } # end # See # for more information end end