-# # Application Layout -# -# This view template is used as the layout -# for every page that Administrate generates. -# -# By default, it renders: -# - Sidebar for navigation -# - Content for a search bar -# (if provided by a `content_for` block in a nested page) -# - Flashes -# - Links to stylesheets and Javascripts !!! %html{ lang: I18n.locale } %head %meta{ charset: "utf-8" } %meta{ content: "NOODP", :name => "ROBOTS" } %meta{ content: "initial-scale=1", :name => "viewport" } %title = content_for(:title) | #{Rails.application.class.parent_name.titlecase} = render "stylesheet" = csrf_meta_tags %body .app-container .sidebar = render "sidebar" %main.main-content{ role: "main" } = content_for(:search) = render "flashes" = yield = render "javascript"