import { useState, useContext, useRef, useEffect, useMemo, ReactNode, createContext, useCallback } from 'react'; import { createPortal } from 'react-dom'; import { Map, NavigationControl } from 'maplibre-gl'; import type { StyleSpecification, IControl } from 'maplibre-gl'; import 'maplibre-gl/dist/maplibre-gl.css'; import invariant from 'tiny-invariant'; import { useStyle, useElementVisible } from './hooks'; import { StyleSwitch } from './StyleControl'; const Context = createContext<{ map?: Map | null }>({}); type MapLibreProps = { layers: string[]; children: ReactNode; }; export function useMapLibre() { const context = useContext(Context); invariant(, 'Maplibre not initialized'); return; } export function MapLibre({ children, layers }: MapLibreProps) { const isSupported = useMemo(() => isWebglSupported(), []); const containerRef = useRef(null); const visible = useElementVisible(containerRef); const [map, setMap] = useState(); const [styleControlElement, setStyleControlElement] = useState(null); const onStyleChange = useCallback( (style: StyleSpecification) => { if (map) { map.setStyle(style); } }, [map] ); const { style, ...mapStyleProps } = useStyle(layers, onStyleChange); useEffect(() => { if (isSupported && visible && !map) { invariant(containerRef.current, 'Map container not found'); const map = new Map({ container: containerRef.current, style }); map.addControl(new NavigationControl({}), 'top-right'); const styleControl = new ReactControl(); map.addControl(styleControl, 'bottom-left'); map.on('load', () => { setMap(map); setStyleControlElement(styleControl.container); }); } }, [map, style, visible, isSupported]); if (!isSupported) { return (
Nous ne pouvons pas afficher la carte car elle est incompatible avec votre navigateur. Nous vous conseillons de le mettre à jour ou d’utiliser{' '} un navigateur plus récent .
); } return (
{styleControlElement != null ? createPortal( , styleControlElement ) : null} {map ? children : null}
); } function isWebglSupported() { if (window.WebGLRenderingContext) { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); try { // Note that { failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: true } can be passed as a second argument // to canvas.getContext(), causing the check to fail if hardware rendering is not available. See // // for more details. const context = canvas.getContext('webgl2') || canvas.getContext('webgl'); if (context && typeof context.getParameter == 'function') { return true; } } catch (e) { // WebGL is supported, but disabled } return false; } // WebGL not supported return false; } export class ReactControl implements IControl { #container: HTMLElement | null = null; get container(): HTMLElement | null { return this.#container; } onAdd(): HTMLElement { this.#container = document.createElement('div'); this.#container.className = 'maplibregl-ctrl maplibregl-ctrl-group ds-ctrl'; return this.#container; } onRemove(): void { this.#container?.remove(); this.#container = null; } }