import L from 'leaflet'; import FreeDraw from 'leaflet-freedraw'; import area from '@turf/area'; import { fire, delegate } from '@utils'; import $ from 'jquery'; import createFeatureCollection from './create-feature-collection'; const MAPS = new WeakMap(); export function drawEditableMap(element, data) { const map = initMap(element, data); drawCadastre(map, data); drawQuartiersPrioritaires(map, data); drawParcellesAgricoles(map, data); drawUserSelectionEditor(map, data); const input = element.parentElement.querySelector('input[data-remote]'); addFreeDrawEvents(map, input); } export function redrawMap(element, data) { const map = initMap(element, data); clearLayers(map); drawCadastre(map, data); drawQuartiersPrioritaires(map, data); drawParcellesAgricoles(map, data); bringToFrontUserSelection(map); } function initMap(element, { position }) { if (MAPS.has(element)) { return MAPS.get(element); } else { const map =, { scrollWheelZoom: false }).setView([, position.lon], 18); const loadTilesLayer = process.env.RAILS_ENV != 'test'; if (loadTilesLayer) { L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors' }).addTo(map); } const freeDraw = new FreeDraw({ mode: FreeDraw.NONE, smoothFactor: 4, mergePolygons: false }); map.addLayer(freeDraw); map.freeDraw = freeDraw; MAPS.set(element, map); return map; } } function toLatLngs({ coordinates }) { return => polygon[0].map(point => L.GeoJSON.coordsToLatLng(point)) ); } function drawUserSelectionEditor(map, { selection }) { if (selection) { const geoJSON = L.geoJSON(selection); for (let polygon of toLatLngs(selection)) { map.freeDraw.create(polygon); } map.fitBounds(geoJSON.getBounds()); } } export function addFreeDrawEvents(map, selector) { const input = findInput(selector); map.freeDraw.on('markers', ({ latLngs }) => { if (latLngs.length === 0) { input.value = EMPTY_GEO_JSON; } else { const featureCollection = createFeatureCollection(latLngs); if (area(featureCollection) < 300000) { input.value = JSON.stringify(featureCollection); } else { input.value = ERROR_GEO_JSON; } } fire(input, 'change'); }); } function drawCadastre(map, { cadastres }) { drawLayer(map, cadastres, CADASTRE_POLYGON_STYLE); } function drawQuartiersPrioritaires(map, { quartiersPrioritaires }) { drawLayer(map, quartiersPrioritaires, QP_POLYGON_STYLE); } function drawParcellesAgricoles(map, { parcellesAgricoles }) { drawLayer(map, parcellesAgricoles, RPG_POLYGON_STYLE); } function getCurrentMap(element) { if (!element.matches('.carte')) { const closestCarteElement = element.closest('.carte'); const closestToolbarElement = element.closest('.toolbar'); element = closestCarteElement ? closestCarteElement : closestToolbarElement.parentElement.querySelector('.carte'); } if (MAPS.has(element)) { return MAPS.get(element); } } const EMPTY_GEO_JSON = '{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [] }'; const ERROR_GEO_JSON = ''; function findInput(selector) { return typeof selector === 'string' ? document.querySelector(selector) : selector; } function clearLayers(map) { map.eachLayer(layer => { if (layer instanceof L.GeoJSON) { map.removeLayer(layer); } }); } function bringToFrontUserSelection(map) { for (let layer of map.freeDraw.all()) { layer.bringToFront(); } } function drawLayer(map, data, style) { if (Array.isArray(data) && data.length > 0) { const layer = new L.GeoJSON(undefined, { interactive: false, style }); for (let { geometry } of data) { layer.addData(geometry); } layer.addTo(map); } } const POLYGON_STYLE = { weight: 2, opacity: 0.3, color: 'white', dashArray: '3', fillOpacity: 0.7 }; const CADASTRE_POLYGON_STYLE = Object.assign({}, POLYGON_STYLE, { fillColor: '#8a6d3b' }); const QP_POLYGON_STYLE = Object.assign({}, POLYGON_STYLE, { fillColor: '#31708f' }); const RPG_POLYGON_STYLE = Object.assign({}, POLYGON_STYLE, { fillColor: '#31708f' }); delegate('click', '.carte.edit', event => { const map = getCurrentMap(; if (map) { const isPath ='.leaflet-container g path'); if (isPath) { setTimeout(() => { map.freeDraw.mode(FreeDraw.EDIT | FreeDraw.DELETE); }, 50); } else { map.freeDraw.mode(FreeDraw.NONE); } } }); delegate('click', '.toolbar .new-area', event => { event.preventDefault(); const map = getCurrentMap(; if (map) { map.freeDraw.mode(FreeDraw.CREATE); } }); $(document).on('select2:select', 'select[data-address]', event => { const map = getCurrentMap(; const { geometry } =; if (map && geometry && geometry.type === 'Point') { const [lon, lat] = geometry.coordinates; map.setView(new L.LatLng(lat, lon), 14); } });