namespace :after_party do desc 'Deployment task: migrate_api_tokens' task migrate_api_tokens: :environment do puts "Running deploy task 'migrate_api_tokens'" administrateurs = Administrateur .where.not(encrypted_token: nil) .where.missing(:api_tokens) progress = administrateurs.find_each do |administrateur| administrateur.transaction do administrateur .api_tokens .create!(name: administrateur.updated_at.strftime('Jeton d’API généré le %d/%m/%Y'), encrypted_token: administrateur.encrypted_token, version: 1) administrateur.update_column(:encrypted_token, nil) end end progress.finish # Update task as completed. If you remove the line below, the task will # run with every deploy (or every time you call after_party:run). AfterParty::TaskRecord .create version: end end