# Optional environment variables # Application name, for display and generating links APPLICATION_NAME="demarches-simplifiees.fr" APPLICATION_BASE_URL="https://www.demarches-simplifiees.fr" # When migrating app to a new domain, configure APP_HOST to the new domain # and APP_HOST_LEGACY to the legacy domain. # The app will be able to answer to boths during the transition. # APP_HOST_LEGACY="" # If defined to "staging", tell the app that it's running on a staging instance DS_ENV="staging" # You know, we are a french team # TEAM_ON_STRIKE='pas content.' # France Connect usage # FRANCE_CONNECT_ENABLED="disabled" # "enabled" by default # FC_PARTICULIER_ID="" # FC_PARTICULIER_SECRET="" # FC_PARTICULIER_BASE_URL="" # External service: authentication through Agent Connect # AGENT_CONNECT_ID="" # AGENT_CONNECT_SECRET="" # AGENT_CONNECT_BASE_URL="" # AGENT_CONNECT_REDIRECT="" # useful when migrating to gouv domain # AGENT_CONNECT_GOUV_ID="" # AGENT_CONNECT_GOUV_SECRET="" # AGENT_CONNECT_GOUV_REDIRECT="" # Certigna usage # CERTIGNA_ENABLED="disabled" # "enabled" by default # Configure the maximum number of times a job is retried # MAX_ATTEMPTS_JOBS=25 # MAX_ATTEMPTS_API_ENTREPRISE_JOBS=5 # Instance customization: URLs for GTS and legal mentions # CGU_URL="" # MENTIONS_LEGALES_URL="" # Instance customization: support emails addresses and phone # CONTACT_EMAIL="" # NO_REPLY_EMAIL="" # OLD_CONTACT_EMAIL="" # CONTACT_PHONE="" # Instance customization: postal address of the instance operator # CONTACT_ADDRESS="Incubateur de Services Numériques / beta.gouv.fr\nServices du Premier Ministre, 20 avenue de Ségur, 75007 Paris" # Instance customization: URL for creating an admin account on the instance # DEMANDE_INSCRIPTION_ADMIN_PAGE_URL="" # Instance customization: URL of the documentation website # DOC_URL="https://doc.demarches-simplifiees.fr" # Instance customization: URL of the Routage documentation # ROUTAGE_URL="" # # Instance customization: URL of the accessibility statement # ACCESSIBILITE_URL="" # Instance customization: URL of the availability/status webpage # STATUS_PAGE_URL="" # Instance customization: Favicons ---> to be put in "app/assets/images" # Search "real favicon generator" to find websites generating all these formats from a single image source. # An empty string disable the icon if you don't care. # FAVICON_16PX_SRC="favicons/16x16.png" # FAVICON_32PX_SRC="favicons/32x32.png" # FAVICON_96PX_SRC="favicons/96x96.png" # FAVICON_APPLE_TOUCH_152PX_SRC="favicons/apple-touch-icon.png" # Instance customization: Application logo ---> to be put in "app/assets/images" # HEADER_LOGO_SRC="marianne.png" # HEADER_LOGO_ALT="" # HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH="65" # HEADER_LOGO_HEIGHT="56" # Instance customization: Emails header logo ---> to be put in "app/assets/images" # MAILER_LOGO_SRC="mailer/republique-francaise-logo.png" # Instance customization: Procedure default logo ---> to be put in "app/assets/images" # PROCEDURE_DEFAULT_LOGO_SRC="republique-francaise-logo.svg" # Instance customization: PDF export logo ---> to be put in "app/assets/images" # DOSSIER_PDF_EXPORT_LOGO_SRC="app/assets/images/header/logo-ds-wide.png" # Enabling maintenance mode # MAINTENANCE_MODE="true" # Enabling localization # LOCALIZATION_ENABLED="true" # Disabling 2FA for Super-Admins # SUPER_ADMIN_OTP_ENABLED = "disabled" # "enabled" par défaut # API ENTREPRISE # You can make some tests with the staging environment # More info at https://entreprise.api.gouv.fr/developpeurs#tester-api-preproduction # API_ENTREPRISE_URL = "https://staging.entreprise.api.gouv.fr" # API Particulier # https://api.gouv.fr/les-api/api-particulier # API_PARTICULIER_URL="https://particulier.api.gouv.fr/api" # Admins and instructeurs can freely change their email to these domains # LEGIT_ADMIN_DOMAINS = "example.org;example.net" # External service: Matomo web analytics MATOMO_IFRAME_URL="https://matomo.example.org/index.php?module=CoreAdminHome&action=optOut&language=fr&&fontColor=333333&fontSize=16px&fontFamily=Muli" # Landing page sections # LANDING_TESTIMONIALS_ENABLED="enabled" # LANDING_USERS_ENABLED="enabled" # Archive creation options # when we create an archive of a Procedure, the worker uses this directory as a root in order to build our archives (archive are build within a tmp_dir in this dir) # ARCHIVE_CREATION_DIR='/tmp' # max parallel download when creating an archive # ARCHIVE_DOWNLOAD_MAX_PARALLEL=10 # Archive when encryption of massive file options # depending on your object storage backend (ie: aws::s3/ovh::object_storage), it may requires a custom upload strategy for big file if you encrypt your files in case of data breach # suggested value is 4.gigabytes (4294967296) # ACTIVE_STORAGE_FILE_SIZE_THRESHOLD_BEFORE_CUSTOM_UPLOAD=4294967296 # a custom script handling upload of big file # ACTIVE_STORAGE_BIG_FILE_UPLOADER_WITH_ENCRYPTION_PATH='/usr/local/bin/swift' # SMTP Provider: Dolist # DOLIST_USERNAME="" # DOLIST_PASSWORD="" # DOLIST_ACCOUNT_ID="" # DOLIST_NO_REPLY_EMAIL="" # DOLIST_API_KEY="" # SMTP Provider: SIB (Brevo) # SENDINBLUE_SMTP_ADDRESS="" # SENDINBLUE_SMTP_PORT="" # Ratio of emails sent using SendInBlue # When present, N % of emails will be sent using SendInBlue # (and the others using the default SMTP provider) SENDINBLUE_BALANCING_VALUE="50" # Ratio of emails sent using DoList # When present, N % of emails will be sent using DoList # (and the others using the default SMTP provider) DOLIST_API_BALANCING_VALUE="50" # Used only by a migration to choose your default regarding procedure archive dossiers after duree_conservation_dossiers_dans_ds # DEFAULT_PROCEDURE_EXPIRES_WHEN_TERMINE_ENABLED=true # Enable vite legacy build (IE11). Legacy build is used in production (except if set to "disabled"). # You might want to enable it in other environements for testing. Build time will be greatly impacted. VITE_LEGACY="" # around july 2022, we changed the duree_conservation_dossiers_dans_ds, allow instances to choose their own duration NEW_MAX_DUREE_CONSERVATION=12 #number of months after which DS considere an administrateur useless (if no service and no procedure) #UNUSED_ADMIN_THRESHOLD=6 # Open data OPENDATA_ENABLED="enabled" # disabled by default if `OPENDATA_ENABLED` not set # Open data, publish to data.gouv.fr DATAGOUV_API_KEY="thisisasecret" DATAGOUV_API_URL="https://www.data.gouv.fr/api/1" DATAGOUV_STATISTICS_DATASET="dataset-id1" DATAGOUV_DESCRIPTIF_DEMARCHES_DATASET="dataset-id2" DATAGOUV_DESCRIPTIF_DEMARCHES_RESOURCE="resource-id-of-dataset-id2" # Zonage ZONAGE_ENABLED='enabled' # zonage disabled by default if `ZONAGE_ENABLED` not set # Configuration for the S3 storage service (if enabled) S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID="" S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="" S3_REGION="" S3_BUCKET="" # SAML SAML_IDP_CERTIFICATE="idpcertificate" SAML_IDP_SECRET_KEY="-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nblabla+blabla\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" SAML_DOLIST_CERTIFICATE="spcertificate" SAML_DOLIST_HOST="dolisthoname" DOLIST_LOGIN_URL="https://clientpreprod.dolist.net" # rappel web du support SUPPORT_WEBHOOK_URL="" # rappel web de sendinblue SIB_WEBHOOK_URL="" # ServicesPublics+ tracking url shown to user when dossier is terminated. SERVICES_PUBLICS_PLUS_URL="" # Classic SMTP CLASSIC_SMTP_ENABLED="disabled" SMTP_HOST="" SMTP_PORT="" SMTP_USER="" SMTP_PASS="" SMTP_TLS="" SMTP_AUTHENTICATION="plain" # Sendmail SENDMAIL_ENABLED="disabled" SENDMAIL_LOCATION="/usr/sbin/sendmail" SENDMAIL_ARGUMENTS="-i" # Various banner for important messages # for all users BANNER_MESSAGE="" # for instructeurs and admins only ADMINISTRATION_BANNER_MESSAGE="" # for usager only USAGER_BANNER_MESSAGE="" # RSA private key to generate JWT tokens for communication with COJO services COJO_JWT_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY="" COJO_JWT_ISS="" API_COJO_URL="" # Set to `disabled` if you want to diable postgis POSTGIS_EXTENSION_DISABLED="" # Use redis as primary rails cache store, file system otherwise REDIS_CACHE_URL="" REDIS_CACHE_SSL="enabled" REDIS_CACHE_SSL_VERIFY_NONE="enabled" # configuration for sidekiq's redis # simple mode # that's all you need to do to conf your sidekiq on a local redis REDIS_URL="redis://localhost:6379" # or sentinels mode REDIS_SIDEKIQ_SENTINELS='sentinel://host-1:26379,sentinel://host-2:26379' REDIS_SIDEKIQ_MASTER='master_name' REDIS_SIDEKIQ_PASSWORD='sentinel_and_redis_password' REDIS_SIDEKIQ_USERNAME='sentinel_and_redis_username' # configuration for prometheus metrics web server # launched with sidekiq PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_BIND="" PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_PORT="9394" PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_ENABLED="disabled" # Setup log level, info if nil # can be debug, info, warn, error, fatal, and unknown DS_LOG_LEVEL='info' # GroupeGestionnaire # can be removed if needed when EVERY PARTS of the feature will be merged / only used in routes.rb ADMINS_GROUP_ENABLED="disabled" # Do you want to isolate bulk email (notifications) from transactional ones (ex: reset password). # BULK_EMAIL_QUEUE will host bulk email (notifications) BULK_EMAIL_QUEUE="low_priority" # Use this env var customize the max number of deleted user per day EXPIRE_USER_DELETION_JOB_LIMIT=10000 # write anything to disable cron jobs CRON_JOBS_DISABLED="" # disable SIDEKIQ_RELIABLE_FETCH # SKIP_RELIABLE_FETCH="true"