import { httpRequest, isSelectElement, isCheckboxOrRadioInputElement, isTextInputElement, getConfig } from '@utils'; import { ApplicationController } from './application_controller'; const { autosave: { debounce_delay } } = getConfig(); const AUTOSAVE_DEBOUNCE_DELAY = debounce_delay; const AUTOSAVE_TIMEOUT_DELAY = 60000; export class CheckConditionsController extends ApplicationController { #abortController?: AbortController; #latestPromise = Promise.resolve(); connect() { this.#latestPromise = Promise.resolve(); this.on('change', (event) => this.onChange(event)); this.on('input', (event) => this.onInput(event)); } disconnect() { this.#abortController?.abort(); this.#latestPromise = Promise.resolve(); } private onChange(event: Event) { const target = as HTMLInputElement; if (!target.disabled) { if (target.type == 'hidden') { this.debounce(this.enqueueCheckRequest, AUTOSAVE_DEBOUNCE_DELAY); } else if ( isSelectElement(target) || isCheckboxOrRadioInputElement(target) ) { this.enqueueCheckRequest(); } } } private onInput(event: Event) { const target = as HTMLInputElement; if (!target.disabled) { if ( target.getAttribute('role') != 'combobox' && isTextInputElement(target) ) { this.debounce(this.enqueueCheckRequest, AUTOSAVE_DEBOUNCE_DELAY); } } } private enqueueCheckRequest() { this.#latestPromise = this.#latestPromise.finally(() => this.sendCheckRequest().catch(() => null) ); } private sendCheckRequest(): Promise { this.#abortController = new AbortController(); const form = this.form; if (!form) { return Promise.resolve(); } const fileInputs = form.querySelectorAll('input[type="file"]'); for (const input of fileInputs) { input.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } const formData = new FormData(form); for (const input of fileInputs) { input.removeAttribute('disabled'); } formData.set('check_conditions', 'true'); return httpRequest(form.action, { method: 'patch', body: formData, signal: this.#abortController.signal, timeout: AUTOSAVE_TIMEOUT_DELAY }).turbo(); } private get form() { return this.element.closest('form'); } }