import invariant from 'tiny-invariant'; import { show, hide, toggle } from '@utils'; import Uploader from './uploader'; import { FileUploadError, ERROR_CODE_READ, FAILURE_CONNECTIVITY } from './file-upload-error'; type ErrorMessage = { title: string; retry: boolean; }; // Given a file input in a champ with a selected file, upload a file, // then attach it to the dossier. // // On success, the champ is replaced by an HTML fragment describing the attachment. // On error, a error message is displayed above the input. export class AutoUpload { #input: HTMLInputElement; #uploader: Uploader; constructor(input: HTMLInputElement, file: File) { const { directUploadUrl, autoAttachUrl, maxFileSize } = input.dataset; invariant(directUploadUrl, 'Could not find the direct upload URL.'); this.#input = input; this.#uploader = new Uploader( input, file, directUploadUrl, autoAttachUrl, maxFileSize ); } // Create, upload and attach the file. // On failure, display an error message and throw a FileUploadError. async start() { try { this.begin(); await this.#uploader.start(); this.succeeded(); } catch (error) { this.failed(error as FileUploadError); throw error; } finally { this.done(); } } private begin() { this.#input.disabled = true; this.hideErrorMessage(); } private succeeded() { this.#input.value = ''; } private failed(error: FileUploadError) { if (!document.body.contains(this.#input)) { return; } this.#uploader.progressBar.destroy(); const message = this.messageFromError(error); this.displayErrorMessage(message); this.#input.classList.toggle('fr-text-default--error', true); } private done() { this.#input.disabled = false; } private messageFromError(error: FileUploadError): ErrorMessage { const message = error.message || error.toString(); const canRetry = error.status && error.status != 422; if (error.failureReason == FAILURE_CONNECTIVITY) { return { title: 'Le fichier n’a pas pu être envoyé. Vérifiez votre connexion à Internet, puis ré-essayez.', retry: true }; } else if (error.code == ERROR_CODE_READ) { return { title: 'Nous n’arrivons pas à lire ce fichier sur votre appareil. Essayez à nouveau, ou sélectionnez un autre fichier.', retry: false }; } else { return { title: message, retry: !!canRetry }; } } private displayErrorMessage(message: ErrorMessage) { const errorElement = this.errorElement; if (errorElement) { show(errorElement); this.errorTitleElement.textContent = message.title || ''; toggle(this.errorRetryButton, message.retry); } } private hideErrorMessage() { const errorElement = this.errorElement; if (errorElement) { hide(errorElement); } } get errorElement() { return this.#input .closest('.attachment') ?.querySelector('.attachment-upload-error'); } get errorTitleElement() { const element = this.errorElement?.querySelector('.fr-error-text'); invariant(element, 'Could not find the error title element.'); return element; } get errorRetryButton() { const element = this.errorElement?.querySelector( '.attachment-upload-error-retry' ); invariant(element, 'Could not find the error retry button element.'); return element; } }