describe Champs::SiretController, type: :controller do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:procedure) do tdc_siret = build(:type_de_champ_siret, procedure: nil) create(:procedure, :published, types_de_champ: [tdc_siret]) end describe '#show' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user, procedure: procedure) } let(:champ) { dossier.champs.first } let(:params) do { champ_id:, dossier: { champs_attributes: { '1' => { value: siret.to_s } } }, position: '1' } end let(:siret) { '' } context 'when the user is signed in' do render_views let(:api_etablissement_status) { 200 } let(:api_etablissement_body) {'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/etablissements.json') } let(:token_expired) { false } before do sign_in user stub_request(:get, /https:\/\/\/v2\/etablissements\/#{siret}?.*token=/) .to_return(status: api_etablissement_status, body: api_etablissement_body) allow_any_instance_of(ApiEntrepriseToken).to receive(:roles) .and_return(["attestations_fiscales", "attestations_sociales", "bilans_entreprise_bdf"]) allow_any_instance_of(ApiEntrepriseToken).to receive(:expired?).and_return(token_expired) end context 'when the SIRET is empty' do subject! { get :show, params: params, format: 'js' } it 'clears the etablissement and SIRET on the model' do champ.reload expect(champ.etablissement).to be_nil expect(champ.value).to be_empty end it 'clears any information or error message' do expect(response.body).to include('.siret-info-1') expect(response.body).to include('innerHTML = ""') end end context 'when the SIRET is invalid' do let(:siret) { '1234' } subject! { get :show, params: params, format: 'js' } it 'clears the etablissement and SIRET on the model' do champ.reload expect(champ.etablissement).to be_nil expect(champ.value).to be_empty end it 'displays a “SIRET is invalid” error message' do expect(response.body).to include('Le numéro de SIRET doit comporter exactement 14 chiffres.') end end context 'when the API is unavailable' do let(:siret) { '82161143100015' } let(:api_etablissement_status) { 503 } subject! { get :show, params: params, format: 'js' } it 'clears the etablissement and SIRET on the model' do champ.reload expect(champ.etablissement).to be_nil expect(champ.value).to be_empty end it 'displays a “API is unavailable” error message' do expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t('errors.messages.siret_network_error')) end end context 'when the SIRET is valid but unknown' do let(:siret) { '00000000000000' } let(:api_etablissement_status) { 404 } subject! { get :show, params: params, format: 'js' } it 'clears the etablissement and SIRET on the model' do champ.reload expect(champ.etablissement).to be_nil expect(champ.value).to be_empty end it 'displays a “SIRET not found” error message' do expect(response.body).to include('Nous n’avons pas trouvé d’établissement correspondant à ce numéro de SIRET.') end end context 'when the SIRET informations are retrieved successfully' do let(:siret) { '41816609600051' } let(:api_etablissement_status) { 200 } let(:api_etablissement_body) {'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/etablissements.json') } subject! { get :show, params: params, format: 'js' } it 'populates the etablissement and SIRET on the model' do champ.reload expect(champ.value).to eq(siret) expect(champ.etablissement.siret).to eq(siret) expect(champ.etablissement.naf).to eq("6202A") expect(dossier.reload.etablissement).to eq(nil) end end end context 'when user is not signed in' do subject! { get :show, params: { position: '1' }, format: 'js' } it { expect(response.code).to eq('401') } end end end