%main#content{ role: "main" } .fr-container .fr-my-7w.fr-mt-md-12w.fr-mb-md-10w.fr-grid-row.fr-grid-row--gutters.fr-grid-row--middle.fr-grid-row--center .fr-py-0.fr-col-12.fr-col-md-6 %h1 Page not found %p.fr-text--sm.fr-mb-3w Error 404 %p.fr-text--lead.fr-mb-3w The page you are looking for cannot be found. We apologize for the inconvenience. %p.fr-text--sm.fr-mb-5w If you typed the web address in the browser, check that it is correct. The page may no longer be available. %br In this case, to continue your visit you can check our homepage. %br Otherwise, contact us so we can direct you to the correct information. %ul.fr-btns-group.fr-btns-group--inline-md %li = link_to("Homepage", root_path, class: "fr-btn") %li = link_to("Contact us", contact_path, class: "fr-btn fr-btn--secondary") = render partial: "artwork"