# Mark existing migrations as safe StrongMigrations.start_after = 20220315125851 # Set timeouts for migrations # If you use PgBouncer in transaction mode, delete these lines and set timeouts on the database user StrongMigrations.lock_timeout = 10.seconds StrongMigrations.statement_timeout = 1.hour # Analyze tables after indexes are added # Outdated statistics can sometimes hurt performance StrongMigrations.auto_analyze = true # Set the version of the production database # so the right checks are run in development # StrongMigrations.target_version = 10 # Add custom checks # StrongMigrations.add_check do |method, args| # if method == :add_index && args[0].to_s == "users" # stop! "No more indexes on the users table" # end # end # Make some operations safe by default # See https://github.com/ankane/strong_migrations#safe-by-default # StrongMigrations.safe_by_default = true