describe ExportTemplate do let(:groupe_instructeur) { create(:groupe_instructeur, procedure:) } let(:export_template) { create(:export_template, groupe_instructeur:, content:) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure_with_dossiers, types_de_champ_public:, for_individual:) } let(:dossier) { procedure.dossiers.first } let(:for_individual) { false } let(:types_de_champ_public) do [ { type: :piece_justificative, libelle: "Justificatif de domicile", mandatory: true, stable_id: 3 }, { type: :titre_identite, libelle: "CNI", mandatory: true, stable_id: 5 } ] end let(:content) do { "pdf_name" => { "type" => "doc", "content" => [ { "type" => "paragraph", "content" => [{ "text" => "mon_export_", "type" => "text" }, { "type" => "mention", "attrs" => { "id" => "dossier_number", "label" => "numéro du dossier" } }] } ] }, "default_dossier_directory" => { "type" => "doc", "content" => [ { "type" => "paragraph", "content" => [{ "text" => "DOSSIER_", "type" => "text" }, { "type" => "mention", "attrs" => { "id" => "dossier_number", "label" => "numéro du dossier" } }, { "text" => " ", "type" => "text" }] } ] }, "pjs" => [ { path: { "type" => "doc", "content" => [{ "type" => "paragraph", "content" => [{ "type" => "mention", "attrs" => { "id" => "original-filename", "label" => "nom original du fichier" } }, { "text" => " _justif", "type" => "text" }] }] }, stable_id: "3" }, { path: { "type" => "doc", "content" => [{ "type" => "paragraph", "content" => [{ "text" => "cni_", "type" => "text" }, { "type" => "mention", "attrs" => { "id" => "dossier_number", "label" => "numéro du dossier" } }, { "text" => " ", "type" => "text" }] }] }, stable_id: "5" }, { path: { "type" => "doc", "content" => [{ "type" => "paragraph", "content" => [{ "text" => "pj_repet_", "type" => "text" }, { "type" => "mention", "attrs" => { "id" => "dossier_number", "label" => "numéro du dossier" } }, { "text" => " ", "type" => "text" }] }] }, stable_id: "10" } ] } end describe 'new' do let(:export_template) { build(:export_template, groupe_instructeur: groupe_instructeur) } it 'set default values' do export_template.set_default_values expect(export_template.content).to eq({ "pdf_name" => { "type" => "doc", "content" => [ { "type" => "paragraph", "content" => [{ "text" => "export_", "type" => "text" }, { "type" => "mention", "attrs" => ExportTemplate::DOSSIER_ID_TAG.stringify_keys }] } ] }, "default_dossier_directory" => { "type" => "doc", "content" => [ { "type" => "paragraph", "content" => [{ "text" => "dossier-", "type" => "text" }, { "type" => "mention", "attrs" => ExportTemplate::DOSSIER_ID_TAG.stringify_keys }] } ] }, "pjs" => [ { "stable_id" => "3", "path" => { "type" => "doc", "content" => [{ "type" => "paragraph", "content" => [{ "text" => "justificatif-de-domicile-", "type" => "text" }, { "type" => "mention", "attrs" => ExportTemplate::DOSSIER_ID_TAG.stringify_keys }] }] } } ] }) end end describe '#tiptap_default_dossier_directory' do it 'returns tiptap_default_dossier_directory from content' do expect(export_template.tiptap_default_dossier_directory).to eq({ "type" => "doc", "content" => [ { "type" => "paragraph", "content" => [{ "text" => "DOSSIER_", "type" => "text" }, { "type" => "mention", "attrs" => { "id" => "dossier_number", "label" => "numéro du dossier" } }, { "text" => " ", "type" => "text" }] } ] }.to_json) end end describe '#tiptap_pdf_name' do it 'returns tiptap_pdf_name from content' do expect(export_template.tiptap_pdf_name).to eq({ "type" => "doc", "content" => [ { "type" => "paragraph", "content" => [{ "text" => "mon_export_", "type" => "text" }, { "type" => "mention", "attrs" => { "id" => "dossier_number", "label" => "numéro du dossier" } }] } ] }.to_json) end end describe '#content_for_pj' do let(:type_de_champ_pj) { create(:type_de_champ_piece_justificative, stable_id: 3, libelle: 'Justificatif de domicile', procedure:) } let(:champ_pj) { create(:champ_piece_justificative, type_de_champ: type_de_champ_pj) } let(:attachment) { 'pj', record: champ_pj, blob: "superpj.png")) } it 'returns tiptap content for pj' do expect(export_template.content_for_pj(type_de_champ_pj)).to eq({ "type" => "doc", "content" => [ { "type" => "paragraph", "content" => [{ "type" => "mention", "attrs" => { "id" => "original-filename", "label" => "nom original du fichier" } }, { "text" => " _justif", "type" => "text" }] } ] }.to_json) end end describe '#attachment_and_path' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) } context 'for export pdf' do let(:attachment) { double("attachment") } it 'gives absolute filename for export of specific dossier' do allow(attachment).to receive(:name).and_return('pdf_export_for_instructeur') expect(export_template.attachment_and_path(dossier, attachment)).to eq([attachment, "DOSSIER_#{}/mon_export_#{}.pdf"]) end end context 'for pj' do let(:dossier) { procedure.dossiers.first } let(:type_de_champ_pj) { create(:type_de_champ_piece_justificative, stable_id: 3, procedure:) } let(:champ_pj) { create(:champ_piece_justificative, type_de_champ: type_de_champ_pj) } let(:attachment) { 'pj', record: champ_pj, blob: "superpj.png")) } before do dossier.champs_public << champ_pj end it 'returns pj and custom name for pj' do expect(export_template.attachment_and_path(dossier, attachment, champ: champ_pj)).to eq([attachment, "DOSSIER_#{}/superpj_justif-1.png"]) end end context 'pj repetable' do let(:procedure) do create(:procedure_with_dossiers, :for_individual, types_de_champ_public: [{ type: :repetition, mandatory: true, children: [{ libelle: 'sub type de champ' }] }]) end let(:type_de_champ_repetition) do repetition = draft.types_de_champ_public.repetition.first repetition.update(stable_id: 3333) repetition end let(:draft) { procedure.draft_revision } let(:dossier) { procedure.dossiers.first } let(:type_de_champ_pj) do draft.add_type_de_champ({ type_champ: TypeDeChamp.type_champs.fetch(:piece_justificative), libelle: "pj repet", stable_id: 10, parent_stable_id: type_de_champ_repetition.stable_id }) end let(:champ_pj) { create(:champ_piece_justificative, type_de_champ: type_de_champ_pj) } let(:attachment) { 'pj', record: champ_pj, blob: "superpj.png")) } before do dossier.champs_public << champ_pj end it 'rename repetable pj' do expect(export_template.attachment_and_path(dossier, attachment, champ: champ_pj)).to eq([attachment, "DOSSIER_#{}/pj_repet_#{}-1.png"]) end end end describe '#tiptap_convert' do it 'convert default dossier directory' do expect(export_template.tiptap_convert(procedure.dossiers.first, "default_dossier_directory")).to eq "DOSSIER_#{}" end it 'convert pdf_name' do expect(export_template.tiptap_convert(procedure.dossiers.first, "pdf_name")).to eq "mon_export_#{}" end end describe '#tiptap_convert_pj' do let(:type_de_champ_pj) { create(:type_de_champ_piece_justificative, stable_id: 3, libelle: 'Justificatif de domicile', procedure:) } let(:champ_pj) { create(:champ_piece_justificative, type_de_champ: type_de_champ_pj) } let(:attachment) { 'pj', record: champ_pj, blob: "superpj.png")) } it 'convert pj' do attachment expect(export_template.tiptap_convert_pj(dossier, type_de_champ_pj.stable_id, attachment)).to eq "superpj_justif" end end describe '#valid?' do let(:subject) { build(:export_template, groupe_instructeur:, content:) } let(:ddd_text) { "DoSSIER" } let(:mention) { { "type" => "mention", "attrs" => { "id" => "dossier_number", "label" => "numéro du dossier" } } } let(:ddd_mention) { mention } let(:pdf_text) { "export" } let(:pdf_mention) { mention } let(:pj_text) { "_pj" } let(:pj_mention) { mention } let(:content) do { "pdf_name" => { "type" => "doc", "content" => [ { "type" => "paragraph", "content" => [{ "text" => pdf_text, "type" => "text" }, pdf_mention] } ] }, "default_dossier_directory" => { "type" => "doc", "content" => [ { "type" => "paragraph", "content" => [{ "text" => ddd_text, "type" => "text" }, ddd_mention] } ] }, "pjs" => [ { path: { "type" => "doc", "content" => [{ "type" => "paragraph", "content" => [pj_mention, { "text" => pj_text, "type" => "text" }] }] }, stable_id: "3" } ] } end context 'with valid default dossier directory' do it 'has no error for default_dossier_directory' do expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy end end context 'with no ddd text' do let(:ddd_text) { " " } context 'with mention' do let(:ddd_mention) { { "type" => "mention", "attrs" => { "id" => "dossier_number", "label" => "numéro du dossier" } } } it 'has no error for default_dossier_directory' do expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy end end context 'without numéro de dossier' do let(:ddd_mention) { { "type" => "mention", "attrs" => { "id" => 'dossier_service_name', "label" => "nom du service" } } } it "add error for tiptap_default_dossier_directory" do expect(subject.valid?).to be_falsey expect(subject.errors[:tiptap_default_dossier_directory]).to be_present expect(subject.errors.full_messages).to include "Le champ « Nom du répertoire » doit contenir le numéro du dossier" end end end context 'with valid pdf name' do it 'has no error for pdf name' do expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy expect(subject.errors[:tiptap_pdf_name]).not_to be_present end end context 'with pdf text and without mention' do let(:pdf_text) { "export" } let(:pdf_mention) { { "type" => "mention", "attrs" => {} } } it "add no error" do expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy end end context 'with no pdf text' do let(:pdf_text) { " " } context 'with mention' do it 'has no error for default_dossier_directory' do expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy expect(subject.errors[:tiptap_pdf_name]).not_to be_present end end context 'without mention' do let(:pdf_mention) { { "type" => "mention", "attrs" => {} } } it "add error for pdf name" do expect(subject.valid?).to be_falsey expect(subject.errors.full_messages).to include "Le champ « Nom du dossier au format pdf » doit être rempli" end end end context 'with no pj text' do # let!(:type_de_champ_pj) { create(:type_de_champ_piece_justificative, stable_id: 3, libelle: 'Justificatif de domicile', procedure:) } let(:pj_text) { " " } context 'with mention' do it 'has no error for pj' do expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy end end context 'without mention' do let(:pj_mention) { { "type" => "mention", "attrs" => {} } } it "add error for pj" do expect(subject.valid?).to be_falsey expect(subject.errors.full_messages).to include "Le champ « Justificatif de domicile » doit être rempli" end end end end describe 'specific_tags' do context 'for entreprise procedure' do let(:for_individual) { false } it do tags = export_template.specific_tags expect( { _1[:id] }).to eq ["entreprise_siren", "entreprise_numero_tva_intracommunautaire", "entreprise_siret_siege_social", "entreprise_raison_sociale", "entreprise_adresse", "dossier_depose_at", "dossier_procedure_libelle", "dossier_service_name", "dossier_number", "dossier_groupe_instructeur"] end end context 'for individual procedure' do let(:for_individual) { true } it do tags = export_template.specific_tags expect( { _1[:id] }).to eq ["individual_gender", "individual_last_name", "individual_first_name", "dossier_depose_at", "dossier_procedure_libelle", "dossier_service_name", "dossier_number", "dossier_groupe_instructeur"] end end end end