en: activerecord: models: avis: 'opinion' attributes: avis: answer: "Answer" claimant: Claimant confidentiel: Confidential errors: models: email: empty: Email field can not be empty helpers: label: invite_linked_dossiers: one: Invite also the expert on this linked file n° %{ids} other: Invite also the expert on theses linked files n° %{ids} revoke: Revoke opinion request remind: Remind the expert question_label: Ask a question to the expert introduction: Introduction message question_answer: true: 'yes' false: 'no' hint: confidentiel: "This advice is not displayed to the others consulted experts" confirmation: revoke: "Would you like to revoke the opinion request to %{email} ?" remind: "Would you like to remind %{email} ?"