class APIEntreprise::RNAAdapter < APIEntreprise::Adapter private def get_resource api(@procedure_id).rna(@siret) end def process_params # Sometimes the associations endpoints responses with a 206, # and these response are often useable as the they only # contain an error message. # Therefore here we make sure that our response seems valid # by checking that there is an association attribute. if !data_source.key?(:association) {} else association_id = data_source[:association][:id] params = data_source[:association].slice(*attr_to_fetch) if association_id.present? && valid_params?(params) params[:rna] = association_id params.transform_keys { |k| :"association_#{k}" } else {} end end end def attr_to_fetch [ :titre, :objet, :date_creation, :date_declaration, :date_publication ] end end