import Uploader from '../../shared/activestorage/uploader'; import ProgressBar from '../../shared/activestorage/progress-bar'; import { ajax, show, hide, toggle } from '@utils'; // Given a file input in a champ with a selected file, upload a file, // then attach it to the dossier. // // On success, the champ is replaced by an HTML fragment describing the attachment. // On error, a error message is displayed above the input. export default class AutoUploadController { constructor(input, file) { this.input = input; this.file = file; } async start() { try { this._begin(); // Sanity checks const autoAttachUrl = this.input.dataset.autoAttachUrl; if (!autoAttachUrl) { throw new Error('L’attribut "data-auto-attach-url" est manquant'); } // Upload the file (using Direct Upload) let blobSignedId = await this._upload(); // Attach the blob to the champ // (The request responds with Javascript, which displays the attachment HTML fragment). await this._attach(blobSignedId, autoAttachUrl); // Everything good: clear the original file input value this.input.value = null; } catch (error) { this._failed(error); throw error; } finally { this._done(); } } _begin() { this.input.disabled = true; this._hideErrorMessage(); } async _upload() { const uploader = new Uploader( this.input, this.file, this.input.dataset.directUploadUrl ); return await uploader.start(); } async _attach(blobSignedId, autoAttachUrl) { // Now that the upload is done, display a new progress bar // to show that the attachment request is still pending. const progressBar = new ProgressBar( this.input, `${}-progress-bar`, this.file ); progressBar.progress(100); progressBar.end(); const attachmentRequest = { url: autoAttachUrl, type: 'PUT', data: `blob_signed_id=${blobSignedId}` }; await ajax(attachmentRequest); // The progress bar has been destroyed by the attachment HTML fragment that replaced the input, // so no further cleanup is needed. } _failed(error) { if (!document.body.contains(this.input)) { return; } let progressBar = this.input.parentElement.querySelector('.direct-upload'); if (progressBar) { progressBar.remove(); } this._displayErrorMessage(error); } _done() { this.input.disabled = false; } _messageFromError(error) { if ( error.xhr && error.xhr.status == 422 && error.response && error.response.errors && error.response.errors[0] ) { return { title: error.response.errors[0], description: '', retry: false }; } else { return { title: 'Une erreur s’est produite pendant l’envoi du fichier.', description: error.message || error.toString(), retry: true }; } } _displayErrorMessage(error) { let errorNode = this.input.parentElement.querySelector('.attachment-error'); if (errorNode) { show(errorNode); let message = this._messageFromError(error); errorNode.querySelector('.attachment-error-title').textContent = message.title || ''; errorNode.querySelector('.attachment-error-description').textContent = message.description || ''; toggle(errorNode.querySelector('.attachment-error-retry'), message.retry); } } _hideErrorMessage() { let errorElement = this.input.parentElement.querySelector( '.attachment-error' ); if (errorElement) { hide(errorElement); } } }