class Champs::PaysChamp < Champs::TextChamp with_options if: :validate_champ_value? do validates :external_id, inclusion: APIGeoService.countries.pluck(:code), allow_nil: true, allow_blank: false validates :value, inclusion: APIGeoService.countries.pluck(:name), allow_nil: true, allow_blank: false end # def value=(code) can reset champs to nil if value is empty, in case of prefill # we do not want to try to save the champ with an nil value with_options if: -> { validation_context == :prefill } do validates :external_id, inclusion: APIGeoService.countries.pluck(:code), allow_nil: false, allow_blank: false validates :value, inclusion: APIGeoService.countries.pluck(:name), allow_nil: false, allow_blank: false end def selected code || value end def value=(code) if code&.size == 2 self.external_id = code super(APIGeoService.country_name(code, locale: 'FR')) elsif code.blank? self.external_id = nil super(nil) elsif code != value self.external_id = APIGeoService.country_code(code) # lookup by code which is a country name if self.external_id # if we match a country code, lookup for country name with code super(APIGeoService.country_name(self.external_id, locale: 'FR')) else # if we did not match any country code, external_id is nil as well as value super(nil) end end end def code external_id || APIGeoService.country_code(value) end def name if external_id.present? APIGeoService.country_name(external_id) else value.present? ? value.to_s : '' end end end