describe API::V1::ProceduresController, type: :controller do let!(:admin) { create(:administrateur, :with_api_token) } let!(:token) { admin.renew_api_token } it { expect(described_class).to be < APIController } describe 'GET show' do subject { get :show, params: { id: procedure_id, token: token } } context 'when procedure does not exist' do let(:procedure_id) { 999_999_999 } it { have_http_status(404) } end context 'when procedure belongs to administrateur without token' do let(:procedure_id) { create(:procedure).id } it { have_http_status(401) } end context 'when procedure exist' do let(:procedure_id) { create(:procedure, administrateur: admin).id } it { have_http_status(200) } describe 'body' do let(:module_api_carto) { create(:module_api_carto, use_api_carto: true, quartiers_prioritaires: true, cadastre: true) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :with_type_de_champ, :with_two_type_de_piece_justificative, module_api_carto: module_api_carto, administrateur: admin) } let(:response) { get :show, params: { id:, token: token } } subject { JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true)[:procedure] } it { expect(subject[:id]).to eq( } it { expect(subject[:label]).to eq(procedure.libelle) } it { expect(subject[:description]).to eq(procedure.description) } it { expect(subject[:organisation]).to eq(procedure.organisation) } it { expect(subject[:direction]).to eq(procedure.direction) } it { expect(subject[:archived_at]).to eq(procedure.archived_at) } it { expect(subject[:total_dossier]).to eq(procedure.total_dossier) } it { have_key(:types_de_champ) } it { expect(subject[:types_de_champ]).to be_an(Array) } describe 'type_de_champ' do subject { super()[:types_de_champ][0] } let(:champ) { procedure.types_de_champ.first } it { expect(subject[:id]).to eq( } it { expect(subject[:libelle]).to eq(champ.libelle) } it { expect(subject[:type_champ]).to eq(champ.type_champ) } it { expect(subject[:order_place]).to eq(champ.order_place) } it { expect(subject[:description]).to eq(champ.description) } end it { have_key(:types_de_piece_justificative) } it { expect(subject[:types_de_piece_justificative]).to be_an(Array) } describe 'type_de_piece_jointe' do subject { super()[:types_de_piece_justificative][0] } let(:pj) { procedure.types_de_piece_justificative.first } it { expect(subject[:id]).to eq( } it { expect(subject[:libelle]).to eq(pj.libelle) } it { expect(subject[:description]).to eq(pj.description) } end it { have_key(:geographic_information) } describe 'geographic_information' do subject { super()[:geographic_information] } it { expect(subject[:use_api_carto]).to be_truthy } it { expect(subject[:quartiers_prioritaires]).to be_truthy } it { expect(subject[:cadastre]).to be_truthy } end end end end end