# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe DossierChampsConcern do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, types_de_champ_public:, types_de_champ_private:) } let(:types_de_champ_public) do [ { type: :text, libelle: "Un champ text", stable_id: 99 }, { type: :text, libelle: "Un autre champ text", stable_id: 991 }, { type: :yes_no, libelle: "Un champ yes no", stable_id: 992 }, { type: :repetition, libelle: "Un champ répétable", stable_id: 993, mandatory: true, children: [{ type: :text, libelle: 'Nom', stable_id: 994 }] } ] end let(:types_de_champ_private) do [ { type: :text, libelle: "Une annotation", stable_id: 995 } ] end let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure:) } describe "#find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(public)" do subject { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(992, :public) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end describe "#find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(private)" do subject { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(995, :private) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end describe "#project_champ" do let(:type_de_champ_repetition) { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(993) } let(:type_de_champ_public) { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(99) } let(:type_de_champ_private) { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(995) } context "public champ" do let(:row_id) { nil } subject { dossier.project_champ(type_de_champ_public, row_id) } it { expect(subject.persisted?).to be_truthy } context "in repetition" do let(:type_de_champ_public) { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(994) } let(:row_id) { dossier.project_champ(type_de_champ_repetition, nil).row_ids.first } it { expect(subject.new_record?).to be_truthy expect(subject.row_id).to eq(row_id) } context "invalid row_id" do let(:type_de_champ_public) { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(99) } it { expect { subject }.to raise_error("type_de_champ #{type_de_champ_public.stable_id} in revision #{dossier.revision_id} can not have a row_id because it is not part of a repetition") } end end context "missing champ" do before { dossier.champs.where(type: 'Champs::TextChamp').destroy_all; dossier.reload } it { expect(subject.new_record?).to be_truthy expect(subject.is_a?(Champs::TextChamp)).to be_truthy expect(subject.updated_at).not_to be_nil } context "in repetition" do let(:type_de_champ_public) { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(994) } let(:row_id) { ULID.generate } it { expect(subject.new_record?).to be_truthy expect(subject.is_a?(Champs::TextChamp)).to be_truthy expect(subject.row_id).to eq(row_id) expect(subject.updated_at).not_to be_nil } context "invalid row_id" do let(:type_de_champ_public) { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(99) } it { expect { subject }.to raise_error("type_de_champ #{type_de_champ_public.stable_id} in revision #{dossier.revision_id} can not have a row_id because it is not part of a repetition") } end end end end context "private champ" do subject { dossier.project_champ(type_de_champ_private, nil) } it { expect(subject.persisted?).to be_truthy } context "missing champ" do before { dossier.champs.where(type: 'Champs::TextChamp').destroy_all; dossier.reload } it { expect(subject.new_record?).to be_truthy expect(subject.is_a?(Champs::TextChamp)).to be_truthy expect(subject.updated_at).not_to be_nil } end end end describe '#project_champs_public' do subject { dossier.project_champs_public } it { expect(subject.size).to eq(4) } it { expect(subject.find { _1.libelle == 'Nom' }).to be_falsey } end describe '#project_champs_private' do subject { dossier.project_champs_private } it { expect(subject.size).to eq(1) } end describe '#filled_champs_public' do let(:types_de_champ_public) do [ { type: :header_section }, { type: :text, libelle: "Un champ text" }, { type: :text, libelle: "Un autre champ text" }, { type: :yes_no, libelle: "Un champ yes no" }, { type: :repetition, libelle: "Un champ répétable", mandatory: true, children: [{ type: :text, libelle: 'Nom' }] }, { type: :explication } ] end let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :with_populated_champs, procedure:) } subject { dossier.filled_champs_public } it { expect(subject.size).to eq(5) } it { expect(subject.filter { _1.libelle == 'Nom' }.size).to eq(2) } end describe '#filled_champs_private' do let(:types_de_champ_private) do [ { type: :header_section }, { type: :text, libelle: "Une annotation" }, { type: :explication } ] end subject { dossier.filled_champs_private } it { expect(subject.size).to eq(1) } end describe '#repetition_row_ids' do let(:type_de_champ_repetition) { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(993) } subject { dossier.repetition_row_ids(type_de_champ_repetition) } it { expect(subject.size).to eq(1) } context 'given a type de champ repetition in another revision' do before do procedure.draft_revision.remove_type_de_champ(type_de_champ_repetition.stable_id) procedure.publish_revision! end it { expect { subject }.not_to raise_error } end end describe '#project_rows_for' do let(:type_de_champ_repetition) { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(993) } subject { dossier.project_rows_for(type_de_champ_repetition) } it { expect(subject.size).to eq(1) } it { expect(subject.first.size).to eq(1) } end describe '#repetition_add_row' do let(:type_de_champ_repetition) { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(993) } let(:row_ids) { dossier.repetition_row_ids(type_de_champ_repetition) } subject { dossier.repetition_add_row(type_de_champ_repetition, updated_by: 'test') } it { expect { subject }.to change { dossier.repetition_row_ids(type_de_champ_repetition).size }.by(1) } it { expect(subject).to be_in(row_ids) } end describe '#repetition_remove_row' do let(:type_de_champ_repetition) { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(993) } let(:row_id) { dossier.repetition_row_ids(type_de_champ_repetition).first } let(:row_ids) { dossier.repetition_row_ids(type_de_champ_repetition) } subject { dossier.repetition_remove_row(type_de_champ_repetition, row_id, updated_by: 'test') } it { expect { subject }.to change { dossier.repetition_row_ids(type_de_champ_repetition).size }.by(-1) } it { row_id; subject; expect(row_id).not_to be_in(row_ids) } end describe "#champ_values_for_export" do subject { dossier.champ_values_for_export(dossier.revision.types_de_champ_public, format: :xlsx) } it { expect(subject.size).to eq(4) } it { expect(subject.first).to eq(["Un champ text", nil]) } end describe "#champs_for_prefill" do subject { dossier.champs_for_prefill([991, 995]) } it { expect(subject.size).to eq(2) expect(subject.map(&:libelle)).to eq(["Une annotation", "Un autre champ text"]) expect(subject.all?(&:persisted?)).to be_truthy } context "missing champ" do before { dossier; Champs::TextChamp.destroy_all } it { expect(subject.size).to eq(2) expect(subject.map(&:libelle)).to eq(["Une annotation", "Un autre champ text"]) expect(subject.all?(&:persisted?)).to be_truthy } end end describe "#champ_for_update" do let(:type_de_champ_repetition) { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(993) } let(:type_de_champ_public) { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(99) } let(:type_de_champ_private) { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(995) } let(:row_id) { nil } context "public champ" do subject { dossier.champ_for_update(type_de_champ_public, row_id, updated_by: dossier.user.email) } it { expect(subject.persisted?).to be_truthy expect(subject.row_id).to eq(row_id) } context "in repetition" do let(:type_de_champ_public) { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(994) } let(:row_id) { ULID.generate } it { expect(subject.persisted?).to be_truthy expect(subject.row_id).to eq(row_id) } end context "missing champ" do before { dossier; Champs::TextChamp.destroy_all } it { expect(subject.persisted?).to be_truthy expect(subject.is_a?(Champs::TextChamp)).to be_truthy } context "in repetition" do let(:type_de_champ_public) { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(994) } let(:row_id) { ULID.generate } it { expect(subject.persisted?).to be_truthy expect(subject.is_a?(Champs::TextChamp)).to be_truthy expect(subject.row_id).to eq(row_id) } end end context "champ with type change" do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, types_de_champ_public: [{ type: :text, libelle: "Un champ text", stable_id: 99 }]) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :with_populated_champs, procedure:) } before do tdc = dossier.procedure.draft_revision.find_and_ensure_exclusive_use(99) tdc.update!(type_champ: TypeDeChamp.type_champs.fetch(:checkbox)) dossier.procedure.publish_revision! perform_enqueued_jobs dossier.reload end it { expect(subject.persisted?).to be_truthy expect(subject.is_a?(Champs::CheckboxChamp)).to be_truthy expect(subject.value).to be_nil } end end context "private champ" do subject { dossier.champ_for_update(type_de_champ_private, row_id, updated_by: dossier.user.email) } it { expect(subject.persisted?).to be_truthy expect(subject.row_id).to eq(row_id) } end end describe "#update_champs_attributes(public)" do let(:type_de_champ_repetition) { dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(993) } let(:row_id) { ULID.generate } let(:attributes) do { "99" => { value: "Hello" }, "991" => { value: "World" }, "994-#{row_id}" => { value: "Greer" } } end let(:champ_99) { dossier.project_champ(dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(99), nil) } let(:champ_991) { dossier.project_champ(dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(991), nil) } let(:champ_994) { dossier.project_champ(dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(994), row_id) } subject { dossier.update_champs_attributes(attributes, :public, updated_by: dossier.user.email) } it { subject expect(dossier.champs.any?(&:changed_for_autosave?)).to be_truthy expect(champ_99.changed?).to be_truthy expect(champ_991.changed?).to be_truthy expect(champ_994.changed?).to be_truthy expect(champ_99.value).to eq("Hello") expect(champ_991.value).to eq("World") expect(champ_994.value).to eq("Greer") } context "missing champs" do before { dossier; Champs::TextChamp.destroy_all; } it { subject expect(dossier.champs.any?(&:changed_for_autosave?)).to be_truthy expect(champ_99.changed?).to be_truthy expect(champ_991.changed?).to be_truthy expect(champ_994.changed?).to be_truthy expect(champ_99.value).to eq("Hello") expect(champ_991.value).to eq("World") expect(champ_994.value).to eq("Greer") } end context "champ with type change" do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, types_de_champ_public: [{ type: :text, libelle: "Un champ text", stable_id: 99 }]) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :with_populated_champs, procedure:) } let(:attributes) { { "99" => { primary_value: "primary" } } } before do tdc = dossier.procedure.draft_revision.find_and_ensure_exclusive_use(99) tdc.update!(type_champ: TypeDeChamp.type_champs.fetch(:linked_drop_down_list), drop_down_options: ["--primary--", "secondary"]) dossier.procedure.publish_revision! perform_enqueued_jobs dossier.reload end it { subject expect(dossier.champs.any?(&:changed_for_autosave?)).to be_truthy expect(champ_99.changed?).to be_truthy expect(champ_99.value).to eq('["primary",""]') } end end describe "#update_champs_attributes(private)" do let(:attributes) do { "995" => { value: "Hello" } } end let(:annotation_995) { dossier.project_champ(dossier.find_type_de_champ_by_stable_id(995), nil) } subject { dossier.update_champs_attributes(attributes, :private, updated_by: dossier.user.email) } it { subject expect(dossier.champs.any?(&:changed_for_autosave?)).to be_truthy expect(annotation_995.changed?).to be_truthy expect(annotation_995.value).to eq("Hello") } context "missing champs" do before { dossier; Champs::TextChamp.destroy_all; } it { subject expect(dossier.champs.any?(&:changed_for_autosave?)).to be_truthy expect(annotation_995.changed?).to be_truthy expect(annotation_995.value).to eq("Hello") } end end end