include ActionDispatch::TestProcess describe Administrateurs::AttestationTemplatesController, type: :controller do let(:admin) { create(:administrateur) } let(:attestation_template) { build(:attestation_template) } let!(:procedure) { create :procedure, administrateur: admin, attestation_template: attestation_template } let(:logo) { fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/files/white.png', 'image/png') } let(:logo2) { fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/files/white.png', 'image/png') } let(:signature) { fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/files/black.png', 'image/png') } let(:signature2) { fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/files/black.png', 'image/png') } let(:interlaced_logo) { fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/files/interlaced-black.png', 'image/png') } let(:uninterlaced_logo) { fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/files/uninterlaced-black.png', 'image/png') } let(:invalid_logo) { fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/files/invalid_file_format.json', 'application/json') } before do sign_in(admin.user) Timecop.freeze( end after { Timecop.return } shared_examples 'rendering a PDF successfully' do render_views it 'renders a PDF' do expect(subject.status).to eq(200) expect(subject.media_type).to eq('application/pdf') end end describe 'GET #preview' do let(:attestation_params) do { title: 't', body: 'b', footer: 'f' } end before do get :preview, params: { procedure_id: } procedure.reload end context 'if an attestation template exists on the procedure' do after { procedure.draft_revision.attestation_template&.destroy } context 'with images' do let!(:attestation_template) do create(:attestation_template, attestation_params.merge(logo: logo, signature: signature)) end it { expect(assigns(:attestation)).to include(attestation_params) } it { expect(assigns(:attestation)[:created_at]).to eq( } it { expect(assigns(:attestation)[:logo].download).to eq( } it { expect(assigns(:attestation)[:signature].download).to eq( } it_behaves_like 'rendering a PDF successfully' end context 'without images' do let!(:attestation_template) do create(:attestation_template, attestation_params) end it { expect(assigns(:attestation)).to include(attestation_params) } it { expect(assigns(:attestation)[:created_at]).to eq( } it { expect(assigns(:attestation)[:logo]).to eq(nil) } it { expect(assigns(:attestation)[:signature]).to eq(nil) } it_behaves_like 'rendering a PDF successfully' end context 'with empty footer' do let!(:attestation_template) do create(:attestation_template, { title: 't', body: 'b', footer: nil }) end it_behaves_like 'rendering a PDF successfully' end context 'with large footer' do let!(:attestation_params) do create(:attestation_template, { title: 't', body: 'b', footer: ' ' * 190 }) end it_behaves_like 'rendering a PDF successfully' end end end describe 'GET #edit' do before { get :edit, params: { procedure_id: } } context 'if an attestation template exists on the procedure' do it { expect(subject.status).to eq(200) } it { expect(assigns(:attestation_template)).to eq(attestation_template) } end context 'if an attestation template does not exist on the procedure' do let(:attestation_template) { nil } it { expect(subject.status).to eq(200) } it { expect(assigns(:attestation_template).id).to be_nil } it { expect(assigns(:attestation_template)).to be_an_instance_of(AttestationTemplate) } end end describe 'POST #create' do let(:attestation_template) { nil } let(:attestation_params) { { title: 't', body: 'b', footer: 'f', activated: true } } context 'nominal' do before do post :create, params: { procedure_id:, attestation_template: attestation_params.merge(logo: logo, signature: signature) } procedure.reload end it { expect(procedure.draft_attestation_template).to have_attributes(attestation_params) } it { expect(procedure.draft_attestation_template.activated).to be true } it { expect( eq( } it { expect( eq( } it { expect(response).to redirect_to edit_admin_procedure_attestation_template_path(procedure) } it { expect(flash.notice).to eq("L'attestation a bien été sauvegardée") } after { procedure.draft_attestation_template.destroy } end context 'when something wrong happens in the attestation template creation' do let(:invalid_footer) { 'f' * 200 } let(:attestation_params) { { title: 't', body: 'b', footer: invalid_footer, activated: true } } before do post :create, params: { procedure_id:, attestation_template: attestation_params } procedure.reload end it { expect(response).to redirect_to edit_admin_procedure_attestation_template_path(procedure) } it { expect(flash.alert).to be_present } it { expect(procedure.draft_attestation_template).to be nil } end end describe 'PATCH #update' do let(:attestation_params) { { title: 't', body: 'b', footer: 'f' } } let(:attestation_params_with_images) { attestation_params.merge(logo: logo, signature: signature) } context 'nominal' do before do patch :update, params: { procedure_id:, attestation_template: attestation_params_with_images } procedure.reload end it { expect(procedure.draft_attestation_template).to have_attributes(attestation_params) } it { expect( eq( } it { expect( eq( } it { expect(response).to redirect_to edit_admin_procedure_attestation_template_path(procedure) } it { expect(flash.notice).to eq("L'attestation a bien été modifiée") } after { procedure.draft_attestation_template&.destroy } end context 'when something wrong happens in the attestation template creation' do before do expect_any_instance_of(AttestationTemplate).to receive(:update).and_return(false) expect_any_instance_of(AttestationTemplate).to receive(:errors) .and_return(double(full_messages: ['nop'])) patch :update, params: { procedure_id:, attestation_template: attestation_params_with_images } procedure.reload end it { expect(response).to redirect_to edit_admin_procedure_attestation_template_path(procedure) } it { expect(flash.alert).to eq('nop') } end end end