describe Administrateurs::ProcedureAdministrateursController, type: :controller do let(:signed_in_admin) { create(:administrateur) } let(:other_admin) { create(:administrateur) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, administrateurs: [signed_in_admin, other_admin]) } before do sign_in(signed_in_admin.user) end describe '#destroy' do subject do delete :destroy, params: { procedure_id:, id: }, format: :js, xhr: true end context 'when removing another admin' do let(:admin_to_remove) { other_admin } it 'removes the admin from the procedure' do subject expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(flash[:notice]).to be_present expect(admin_to_remove.procedures.reload).not_to include(procedure) end end context 'when removing oneself from a procedure' do let(:admin_to_remove) { signed_in_admin } it 'denies the right for an admin to remove itself' do subject expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(flash[:alert]).to be_present expect(admin_to_remove.procedures.reload).to include(procedure) end end end end