describe VirusScannerJob, type: :job do let(:blob) do ActiveStorage::Blob.create_and_upload!(io:"toto"), filename: "toto.txt", content_type: "text/plain") end subject do VirusScannerJob.perform_now(blob) end context "when the virus scan launch before rails analyze" do before do allow(ClamavService).to receive(:safe_file?).and_return(true) subject blob.analyze end it { expect( be_truthy } it { expect(blob.analyzed?).to be_truthy } it { expect(blob.lock_version).to eq(2) } end context "should raise ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError" do let(:blob_2) { ActiveStorage::Blob.find( } before do blob_2.metadata[:virus_scan_result] = "infected" blob.metadata[:virus_scan_result] = "safe" end it { expect { }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError) } end context "when there is an integrity error" do before do blob.update_column('checksum', 'integrity error') assert_performed_jobs(5) do VirusScannerJob.perform_later(blob) end end it do expect(blob.reload.virus_scanner.corrupt?).to be_truthy end end context "when no virus is found" do before do allow(ClamavService).to receive(:safe_file?).and_return(true) subject end it { expect( be_truthy } end context "when a virus is found" do before do allow(ClamavService).to receive(:safe_file?).and_return(false) subject end it { expect(blob.virus_scanner.infected?).to be_truthy } end context "when the blob has been deleted" do before do ActiveStorage::Blob.find( end it "ignores the error" do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error end end end