import { DirectUpload } from '@rails/activestorage'; import { ajax } from '@utils'; import ProgressBar from './progress-bar'; import FileUploadError, { errorFromDirectUploadMessage, ERROR_CODE_ATTACH } from './file-upload-error'; /** Uploader class is a delegate for DirectUpload instance used to track lifecycle and progress of an upload. */ export default class Uploader { constructor(input, file, directUploadUrl, autoAttachUrl) { this.directUpload = new DirectUpload(file, directUploadUrl, this); this.progressBar = new ProgressBar(input,, file); this.autoAttachUrl = autoAttachUrl; } /** Upload (and optionally attach) the file. Returns the blob signed id on success. Throws a FileUploadError on failure. */ async start() { this.progressBar.start(); try { let blobSignedId = await this._upload(); if (this.autoAttachUrl) { await this._attach(blobSignedId); // On response, the attachment HTML fragment will replace the progress bar. } else { this.progressBar.end(); this.progressBar.destroy(); } return blobSignedId; } catch (error) { this.progressBar.error(error.message); throw error; } } /** Upload the file using the DirectUpload instance, and return the blob signed_id. Throws a FileUploadError on failure. */ async _upload() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.directUpload.create((errorMsg, attributes) => { if (errorMsg) { let error = errorFromDirectUploadMessage(errorMsg); reject(error); } else { resolve(attributes.signed_id); } }); }); } /** Attach the file by sending a POST request to the autoAttachUrl. Throws a FileUploadError on failure (containing the first validation error message, if any). */ async _attach(blobSignedId) { const attachmentRequest = { url: this.autoAttachUrl, type: 'PUT', data: `blob_signed_id=${blobSignedId}` }; try { await ajax(attachmentRequest); } catch (e) { let message = e.response && e.response.errors && e.response.errors[0]; throw new FileUploadError( message || 'Error attaching file.', e.xhr.status, ERROR_CODE_ATTACH ); } } uploadRequestDidProgress(event) { const progress = (event.loaded / * 100; if (progress) { this.progressBar.progress(progress); } } directUploadWillStoreFileWithXHR(xhr) { xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', event => this.uploadRequestDidProgress(event) ); } }