FactoryBot.define do factory :champ do add_attribute(:private) { false } dossier { association :dossier } type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ, procedure: dossier.procedure } trait :private do add_attribute(:private) { true } end trait :with_piece_justificative_file do after(:build) do |champ, _evaluator| champ.piece_justificative_file.attach( io: StringIO.new("toto"), filename: "toto.txt", content_type: "text/plain", # we don't want to run virus scanner on this file metadata: { virus_scan_result: ActiveStorage::VirusScanner::SAFE } ) end end factory :champ_text, class: 'Champs::TextChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_text, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { 'text' } end factory :champ_textarea, class: 'Champs::TextareaChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_textarea, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { 'textarea' } end factory :champ_date, class: 'Champs::DateChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_date, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { '2019-07-10' } end factory :champ_datetime, class: 'Champs::DatetimeChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_datetime, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { '15/09/1962 15:35' } end factory :champ_number, class: 'Champs::NumberChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_number, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { '42' } end factory :champ_decimal_number, class: 'Champs::DecimalNumberChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_decimal_number, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { '42.1' } end factory :champ_integer_number, class: 'Champs::IntegerNumberChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_integer_number, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { '42' } end factory :champ_checkbox, class: 'Champs::CheckboxChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_checkbox, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { 'on' } end factory :champ_civilite, class: 'Champs::CiviliteChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_civilite, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { 'Monsieur' } end factory :champ_email, class: 'Champs::EmailChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_email, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { 'yoda@beta.gouv.fr' } end factory :champ_phone, class: 'Champs::PhoneChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_phone, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { '0666666666' } end factory :champ_address, class: 'Champs::AddressChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_address, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { '2 rue des Démarches' } end factory :champ_yes_no, class: 'Champs::YesNoChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_yes_no, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { 'true' } end factory :champ_drop_down_list, class: 'Champs::DropDownListChamp' do transient do other { false } end type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_drop_down_list, procedure: dossier.procedure, drop_down_other: other } value { 'choix 1' } end factory :champ_multiple_drop_down_list, class: 'Champs::MultipleDropDownListChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_multiple_drop_down_list, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { '["choix 1", "choix 2"]' } end factory :champ_linked_drop_down_list, class: 'Champs::LinkedDropDownListChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_linked_drop_down_list, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { '["categorie 1", "choix 1"]' } end factory :champ_pays, class: 'Champs::PaysChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_pays, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { 'France' } end factory :champ_regions, class: 'Champs::RegionChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_regions, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { 'Guadeloupe' } end factory :champ_departements, class: 'Champs::DepartementChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_departements, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { '971 - Guadeloupe' } end factory :champ_communes, class: 'Champs::CommuneChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_communes, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { 'Paris' } end factory :champ_engagement, class: 'Champs::EngagementChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_engagement, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { 'true' } end factory :champ_header_section, class: 'Champs::HeaderSectionChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_header_section, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { 'une section' } end factory :champ_explication, class: 'Champs::ExplicationChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_explication, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { '' } end factory :champ_dossier_link, class: 'Champs::DossierLinkChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_dossier_link, procedure: dossier.procedure } value { create(:dossier).id } end factory :champ_piece_justificative, class: 'Champs::PieceJustificativeChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_piece_justificative, procedure: dossier.procedure } transient do size { 4 } end after(:build) do |champ, evaluator| champ.piece_justificative_file.attach( io: StringIO.new("x" * evaluator.size), filename: "toto.txt", content_type: "text/plain", # we don't want to run virus scanner on this file metadata: { virus_scan_result: ActiveStorage::VirusScanner::SAFE } ) end end factory :champ_titre_identite, class: 'Champs::TitreIdentiteChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_titre_identite, procedure: dossier.procedure } after(:build) do |champ, _evaluator| champ.piece_justificative_file.attach( io: StringIO.new("toto"), filename: "toto.png", content_type: "image/png", # we don't want to run virus scanner on this file metadata: { virus_scan_result: ActiveStorage::VirusScanner::SAFE } ) end end factory :champ_carte, class: 'Champs::CarteChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_carte, procedure: dossier.procedure } end factory :champ_iban, class: 'Champs::IbanChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_iban, procedure: dossier.procedure } end factory :champ_annuaire_education, class: 'Champs::AnnuaireEducationChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_annuaire_education, procedure: dossier.procedure } end factory :champ_cnaf, class: 'Champs::CnafChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_cnaf, procedure: dossier.procedure } end factory :champ_dgfip, class: 'Champs::DgfipChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_dgfip, procedure: dossier.procedure } end factory :champ_pole_emploi, class: 'Champs::PoleEmploiChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_pole_emploi, procedure: dossier.procedure } end factory :champ_mesri, class: 'Champs::MesriChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_mesri, procedure: dossier.procedure } end factory :champ_siret, class: 'Champs::SiretChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_siret, procedure: dossier.procedure } association :etablissement, factory: [:etablissement] value { '44011762001530' } end factory :champ_rna, class: 'Champs::RNAChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_rna, procedure: dossier.procedure } association :etablissement, factory: [:etablissement] value { 'W173847273' } end factory :champ_repetition, class: 'Champs::RepetitionChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_repetition, procedure: dossier.procedure } transient do rows { 2 } end after(:build) do |champ_repetition, evaluator| revision = champ_repetition.type_de_champ.procedure&.active_revision || build(:procedure_revision) parent = revision.revision_types_de_champ.find { |rtdc| rtdc.type_de_champ == champ_repetition.type_de_champ } types_de_champ = revision.revision_types_de_champ.filter { |rtdc| rtdc.parent == parent }.map(&:type_de_champ) type_de_champ_text = types_de_champ.find { |tdc| tdc.libelle == 'Nom' } if !type_de_champ_text type_de_champ_text = build(:type_de_champ_text, procedure: champ_repetition.type_de_champ.procedure, position: 0, private: champ_repetition.private?, parent: parent, libelle: 'Nom') types_de_champ.push(type_de_champ_text) end type_de_champ_number = types_de_champ.find { |tdc| tdc.libelle == 'Age' } if !type_de_champ_number type_de_champ_number = build(:type_de_champ_number, procedure: champ_repetition.type_de_champ.procedure, position: 1, private: champ_repetition.private?, parent: parent, libelle: 'Age') types_de_champ.push(type_de_champ_number) end evaluator.rows.times do |row| champ_repetition.champs << types_de_champ.map do |type_de_champ| build(:"champ_#{type_de_champ.type_champ}", dossier: champ_repetition.dossier, row: row, type_de_champ: type_de_champ, parent: champ_repetition, private: champ_repetition.private?) end end end trait :without_champs do after(:build) do |champ_repetition, _evaluator| champ_repetition.champs = [] end end end factory :champ_repetition_with_piece_jointe, class: 'Champs::RepetitionChamp' do type_de_champ { association :type_de_champ_repetition, procedure: dossier.procedure } after(:build) do |champ_repetition, _evaluator| type_de_champ_pj0 = build(:type_de_champ_piece_justificative, position: 0, parent: champ_repetition.type_de_champ, libelle: 'Justificatif de domicile') type_de_champ_pj1 = build(:type_de_champ_piece_justificative, position: 1, parent: champ_repetition.type_de_champ, libelle: 'Carte d\'identité') champ_repetition.champs << [ build(:champ_piece_justificative, dossier: champ_repetition.dossier, row: 0, type_de_champ: type_de_champ_pj0), build(:champ_piece_justificative, dossier: champ_repetition.dossier, row: 0, type_de_champ: type_de_champ_pj1), build(:champ_piece_justificative, dossier: champ_repetition.dossier, row: 1, type_de_champ: type_de_champ_pj0), build(:champ_piece_justificative, dossier: champ_repetition.dossier, row: 1, type_de_champ: type_de_champ_pj1) ] end end end end