import Rails from '@rails/ujs'; import debounce from 'debounce'; export { debounce }; export const { fire, csrfToken } = Rails; export function show(el: HTMLElement) { el && el.classList.remove('hidden'); } export function hide(el: HTMLElement) { el && el.classList.add('hidden'); } export function toggle(el: HTMLElement, force?: boolean) { if (force == undefined) { el && el.classList.toggle('hidden'); } else if (force) { el && el.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { el && el.classList.add('hidden'); } } export function enable(el: HTMLInputElement) { el && (el.disabled = false); } export function disable(el: HTMLInputElement) { el && (el.disabled = true); } export function hasClass(el: HTMLElement, cssClass: string) { return el && el.classList.contains(cssClass); } export function addClass(el: HTMLElement, cssClass: string) { el && el.classList.add(cssClass); } export function removeClass(el: HTMLElement, cssClass: string) { el && el.classList.remove(cssClass); } export function delegate( eventNames: string, selector: string, callback: () => void ) { eventNames .split(' ') .forEach((eventName) => Rails.delegate(document, selector, eventName, callback) ); } // A promise-based wrapper for Rails.ajax(). // // Returns a Promise that is either: // - resolved in case of a 20* HTTP response code, // - rejected with an Error object otherwise. // // See Rails.ajax() code for more details. export function ajax(options: Rails.AjaxOptions) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Object.assign(options, { success: ( response: unknown, statusText: string, xhr: { status: number } ) => { resolve({ response, statusText, xhr }); }, error: ( response: unknown, statusText: string, xhr: { status: number } ) => { // NB: on HTTP/2 connections, statusText is always empty. const error = new Error( `Erreur ${xhr.status}` + (statusText ? ` : ${statusText}` : '') ); Object.assign(error, { response, statusText, xhr }); reject(error); } }); Rails.ajax(options); }); } class ResponseError extends Error { response: Response; constructor(response: Response) { super(String(response.statusText || response.status)); this.response = response; } } export function getJSON(url: string, data: unknown, method = 'GET') { const { query, ...options } = fetchOptions(data, method); return fetch(`${url}${query}`, options).then((response) => { if (response.ok) { if (response.status === 204) { return null; } return response.json(); } throw new ResponseError(response); }); } export function scrollTo(container: HTMLElement, scrollTo: HTMLElement) { container.scrollTop = offset(scrollTo).top - offset(container).top + container.scrollTop; } export function scrollToBottom(container: HTMLElement) { container.scrollTop = container.scrollHeight; } export function on( selector: string, eventName: string, fn: (event: Event, detail: unknown) => void ) { [...document.querySelectorAll(selector)].forEach((element) => element.addEventListener(eventName, (event) => fn(event, (event as CustomEvent).detail) ) ); } export function isNumeric(s: string) { const n = parseFloat(s); return !isNaN(n) && isFinite(n); } function offset(element: HTMLElement) { const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); return { top: + document.body.scrollTop, left: rect.left + document.body.scrollLeft }; } // Takes a promise, and return a promise that times out after the given delay. export function timeoutable<T>( promise: Promise<T>, timeoutDelay: number ): Promise<T> { const timeoutPromise = new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { reject(new Error(`Promise timed out after ${timeoutDelay}ms`)); }, timeoutDelay); }); return Promise.race([promise, timeoutPromise]); } const FETCH_TIMEOUT = 30 * 1000; // 30 sec function fetchOptions(data: unknown, method = 'GET') { const options: RequestInit & { query: string; headers: Record<string, string>; } = { query: '', method: method.toUpperCase(), headers: { accept: 'application/json', 'x-csrf-token': csrfToken() ?? '', 'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest' }, credentials: 'same-origin' }; if (data) { if (options.method === 'GET') { options.query = objectToQuerystring(data as Record<string, string>); } else { options.headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'; options.body = JSON.stringify(data); } } if (window.AbortController) { const controller = new AbortController(); options.signal = controller.signal; setTimeout(() => { controller.abort(); }, FETCH_TIMEOUT); } return options; } function objectToQuerystring(obj: Record<string, string>): string { return Object.keys(obj).reduce(function (query, key, i) { return [ query, i === 0 ? '?' : '&', encodeURIComponent(key), '=', encodeURIComponent(obj[key]) ].join(''); }, ''); }