-# # Show -# -# This view is the template for the show page. -# It renders the attributes of a resource, -# as well as a link to its edit page. -# -# ## Local variables: -# -# - `page`: -# An instance of [Administrate::Page::Show][1]. -# Contains methods for accessing the resource to be displayed on the page, -# as well as helpers for describing how each attribute of the resource -# should be displayed. -# -# [1]: http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/administrate/Administrate/Page/Show - content_for(:title) { page.page_title } - procedure = page.resource %header.header %h1.header__heading= content_for(:title) .header__actions - if !procedure.whitelisted? = link_to 'whitelister', whitelist_manager_procedure_path(procedure), method: :post, class: 'button' %dl - page.attributes.each do |attribute| %dt.attribute-label = t("helpers.label.#{resource_name}.#{attribute.name}", default: attribute.name.titleize) %dd.attribute-data{ class: "attribute-data--#{attribute.html_class}" } = render_field attribute