class ASN1::Timestamp ## Poor man’s rfc3161 timestamp decoding # This works, as of 2019-05, for timestamps delivered by the universign POST api. # We should properly access the ASN1 contents using the sequence and tags structure. # However: # * It’s hard to do right. # * We currently don’t require it for proper operation; timestamps are never exposed to users. # * There’s an ongoing PR for proper timestamp decoding in the ruby openssl library; let’s use OpenSSL::TS once it exists. def self.timestampInfo(asn1timestamp) asn1 = OpenSSL::ASN1.decode(asn1timestamp) tstInfo = OpenSSL::ASN1.decode(asn1.value[1].value[0].value[2].value[1].value[0].value) tstInfo end def self.signature_time(asn1timestamp) tstInfo = timestampInfo(asn1timestamp) tstInfo.value[4].value end def self.signed_digest(asn1timestamp) tstInfo = timestampInfo(asn1timestamp) tstInfo.value[2].value[1].value.unpack1('H*') end end