# frozen_string_literal: true module ColumnsConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # we cannot use column.id ( == { procedure_id, column_id }.to_json) # as the order of the keys is not guaranteed # instead, we are using h_id == { procedure_id:, column_id: } # another way to find a column is to look for its label def find_column(h_id: nil, label: nil) column = columns.find { _1.h_id == h_id } if h_id.present? column = columns.find { _1.label == label } if label.present? raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound.new("Column: unable to find h_id: #{h_id} or label: #{label} for procedure_id #{id}") if column.nil? column end def columns Current.procedure_columns ||= {} Current.procedure_columns[id] ||= begin columns = dossier_columns columns.concat(standard_columns) columns.concat(individual_columns) if for_individual columns.concat(moral_columns) if !for_individual columns.concat(types_de_champ_columns) end end def dossier_id_column Column.new(procedure_id: id, table: 'self', column: 'id', classname: 'number-col', type: :number) end def notifications_column Column.new(procedure_id: id, table: 'notifications', column: 'notifications', label: "notifications", filterable: false) end def dossier_columns common = [dossier_id_column, notifications_column] dates = ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'depose_at', 'en_construction_at', 'en_instruction_at', 'processed_at'] .map { |column| Column.new(procedure_id: id, table: 'self', column:, type: :date) } non_displayable_dates = ['updated_since', 'depose_since', 'en_construction_since', 'en_instruction_since', 'processed_since'] .map { |column| Column.new(procedure_id: id, table: 'self', column:, type: :date, displayable: false) } states = [Column.new(procedure_id: id, table: 'self', column: 'state', type: :enum, scope: 'instructeurs.dossiers.filterable_state', displayable: false)] [common, dates, sva_svr_columns(for_filters: true), non_displayable_dates, states].flatten.compact end def sva_svr_columns(for_filters: false) return if !sva_svr_enabled? scope = [:activerecord, :attributes, :procedure_presentation, :fields, :self] columns = [ Column.new(procedure_id: id, table: 'self', column: 'sva_svr_decision_on', type: :date, label: I18n.t("#{sva_svr_decision}_decision_on", scope:), classname: for_filters ? '' : 'sva-col') ] if for_filters columns << Column.new(procedure_id: id, table: 'self', column: 'sva_svr_decision_before', type: :date, displayable: false, label: I18n.t("#{sva_svr_decision}_decision_before", scope:)) end columns end def default_sorted_column SortedColumn.new(column: notifications_column, order: 'desc') end def default_displayed_columns = [email_column] private def email_column Column.new(procedure_id: id, table: 'user', column: 'email') end def standard_columns [ email_column, Column.new(procedure_id: id, table: 'followers_instructeurs', column: 'email'), Column.new(procedure_id: id, table: 'groupe_instructeur', column: 'id', type: :enum), Column.new(procedure_id: id, table: 'avis', column: 'question_answer', filterable: false) # not filterable ? ] end def individual_columns ['nom', 'prenom', 'gender'].map { |column| Column.new(procedure_id: id, table: 'individual', column:) } end def moral_columns etablissements = ['entreprise_siren', 'entreprise_forme_juridique', 'entreprise_nom_commercial', 'entreprise_raison_sociale', 'entreprise_siret_siege_social'] .map { |column| Column.new(procedure_id: id, table: 'etablissement', column:) } etablissement_dates = ['entreprise_date_creation'].map { |column| Column.new(procedure_id: id, table: 'etablissement', column:, type: :date) } other = ['siret', 'libelle_naf', 'code_postal'].map { |column| Column.new(procedure_id: id, table: 'etablissement', column:) } [etablissements, etablissement_dates, other].flatten end def types_de_champ_columns all_revisions_types_de_champ.flat_map { _1.columns(procedure_id: id) } end end end