- content_for :procedure_logo do = render 'layouts/mailers/logo', url: @logo_url %p= t(:hello, scope: [:views, :shared, :greetings]) - if !@dossier.brouillon? %p You received %strong a new message from the service in charge of examine your File. %p To read the message and answer it, select the following link: = round_button('Read the message', messagerie_dossier_url(@dossier), :primary) - else %p You received %strong a new message from the service in charge of examine the File you started a draft for on the procedure #{@dossier.procedure.libelle}. %p{ style: "padding: 8px; color: #333333; background-color: #EEEEEE; font-size: 14px;" } = @body %p If you chose to contact the service, please use the email available below in the page. = round_button('Open the File', dossier_url(@dossier), :primary) = render 'layouts/mailers/signature', service: @service - content_for :footer do = render 'layouts/mailers/service_footer', service: @service, dossier: @dossier