import AutoSaveController from './auto-save-controller.js'; import { debounce, delegate, fire, enable, disable, hasClass, addClass, removeClass } from '@utils'; const AUTOSAVE_DEBOUNCE_DELAY = gon.autosave.debounce_delay; const AUTOSAVE_STATUS_VISIBLE_DURATION = gon.autosave.status_visible_duration; // Create a controller responsible for queuing autosave operations. const autoSaveController = new AutoSaveController(); function enqueueAutosaveRequest() { const form = document.querySelector(FORM_SELECTOR); autoSaveController.enqueueAutosaveRequest(form); } // // Whenever a 'change' event is triggered on one of the form inputs, try to autosave. // const FORM_SELECTOR = 'form#dossier-edit-form.autosave-enabled'; const INPUTS_SELECTOR = `${FORM_SELECTOR} input:not([type=file]), ${FORM_SELECTOR} select, ${FORM_SELECTOR} textarea`; const RETRY_BUTTON_SELECTOR = '.autosave-retry'; // When an autosave is requested programmatically, auto-save the form immediately addEventListener('autosave:trigger', (event) => { const form ='form'); if (form && form.classList.contains('autosave-enabled')) { enqueueAutosaveRequest(); } }); // When the "Retry" button is clicked, auto-save the form immediately delegate('click', RETRY_BUTTON_SELECTOR, enqueueAutosaveRequest); // When an input changes, batches changes for N seconds, then auto-save the form delegate( 'change', INPUTS_SELECTOR, debounce(enqueueAutosaveRequest, AUTOSAVE_DEBOUNCE_DELAY) ); // // Display some UI during the autosave // addEventListener('autosave:enqueue', () => { disable(document.querySelector('button.autosave-retry')); }); addEventListener('autosave:end', () => { enable(document.querySelector('button.autosave-retry')); setState('succeeded'); hideSucceededStatusAfterDelay(); }); addEventListener('autosave:error', (event) => { let error = event.detail; if (error.xhr && error.xhr.status == 401) { // If we are unauthenticated, reload the page using a GET request. // This will allow Devise to properly redirect us to sign-in, and then back to this page. document.location.reload(); return; } enable(document.querySelector('button.autosave-retry')); setState('failed'); const shouldLogError = !error.xhr || error.xhr.status != 0; // ignore timeout errors if (shouldLogError) { logError(error); } }); function setState(state) { const autosave = document.querySelector('.autosave'); if (autosave) { // Re-apply the state even if already present, to get a nice animation removeClass(autosave, 'autosave-state-idle'); removeClass(autosave, 'autosave-state-succeeded'); removeClass(autosave, 'autosave-state-failed'); autosave.offsetHeight; // flush animations addClass(autosave, `autosave-state-${state}`); } } function hideSucceededStatus() { const autosave = document.querySelector('.autosave'); if (hasClass(autosave, 'autosave-state-succeeded')) { setState('idle'); } } const hideSucceededStatusAfterDelay = debounce( hideSucceededStatus, AUTOSAVE_STATUS_VISIBLE_DURATION ); function logError(error) { if (error && error.message) { error.message = `[Autosave] ${error.message}`; console.error(error); fire(document, 'sentry:capture-exception', error); } }