describe WebhookController, type: :controller do before do allow(controller).to receive(:verify_helpscout_signature!).and_return(true) allow(controller).to receive(:verify_authenticity_token) end describe '#helpscout_support_dev' do subject(:response) { post :helpscout_support_dev, params: payload } let(:payload) { JSON.parse(Rails.root.join('spec', 'fixtures', 'files', 'helpscout', 'tagged-dev.json').read) } let(:webhook_url) { "https://notification_url" } it 'works' do allow(Rails.application.secrets).to receive(:dig).with(:mattermost, :support_webhook_url).and_return(webhook_url) expect(controller).to receive(:send_mattermost_notification).with(webhook_url, "\nNouveau bug taggué #dev :\n\n> Bonjour, Je voudrais faire une demande de changement d'adresse et la plateforme m'indique que j'ai plusieurs comptes et que je dois d'abord les fusionner. Cela fait 3 jours que j'essaie de fusio\n\n**personnes impliquées** :\n**utilisateur en attente depuis** : 11 min ago") subject end end describe '#helpscout' do subject(:response) { get :helpscout, params: { customer: { email: customer_email } } } let(:payload) { JSON.parse(subject.body) } let(:customer_email) { '' } it "doesn't verify authenticity token" do subject expect(controller).not_to have_received(:verify_authenticity_token) end context 'when there is no matching user' do let(:customer_email) { '' } it 'returns an empty response' do expect(subject.status).to eq(404) expect(subject.body).to be_empty end end context 'when there is a matching user' do let(:user) { create(:user, :with_strong_password) } let(:customer_email) { } it 'returns a 200 response' do expect(subject.status).to eq(200) expect(subject.body).to be_present end it 'returns a link to the User profile in the Manager' do expect(payload).to have_key('html') expect(payload['html']).to have_selector("a[href='#{manager_user_url(user)}']") end context 'when there are an associated Instructeur and Administrateur' do let!(:instructeur) { create(:instructeur, user: user) } let!(:admin) { create(:administrateur, user: user, instructeur: instructeur) } it 'returns a link to the Instructeur profile in the Manager' do expect(payload).to have_key('html') expect(payload['html']).to have_selector("a[href='#{manager_instructeur_url(instructeur)}']") end it 'returns a link to the Administrateur profile in the Manager' do expect(payload).to have_key('html') expect(payload['html']).to have_selector("a[href='#{manager_administrateur_url(admin)}']") end end end end describe '#sendinblue' do subject(:response) { post :sendinblue, params: payload } let(:payload) { JSON.parse(Rails.root.join('spec', 'fixtures', 'files', 'sendinblue', 'incident.json').read) } it 'sends notification to mattermost' do notification_url = "https://notification_url" allow(Rails.application.secrets).to receive(:dig).with(:mattermost, :send_in_blue_outage_webhook_url).and_return(notification_url) expect(controller).to receive(:send_mattermost_notification).with(notification_url, "Incident sur SIB : Database Issues.\nEtat de SIB: Degraded Performance\nL'Incident a commencé à 2015-04-03T18:27:15+00:00 et est p-e terminé a \nles composant suivants sont affectés : Chat Service, Voice Services, Admin Dashboard") subject end end end