# This setup is primarily for first deployment, because consequently # we can add new features from the Web UI. However when the new DB is created # this will immediately migrate the default features to be controlled. def setup_features(features) features.each do |feature| if !Flipper.exist?(feature) # Disable feature by default Flipper.disable(feature) end end end # A list of features to be deployed on first push features = [ :administrateur_web_hook, :api_particulier, :dossier_pdf_vide, :hide_instructeur_email, :procedure_routage_api, :groupe_instructeur_api_hack, :rerouting ] def database_exists? ActiveRecord::Base.connection true rescue ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError, PG::ConnectionBad false end ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do if database_exists? && ActiveRecord::Base.connection.data_source_exists?('flipper_features') setup_features(features) end end