describe Champs::SiretController, type: :controller do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, :with_siret) } describe '#show' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user, procedure: procedure) } let(:champ) { dossier.champs.first } let(:champs_attributes) do champ_attributes = [] champ_attributes[] = { value: siret } champ_attributes end let(:params) do { champ_id:, dossier: { champs_attributes: champs_attributes } } end let(:siret) { '' } context 'when the user is signed in' do render_views let(:api_etablissement_status) { 200 } let(:api_etablissement_body) {'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/etablissements.json') } let(:token_expired) { false } before do sign_in user stub_request(:get, /https:\/\/\/v2\/etablissements\/#{siret}/) .to_return(status: api_etablissement_status, body: api_etablissement_body) allow_any_instance_of(APIEntrepriseToken).to receive(:roles) .and_return(["attestations_fiscales", "attestations_sociales", "bilans_entreprise_bdf"]) allow_any_instance_of(APIEntrepriseToken).to receive(:expired?).and_return(token_expired) end context 'when the SIRET is empty' do subject! { get :show, params: params, format: :js, xhr: true } it 'clears the etablissement and SIRET on the model' do champ.reload expect(champ.etablissement).to be_nil expect(champ.value).to be_empty end it 'clears any information or error message' do expect(response.body).to include("##{champ.input_group_id} .siret-info") expect(response.body).to include('innerHTML = ""') end end context 'when the SIRET is invalid' do let(:siret) { '1234' } subject! { get :show, params: params, format: :js, xhr: true } it 'clears the etablissement and SIRET on the model' do champ.reload expect(champ.etablissement).to be_nil expect(champ.value).to be_empty end it 'displays a “SIRET is invalid” error message' do expect(response.body).to include('Le numéro de SIRET doit comporter exactement 14 chiffres.') end end context 'when the API is unavailable' do let(:siret) { '82161143100015' } let(:api_etablissement_status) { 503 } subject! { get :show, params: params, format: :js, xhr: true } it 'clears the etablissement and SIRET on the model' do champ.reload expect(champ.etablissement).to be_nil expect(champ.value).to be_empty end it 'displays a “API is unavailable” error message' do expect(response.body).to include('Désolé, la récupération des informations SIRET est temporairement indisponible. Veuillez réessayer dans quelques instants.') end end context 'when the SIRET is valid but unknown' do let(:siret) { '00000000000000' } let(:api_etablissement_status) { 404 } subject! { get :show, params: params, format: :js, xhr: true } it 'clears the etablissement and SIRET on the model' do champ.reload expect(champ.etablissement).to be_nil expect(champ.value).to be_empty end it 'displays a “SIRET not found” error message' do expect(response.body).to include('Nous n’avons pas trouvé d’établissement correspondant à ce numéro de SIRET.') end end context 'when the SIRET informations are retrieved successfully' do let(:siret) { '41816609600051' } let(:api_etablissement_status) { 200 } let(:api_etablissement_body) {'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/etablissements.json') } subject! { get :show, params: params, format: :js, xhr: true } it 'populates the etablissement and SIRET on the model' do champ.reload expect(champ.value).to eq(siret) expect(champ.etablissement.siret).to eq(siret) expect(champ.etablissement.naf).to eq("6202A") expect(dossier.reload.etablissement).to eq(nil) end end end context 'when user is not signed in' do subject! { get :show, params: { champ_id: }, format: :js, xhr: true } it { expect(response.code).to eq('401') } end end end