class RootController < ApplicationController layout 'new_application' def index # TODO delete new_ui when old UI is no longer used if params[:new_ui].present? && gestionnaire_signed_in? return redirect_to procedures_path elsif administrateur_signed_in? return redirect_to admin_procedures_path elsif gestionnaire_signed_in? # to be removed when old ui is deleted if params[:old_ui].present? return redirect_to backoffice_path end return redirect_to procedures_path elsif user_signed_in? return redirect_to users_dossiers_path elsif administration_signed_in? return redirect_to administrations_path end render 'landing' end def patron description = 'a not so long description' all_champs = TypeDeChamp.type_champs .map { |name, _| name, libelle: name, description: description, mandatory: true) } .map { |type_de_champ| type_de_champ) } .map.with_index do |champ, i| = i champ end all_champs .select { |champ| champ.type_champ == 'header_section' } .each { |champ| champ.type_de_champ.libelle = 'un super titre de section' } all_champs .select { |champ| %w(drop_down_list multiple_drop_down_list).include?(champ.type_champ) } .each do |champ| champ.type_de_champ.drop_down_list = champ.type_de_champ) champ.drop_down_list.value = "option A option B -- avant l'option C -- option C" champ.value = '["option B", "option C"]' end type_champ_values = { 'date': '2016-07-26', 'datetime': '26/07/2016 07:35', 'textarea': 'Une description de mon projet', 'explication': 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In erat mauris, faucibus quis pharetra sit amet, pretium ac libero. Etiam vehicula eleifend bibendum. Morbi gravida metus ut sapien condimentum sodales mollis augue sodales. Vestibulum quis quam at sem placerat aliquet', } type_champ_values.each do |(type_champ, value)| all_champs .select { |champ| champ.type_champ == type_champ.to_s } .each { |champ| champ.value = value } end @dossier = all_champs) end end