class Commentaire < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :dossier, touch: true belongs_to :champ belongs_to :piece_justificative mount_uploader :file, CommentaireFileUploader validates :file, file_size: { maximum: 20.megabytes, message: "La taille du fichier doit être inférieure à 20 Mo" } validate :is_virus_free? validates_presence_of :body, message: "Votre message ne peut être vide" default_scope { order(created_at: :asc) } scope :updated_since?, -> (date) { where('commentaires.updated_at > ?', date) } after_create :notify def header "#{email}, #{I18n.l(created_at.localtime, format: '%d %b %Y %H:%M')}" end def file_url if Features.remote_storage else file.url end end private def notify dossier_user_email = invited_users_emails = dossier.invites_user.pluck(:email).to_a case email when I18n.t("dynamics.contact_email") # The commentaire is a copy of an automated notification email # we sent to a user, so do nothing when dossier_user_email, *invited_users_emails # A user or an inved user posted a commentaire, # do nothing, the notification system will properly else # A gestionnaire posted a commentaire, # we need to notify the user notify_user end end def notify_user NotificationMailer.new_answer(dossier).deliver_now! end def is_virus_free? if file.present? && file_changed? && !ClamavService.safe_file?(file.path) errors.add(:file, "Virus détecté dans le fichier joint, merci de changer de fichier") end end end